Membership of the committee |
(PDF 63KB) |
Functions of the committee |
Abbreviations |
(PDF 47KB) |
Executive Summary |
(PDF 86KB) |
Part 1 Bills introduced 19 – 29 November 2012
Bills requiring further information to determine human rights
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Recognition Bill 2012 |
(PDF 124KB) |
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 |
(PDF 152KB) |
Australian Education Bill 2012 |
(PDF 119KB) |
Biosecurity Bill 2012 |
(PDF 170KB) |
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Organised Crime and Other Measures) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 137KB) |
Customs Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 105KB) |
International Tax Agreements Amendment Bill 2012 |
(PDF 132KB) |
National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill 2012 |
(PDF 159KB) |
Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Compliance Measures) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 158KB) |
Parliamentary Service Amendment Bill 2012 |
(PDF 130KB) |
Protection of Cultural Objects on Loan Bill 2012 |
(PDF 131KB) |
Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Income Support Bonus) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 121KB) |
Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Reducing Illegal Early Release and Other Measures) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 133KB) |
Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Service Providers and Other Governance Measures) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 113KB) |
Bills unlikely to raise human rights incompatibility |
Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Improving Electoral Administration) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 123KB) |
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Prohibition of Live Imports of Primates for Research) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 88KB) |
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Retaining Federal Approval Powers) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 87KB) |
Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Towards Transparency) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 106KB) |
Fair Work Amendment (Tackling Job Insecurity) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 91KB) |
Federal Circuit Court of Australia (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 79KB) |
Financial Framework Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 4) 2012 |
(PDF 185KB) |
Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Amendment (Cubbie Station) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 89KB) |
Income Tax Rates Amendment (Unlawful Payments from Regulated Superannuation Funds) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 89KB) |
Inspector-General of Biosecurity Bill 2012 |
(PDF 93KB) |
Migration Amendment (Special Protection Scheme for Afghan Coalition Employees) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 86KB) |
Private Health Insurance Amendment (Lifetime Health Cover Loading and Other Measures) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 89KB) |
Restoring Territory Rights (Voluntary Euthanasia Legislation) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 89KB) |
Tax Laws Amendment (2012 Measures No. 6) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 128KB) |
Water Amendment (Save the Murray-Darling Basin) Bill 2012 |
(PDF 92KB) |
The committee has deferred consideration of the following bill
Native Title Amendment Bill 2012 |
(PDF 86KB) |
Part 2 – Legislative instruments registered with FRLI 17 November 2012 – 4 January 2013
Consideration of legislative instruments |
(PDF 106KB) |
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1) |
(PDF 108KB) |
Extradition (Convention for Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism) Regulation 2012 |
(PDF 108KB) |
Family Law (Fees) Regulation 2012
Family Law Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 4)
Trans-Tasman Proceedings Legislation Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 2) |
(PDF 87KB) |
Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 3) |
(PDF 82KB) |
Migration Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 8) |
(PDF 102KB) |
Migration Legislation Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 5)
Migration Regulations 1994 - Specification under schedule 4, part 1, Public Interest Criterion 4021 - Class of Passports - November 2012 |
(PDF 116KB) |
Migration Regulations 1994 - Specification under paragraphs 050.613A(1)(b) and 051.611A(1)(c) - Classes of Persons - November 2012 |
(PDF 91KB) |
Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme (Portability Adjustments) Determination 2012
Veterans' Entitlements (Veterans' Children Education Scheme – Portability Adjustments) Instrument 2012 |
(PDF 81KB) |
Military Superannuation and Benefits (Eligible Member) Declaration 2012 |
(PDF 85KB) |
Telecommunications (Interception and Access) (Requirements for Authorisations, Notifications and Revocations) Amendment Determination 2012 |
(PDF 82KB) |
Part 3 – Responses to the committee's comments on bills and legislative
Courts and Tribunals Legislation Amendment (Administration) Bill 2012* |
(PDF 836KB) |
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Serious Drugs, Identity Crime and Other Measures) Bill 2012* |
(PDF 1588KB) |
Customs Amendment (Malaysia-Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation and Other Measures) Bill 2012* |
(PDF 1209KB) |
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Declared Fishing Activities) Bill 2012* |
(PDF 857KB) |
Law Enforcement Integrity Legislation Amendment Bill 2012* |
(PDF 8606KB) |
Social and Community Services Pay Equity Special Account Bill 2012* |
(PDF 316KB) |
Social and Community Services Pay Equity Special Account (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2012* |
(PDF 316KB) |
Customs Act 1901 - CEO Directions No. 1 of 2012* |
(PDF 739KB) |
Defence Determination 2012/33, Salary, bonuses, allowances, relocation, housing and meals – amendment* |
(PDF 528KB) |
Emergency Management Ordinance 2012 (CI) and Emergency Management Ordinance (CKI)* |
(PDF 610KB) |
Marine Order 21, issue 8* |
(PDF 375KB) |
Appendix 1
Full list of Legislative Instruments registered with FRLI
17 November 2012 – 4 January 2013 |
(PDF 166KB) |