Foreign Investment Obligations in Residential Real Estate - Inquiry based on Auditor-General's report 48 (2017-18)

The Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit is conducting an inquiry based on any items, matters or circumstances connected with the following Auditor-General report:

  • No. 48 (2017-18) Compliance with Foreign Investment Obligations for Residential Estate

The Committee invites submissions to the inquiry, addressing the terms of reference. Submissions are requested by 10 August 2018.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 4615

Past Public Hearings

28 Nov 2018: Canberra
12 Sep 2018: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Accepting Submissions

How to make a submission

The committee invites individuals and organisations to send in their opinions and proposals in writing (submissions)


We are committed to ensuring that everyone who wishes to can participate in the Committee’s inquiry. If you have accessibility requirements, please contact the Committee Secretariat.

Further information regarding accessibility can be found at