Membership of the committee |
(PDF 74KB) |
Functions of the committee |
Abbreviations |
(PDF 66KB) |
Executive Summary |
(PDF 139KB) |
Part 1 – Bills introduced 5 – 28 February 2013 |
Bills requiring further information to determine human rights |
Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digital Dividend) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 150KB) |
Criminal Code Amendment (Misrepresentation of Age to a Minor) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 113KB) |
Customs Amendment (Anti-Dumping Commission)
Bill 2013 |
(PDF 145KB) |
Export Market Development Grants Amendment Bill 2013 |
(PDF 153KB) |
Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Towards Transparency) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 140KB) |
Family Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 |
(PDF 112KB) |
Higher Education Support Amendment (Asian Century) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 150KB) |
Higher Education Support Amendment (Further Streamlining and Other Measures) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 149KB) |
Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Amendment Bill 2013 |
(PDF 173KB) |
Migration Amendment (Reinstatement of Temporary Protection Visas) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 125KB) |
Royal Commissions Amendment Bill 2013 |
(PDF 175KB) |
Small Business Commissioner Bill 2013 |
(PDF 113KB) |
Social Security Legislation Amendment (Caring for People
on Newstart) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 112KB) |
Tax and Superannuation Laws Amendment (2013 Measures No. 1) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 149KB) |
Tax Laws Amendment (Countering Tax Avoidance and Multinational Profit Shifting) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 149KB) |
Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Pharmaceutical Transparency) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 110KB) |
Bills unlikely to raise human rights incompatibility |
Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 2012-2013
Appropriation Bill (No. 4) 2012-2013 |
(PDF 112KB) |
Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Amendment Bill 2013 |
(PDF 109KB) |
Aviation Laws Amendment (Australian Ownership and Operation) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 138KB) |
Completion of Kakadu National Park (Koongarra Project Area Repeal) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 108KB) |
Dairy Industry (Drinking Milk) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 140KB) |
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Moratorium on Aquifer Drilling Connected with Coal Seam Gas Extraction) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 134KB) |
Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Amendment (Finance) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 138KB) |
Fair Work Amendment (Arbitration) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 132KB) |
Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2013 |
(PDF 117KB) |
Minerals Resource Rent Tax Amendment (Protecting Revenue) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 133KB) |
Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Reform of Self Managed Superannuation Funds Supervisory Levy Arrangements) Bill 2013 |
(PDF 105KB) |
Part 2 – Legislative instruments registered with FRLI 5 January – 15 February 2013 |
Consideration of legislative instruments
The committee has sought further information in relation to the following legislative instruments |
(PDF 110KB) |
Marine Order 95 (Marine pollution prevention – garbage) 2013 |
(PDF 135KB) |
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Charges) Determination 2012 (No. 1) |
(PDF 136KB) |
Native Title (Assistance from Attorney-General) Guideline 2012 |
(PDF 134KB) |
Student Assistance (Education Institutions and Courses) Amendment Determination 2012 (No. 1) |
(PDF 136KB) |
The committee has deferred its consideration of the following legislative instruments
Social Security (Administration) – Queensland Commission (Family Responsibilities Commission) Specification 2012 |
(PDF 99KB) |
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (application to Defence activities and Defence members) Declaration 2012 |
(PDF 133KB) |
Part 3 – Responses to the committee's comments on bills and legislative instruments
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Recognition Bill 2012* |
(PDF 444KB) |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment Bill 2012* |
(PDF 739KB) |
Australian Education Bill 2012* |
(PDF 583KB) |
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Amendment Bill 2013* |
(PDF 2216KB) |
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Organised Crime and Other Measures) Bill 2012* |
(PDF 1994KB) |
Customs Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2012* |
(PDF 410KB) |
Extradition (Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism) Regulation 2012* |
(PDF 1693KB) |
Health Insurance (Dental Services) Amendment Determination 2012 (No. 1)* |
(PDF 1328KB) |
Migration Legislation Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 5)*
Migration Regulations 1994 - Specification under schedule 4, part 1, Public Interest Criterion 4021 - Class of Passports - November 2012 |
(PDF 2290KB) |
National Gambling Reform Bill 2012* |
(PDF 2090KB) |
Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Compliance Measures) Bill 2012* |
(PDF 1895KB) |
Protection of Cultural Objects on Loan Bill 2012* |
(PDF 1481KB) |
Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Income Support Bonus) Bill 2012* |
(PDF 230KB) |
Tax Laws Amendment (2012 Measures No. 4) Bill 2012* |
(PDF 735KB) |
Tax Laws Amendment (2012 Measures No. 5) Bill 2012* |
(PDF 829KB) |
Treasury Legislation Amendment (Unclaimed Money and Other Measures) Bill 2012* |
(PDF 1209KB) |
Appendix 1
Full list of Legislative Instruments registered with FRLI 5 January – 15 February 2013 |
(PDF 193KB) |