Additional Documents

1 PDF: Additional Information - provided by Mr Innes Larkin at a public hearing on 13 November 2014, Gold Coast. Additional Information - provided by Mr Innes Larkin at a public hearing on 13 November 2014, Gold Coast.
2 PDF: Additional Information - provided by Mr and Mrs Joe and Jennie Hill at a public hearing on 19 February 2015, Toowoomba. Additional Information - provided by Mr and Mrs Joe and Jennie Hill at a public hearing on 19 February 2015, Toowoomba.
3 PDF: Additional Information - provided by Mr Glenn Beutel at a public hearing on 19 February 2015, Toowoomba. Additional Information - provided by Mr Glenn Beutel at a public hearing on 19 February 2015, Toowoomba.
4 PDF: Additional Information - provided by Mr and Mrs William and Lynette Dahlheimer at a public hearing on 19 February 2015, Toowoomaba. Additional Information - provided by Mr and Mrs William and Lynette Dahlheimer at a public hearing on 19 February 2015, Toowoomaba.
5 PDF: Additional Information - provided by Mr Brynn Mathews at a public hearing on 05 February 2015, Cairns. Additional Information - provided by Mr Brynn Mathews at a public hearing on 05 February 2015, Cairns.
6 PDF: Additional Information - provided by Mr Roderick Campbell on behalf of The Australian Institute at a public hearing on 04 February 2015, Brisbane. Additional Information - provided by Mr Roderick Campbell on behalf of The Australian Institute at a public hearing on 04 February 2015, Brisbane.
7 PDF: Additional Information - provided by Mr Andrew Jeremijenko on behalf of Save the Reef at a public hearing on 04 February 2015, Brisbane Additional Information - provided by Mr Andrew Jeremijenko on behalf of Save the Reef at a public hearing on 04 February 2015, Brisbane
8 PDF: Additional Information - provided by Mr John Jenkyn at a public hearing on 19 February 2015, Toowoomba. Additional Information - provided by Mr John Jenkyn at a public hearing on 19 February 2015, Toowoomba.
9 PDF: Additional Information - provided by Oakey Coal Action Alliance at a public hearing on 19 February 2015, Toowoomba. Additional Information - provided by Oakey Coal Action Alliance at a public hearing on 19 February 2015, Toowoomba.

See Also

Other information presented to the inquiry

Committee Secretariat contact:

Senior Clerk's Office
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3555

About this inquiry

On 30 September 2014 the Senate resolved to establish the Select Committee on Certain Aspects of Queensland Government Administration related to Commonwealth Government Affairs.

Past Public Hearings

19 Feb 2015: Toowoomba
05 Feb 2015: Cairns
04 Feb 2015: Brisbane


Inquiry Status

Submissions Closed


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