Inquiry into the Provisions of the Migration Legislation Amendment Bill (No.1) 2002

Inquiry into the Provisions of the Migration Legislation Amendment Bill (No.1) 2002

Submissions published by the Committee as at 12/06/02

Sub No Name/Organisation


Mr Michael Clothier (Word format)
2 NSW Council for Civil Liberties Inc (PDF format)
3 Australian Council of Social Service (PDF format)
4 Ms Josephine Orya (Word format)
5 Amnesty International Australia (Word format)
6 Law Institute of Victoria (PDF format)
6A Law Institute of Victioria (PDF format)
7 International Commission of Jurists - Australian Section (PDF format)
8 Attorney-General's Department (PDF format)
9 Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre Inc. (Word format)
9A Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre Inc. (Word format)
9B Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre Inc. (Word format)
10 The Victorian Bar (PDF format)
11 Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (PDF format)
11A Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (Word format)
12 Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (PDF format)