Additional Documents

1 PDF: The impact of Investor-State-Dispute-Settlement in investment law - Study prepared for Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands The impact of Investor-State-Dispute-Settlement in investment law - Study prepared for Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands
2 PDF: Study of Damages, In International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes Cases, 1st Edition, June 2014. Credibility International. Study of Damages, In International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes Cases, 1st Edition, June 2014. Credibility International.
3 PDF: Sovereignty under seige: corporate challenges to domestic intellectual property decisions. Cynthia M. Ho. Sovereignty under seige: corporate challenges to domestic intellectual property decisions. Cynthia M. Ho.
4 PDF: Letter of correction, hearing 6 August, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Letter of correction, hearing 6 August, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
5 PDF: 'Investor-State Dispute Settlement - A Cut Above the Courts?', Chief Justice RS French AC, received from Dr Patricia Ranalds 'Investor-State Dispute Settlement - A Cut Above the Courts?', Chief Justice RS French AC, received from Dr Patricia Ranalds
6 PDF: 'A New Start for Europe: My Growth, Fairness and Democratic Change, Political Guidelines of the next European Commission', received from Dr Patricia Ranalds. 'A New Start for Europe: My Growth, Fairness and Democratic Change, Political Guidelines of the next European Commission', received from Dr Patricia Ranalds.

See Also

Other information presented to the inquiry

Committee Secretariat contact:

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3535

About this inquiry

An inquiry into the Trade and Foreign Investment (Protecting the Public Interest) Bill 2014.

Past Public Hearings

06 Aug 2014: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Report tabled


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