Empowering women and girls
On Thursday, 3 December 2015, the Committe tabled its report for the inquiry into The Human rights issues confronting women and girls in the Indian Ocean - Asia Pacific region.
© Commonwealth of Australia 2015
ISBN 978-1-74366-413-1 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-1-74366-414-8 (HTML version)
View report as a single document - (PDF 3,152KB)
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View the report as separate downloadable chapters/appendixes:
Empowering women and girls |
Preliminary pages
Foreword, Membership of the Committee, Membership of the Human Rights Sub-Committee, Terms of reference, List of abbreviations, List of recommendations |
(PDF 333KB) |
Chapter 1: Background
(PDF 138KB) |
Chapter 2: Human rights of women and girls and the role of the law
(PDF 411KB) |
Chapter 3: Violence against women and girls |
(PDF 389KB) |
Chapter 4: Women and girls in war, conflict and disaster zones |
(PDF 366KB) |
Chapter 5: Health, reproduction and amenities |
(PDF 442KB) |
Chapter 6: Education and the rights of girls |
(PDF 362KB) |
Chapter 7: Women and leadership |
(PDF 401KB) |
Chapter 8: The economic empowerment of women |
(PDF 398KB) |
Chapter 9: Gender in Australia's aid and diplomacy |
(PDF 614KB) |
Chapter 10: Improving Australian programs |
(PDF 247KB) |
Appendix A: List of Submissions |
(PDF 49KB) |
Appendix B: List of Exhibits |
(PDF 114KB) |
Appendix C: Public Hearings |
(PDF 96KB) |