Risks and opportunities associated with the use of the bumblebee population in Tasmania for commercial pollination purposes

At the dissolution of the Senate and the House of Representatives on 9 May 2016 for a general election on 2 July 2016, the parliamentary committees of the 44th Parliament ceased to exist and inquiries referred to the committees lapsed.

On 13 September 2016, the Senate agreed to the committee's recommendation that this inquiry be re-adopted in the 45th Parliament. Information about the re-adopted inquiry is available here.

This is an archived webpage that is no longer updated.

On 2 February 2016 the Senate referred the following matter for inquiry and report by 22 June 2016

The risks and opportunities associated with the use of the bumblebee population in Tasmania for commercial pollination purposes.

The closing date for submissions is 3 March 2016. The reporting date is 22 June 2016.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526

About this inquiry

An inquiry into the risks and opportunities associated with the use of the bumblebee population in Tasmania for commercial pollination purposes.

Inquiry Status

Inquiry lapsed


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