List of Recommendations

Recommendation 1

The Committee recommends that DAWE provide it with an update on the status of projects planned or commenced in response to the ANAO’s findings, including with respect to:
improvements to its ICT systems and capabilities;
record keeping practices;
assessment and treatment of compliance risk;
performance measurement frameworks;
quality assurance frameworks; and
the efficiency of its environmental regulation.
The Committee requests that DAWE provide this update within 6 months of this report.

Recommendation 2

The Committee recommends that the Auditor-General consider conducting a follow-up audit of DAWE in 2023 to assess the department’s progress in implementing the audit report’s recommendations. The Committee intends to list this program in its future ‘audit priorities of the Parliament’ to advocate for a further audit and continued oversight of the department until substantial change is demonstrated.

Recommendation 3

The Committee recommends that the Attorney-General’s Department provide a written update on the implementation of the recommendations from the 2018 and 2020 audit reports. The update should include details on:
post-transfer IT system issues;
the Lobbying Code of Conduct’s communications and stakeholder engagement strategy;
the risk management strategy for the Lobbying Code; and
AGD’s progress in developing an evaluation framework for assessing the Lobbying Code’s success in meeting its objectives.
The Committee requests that the department provide this update within 6 months of this report.

Recommendation 4

The Committee recommends that the Australian Public Service Commission update its guidance to government entities on machinery of government changes in light of the Auditor-General’s Follow-up Audit into the Management of the Australian Government Lobbying Code of Conduct. This should be done with a view to giving greater clarity on responsibility for the implementation of recommendations made by Parliamentary Committees and the ANAO that are affected by machinery of government changes.

Recommendation 5

The Committee recommends that TEQSA update the Committee within six months on the progress of its projects to ensure timely re-registration and re-accreditation of low-risk providers. TEQSA should also update the Committee on the outcome of the next stakeholder satisfaction survey, including a detailed analysis and comparison of the responses from private, university and other public providers.

Recommendation 6

The Committee recommends that TEQSA identify cyber security as a specific risk indicator and ensure measures are taken to develop cyber resilience across the sector.

Recommendation 7

The Committee recommends that the Australian Government provide TEQSA with the ability to extend a deadline by mutual consent with a provider to allow providers additional time to submit further evidence in the interests of reducing the necessity of appeals to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

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