Terms of Reference

The  exploitation  of  general  and  specialist  cleaners  working  in retail  chains  for contracting or subcontracting cleaning companies, with particular reference to:

a) frameworks  at  both  Commonwealth  and  industry  level  to  protect  workers from   harm,   including   exploitation,   wage   theft,   underpayment,   wage stagnation and workplace injury;

b) measures  designed  to  ensure  workers  have  adequate  representation  and knowledge of their rights;

c) compliance   with   relevant   workplace   and   taxation   laws,   including   the effectiveness and adequacy of agencies such as the Fair Work Ombudsman and the Australian Taxation Office;

d) practices including ‘phoenixing’ and pyramid subcontracting; and

e) any related matters.


Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Education and Employment Committees
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3521

About this inquiry

An inquiry into the  exploitation  of  general  and  specialist  cleaners  working  in retail  chains  for contracting or subcontracting cleaning companies.

Past Public Hearings

18 Oct 2018: Canberra
14 Sep 2018: Canberra
04 Sep 2018: Melbourne


Inquiry Status

Report tabled


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