
Submissions received by the Committee

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 97 items in 5 pages
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Page size:
 97 items in 5 pages
1Prof Anthony Jorm (PDF 60 KB) 
2Ecosystem Science Council (PDF 144 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 1459 KB)  Attachment 2 (PDF 2767 KB) 
3Dr Nicholas White (PDF 209 KB) 
4ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (PDF 82 KB) 
5Ms Francesca Beddie & Ms Linda Simon (PDF 216 KB) 
6Alphacrucis College (PDF 1546 KB) 
7School of Biological Sciences, Monash University (PDF 182 KB) 
8Name Withheld (PDF 49 KB) 
9The University of Western Australia (PDF 59 KB) 
10Deakin University (PDF 783 KB) 
11Australasian Open Access Strategy Group (PDF 110 KB) 
11.1 Supplementary to submission 11 (PDF 173 KB) 
12Knowledge Commercialisation Australasia Pty Ltd (PDF 93 KB) 
13The University of Notre Dame Australia (PDF 158 KB) 
14Geoscience Australia (PDF 164 KB) 
15University of South Australia (PDF 328 KB) 
16Regional Universities Network (RUN) (PDF 135 KB) 
17The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (PDF 1100 KB) 
18Simulation Australasia Limited (PDF 353 KB) 
19Griffith University (PDF 112 KB) 
20Professor Paul Glasziou (PDF 437 KB) 

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About this inquiry

This inquiry will examine the efficiency, effectiveness and coherency of Australian Government funding for research. It will focus on federally funded research agencies, their funding mechanisms and university collaborative research. The inquiry will not consider the National Health and Medical Research Council, nor non-federal research funding.

Past Public Hearings

20 Aug 2018: CANBERRA
07 Aug 2018: SYDNEY
06 Aug 2018: The University of Melbourne


Inquiry Status

Submissions closed


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