Completed inquiries and reports

Report Name

Date Tabled
Shared vision, equal pathways
25 March 2024
Study Buddy or Influencer 10 September 2024

Report Name Date Tabled
Innovation and creativity
Parliamentary Paper: 61/2017
Date of Government response: 16 May 2024
19 June 2017

Fair Work Amendment (Protecting Take Home Pay of All Workers) Bill
Statement: 12 February 2018
The Committee Chair, Mr Andrew Laming MP, reported to the House by oral statement. A transcript of the statement can be viewed here.

12 February 2018

Unique Individuals, Broad Skills
Inquiry into school to work transition
Parliamentary Paper: 162/2018
Date of Government response: 16 May 2024

30 May 2018
Australian Government Funding Arrangements for non-NHMRC Research
Funding Australia's Research
Parliamentary Paper:
Date of Government response: 16 May 2024
26 November 2018
Lapsed Inquiry  
Status of the Teaching Profession
A short report was presented during the 46th Parliament.

Report Name Date Tabled
Getting business booming - Report of the Inquiry into barrier for small business employment
Parliamentary Paper:75/2016
Date of Government response: 13/06/2017
15 March 2016
TAFE - An Australian Asset
 Report of the inquiry into the role of Technical and Further Education system and its operation
Parliamentary Paper: 338/2014
Date of Government response: 13/08/2018
24 November 2014