Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme (Portability Adjustments) Determination 2012

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Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme (Portability Adjustments) Determination 2012

FRLI ID: F2012L02315
Portfolio: Veterans' Affairs

Veterans' Entitlements (Veterans' Children Education Scheme - Portability Adjustments) Instrument 2012

FRLI ID: F2012L02313
Portfolio: Veterans' Affairs

Committee view

2.2        The committee seeks clarification from the Minister for Veterans' Affairs in relation to the possible impact these instruments may have on the right to freedom of movement.


2.3        These instruments alter the length of time an eligible child can travel overseas temporarily while receiving a Clean Energy Advance or a Clean Energy Supplement under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme or the Veterans' Children Education Scheme from 13 weeks to six weeks.

Compatibility with human rights

2.4        The statements of compatibility state that the instruments engage the right to social security, however no direct consideration is given to any possible limitations on the right to freedom of movement contained in Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Removing eligibility for a benefit if a child is absent from the country for six weeks or more, may impact on a person's freedom of movement.

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