Scrutiny of Commonwealth expenditure 2021

Scrutiny of Commonwealth expenditure 2023

The Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Act 1997 (FF(SP) Act) and the Industry Research and Development Act 1986 (IRD Act) authorise the Commonwealth to spend public money on grants and programs specified in instruments made under those Acts. The scrutiny of such instruments is a key aspect of parliamentary scrutiny and control of Commonwealth expenditure.

To facilitate such scrutiny, chapter 3 of each Delegated Legislation Monitor outlines the nature and extent of Commonwealth expenditure that is authorised by the FF(SP) Act and the IRD Act, and specified in delegated legislation made under those Acts.

The committee will write to relevant legislation committees under Senate standing order 23(4) to alert those committees to the instruments related to the portfolios allocated to them.

Information on the total amount and duration of expenditure for a grant or program is based on descriptions provided in the explanatory statements to the instruments. This may not reflect the final amount or duration of actual Commonwealth expenditure on the grant or program.

Please note that instruments will only appear on the above pages once they have been considered and reported on by the committee. As a result, the instruments listed are those registered on the Federal Register of Legislation between 21 November 2019 and 28 May 2020.

For a complete, up-to-date list of all instruments specifying Commonwealth expenditure under the FF(SP) Act or IRD Act, please see the Federal Register of Legislation.

Grant or Program Instrument Total amount Duration
Adult Mental Health Centres and Telephone Referral ServiceFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Health Measures No. 4) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01146]

$487.2 million

Over four years from 2021‑22
Afghanistan Inquiry Legal Assistance SchemeFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Defence Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01144]

Not specified

Not specified
AgCAREERSTARTFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00862]

$5.1 million

Over two years from 2021-22
Agriculture Stewardship PackageFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00862]

$32.1 million

Over four years from 2021-22
AgUPFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00862]

$7.3 million

Over four years from 2021-22
Ahead for Business Program
Industry Research and Development (Ahead for Business Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L00851]

$0.9 million

Arts and Cultural Development Program – Arts Training OrganisationsFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00287]$91.8 million
Over four years from 2020-21
Australian 5G Innovation InitiativeFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00287]$22.1 million
Over three years from 2020-21
Australian Farm Data CodeFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00862]

$0.5 million

Over three years from 2021-22
Australian Government International Exhibitions Insurance ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00287]$9.7 millionOver four years from 2020-21
Australian Training AwardsFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 6) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01310]$1.1 millionPer financial year, with current funding levels in place until 2023-24
Beetaloo Cooperative Drilling Program
Industry Research and Development (Beetaloo Cooperative Drilling Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L00567]$50 million-
Birth of a Child projectFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Social Services Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01142]

Approximately $17.5 million

Over two years from 2020-21
Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Prime Minister and Cabinet Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00860]

$280 million

Over three years from 2021-22
Blue Carbon EcosystemsFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00862]

$30.6 million

Over four years from 2021-22
Boosting Australia’s Diesel Storage ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Boosting Australia's Diesel Storage Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L00610]

$200 million

Boosting Female Founders Initiative ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Boosting Female Founders Initiative Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L01467]$54 millionOver five years from 2020–21 to 2024–25
Boosting the Local Care Workforce Program
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Social Services Measures No. 2) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00825]

$16.8 million

Over two years from 2021-22
Building Energy Efficiency ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Industry, Science, Energy and Resources Measures No. 2) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01573]$39.1 millionOver five years from 2020-21
Bushfire Recovery for Species and Landscapes—Tranche 2 Emergency Intervention FundFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 6) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01309]$149.7 millionOver two years from 2020-21
BusinessBalance ProgramIndustry Research and Development (BusinessBalance Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L01345]$6.5 million, comprised of a grant to Beyond Blue of up to $4.26 million and a grant to Deakin University of up to $2.24 millionMaximum
Carbon Capture, Use and Storage Development Program
Industry Research and Development (Carbon Capture, Use and Storage Development Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L00547]$50 million-
Career Revive Initiative ExpansionFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01147]

$2.6 million

Over three years from 2021-22
Child care services website
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 2) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00827]

$9.2 million

Over four years from 2021-22, with subsequent ongoing funding of $0.6 million per year
Children and Family Intensive SupportFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Social Services Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01142]

$10 million

Per annum from 2021-22
Civics and Citizenship Education InitiativesFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01147]

$0.4 million

In 2021-22
Commonwealth Disability Support for Older Australians ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Health Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00290]$1,447.8 millionMaximum
Coronavirus economic response—pandemic leave disaster paymentsFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Home Affairs Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00129]$34.3 millionIn 2020-21
COVID‑19 Consumer Travel Support ProgramIndustry Research and Development (COVID-19 Consumer Travel Support Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L01594]$128 millionIn 2020-21
COVID-19 Vaccine Claims SchemeFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Prime Minister and Cabinet Measures No. 9) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01434]

For the first full week after a state or territory has reached 80 per cent vaccination of its adult population, individuals not on income support will receive a flat rate of $450 if they have lost at least 8 hours of work. Those on income support will receive $100 for that week.

For the second full week after a state or territory has reached 80 per cent vaccination of its adult population, individuals not on income support will receive a flat rate of $320 payment (in line with JobSeeker Payment). Those on income support will not be eligible for the payment for this week.

COVID-19 Disaster PaymentFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Home Affairs Measures No.2) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00698]

The rate of payment is currently set at:

  • $750 per week for people who were engaged in paid employment of more than 20 hours per week;
  • $450 per week for people who were engaged in paid employment of less than 20 hours per week; and
  • $200 per week for people in receipt of an eligible income support payment.

COVID-19 Vaccine Claims SchemeFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Health Measures No. 6) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01430]

Not specified

Not specified 
Culture, Heritage and Arts Regional Tourism ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Measures No. 4) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01141]

$3.3 million

In 2021-22
Cyber Security Business Connect and Protect ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Cyber Security Business Connect and Protect Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L01438]$8.3 millionOver two years from 2020-21
Daintree Microgrid ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Daintree Microgrid Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L01305]

$18.75 million

Over three years
Digital Atlas of Australia ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Digital Atlas of Australia Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L01298]

$40.2 million

Over four years
Digital Directors ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Digital Directors Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L01554]Not specifiedNot specified
Digital Readiness Assessment Tool ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Digital Readiness Assessment Tool Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L01439]$2.4 millionIn 2020-21
Digital Skills Cadetship TrialFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01147]

$10.7 million

Over three years from 2021-22
Digital Skills Finder Platform ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Digital Skills Finder Platform Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L01463]$2.5 millionIn 2020-21
Digital Work and Study ServiceFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Social Services Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01142]

$5.6 million

Over four years from 2021-22
Disability Royal Commission and Other Support ServicesFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Social Services Measures No. 4) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01314]$117 millionOver three years from 2019-20
Early Learning STEM AustraliaFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00291]$5.7 millionOver five years from 2020-21
Electric Vehicle Manufacturing ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L00204]$5 millionIn 2020-2021
Emerging Priorities ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00291]$25 millionOver five years from 2020-21
Expensive Commonwealth Criminal Cases FundFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Attorney-General’s Portfolio Measures No. 2) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01156]

$43.7 million

Over four years from 2021-22
Exploring for the Future ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Exploring for the Future Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L01299]$124.5 millionOver four years from 2020-21
Extended New Enterprise Incentive Scheme—COVID‑19 responseFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 7) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01360]$5.7 millionOver two years from 2020-21
Ferretti International Whyalla Steel Processing and Galvanising Plant ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Ferretti International Whyalla Steel Processing and Galvanising Plant Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L01618]$15 millionIn 2020-21
Financial counselling for small regional businesses affected by drought, bushfires or COVID‑19Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 6) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01309]$12.8 millionOver two years from 2019-20
Flexible Literacy Remote Primary Schools ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00291]$5.8 millionOver four years from 2020-21
Grant for national food waste governance entityFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 6) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01309]Up to $4 millionOver four years from 2020-21
Grant to Anti‑Defamation Commission Incorporated–National Holocaust Education Digital PlatformFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00291]$3 millionOver four years from 2020-21
Grant to Islamic Museum of AustraliaFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00291]$3 millionOver four years from 2020-21
Grant to Odyssey House NSWFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Health Measures No. 2) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00576]$1.5 million In 2020-21
Grant to Superannuation Consumers’ Centre Ltd (known as Super Consumers Australia)Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Treasury Measures No. 2) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01143]

$1.6 million

Over two years from 2021-22
Grant to The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of PsychiatristsFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Veterans’ Affairs Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00578]$5.5 millionOver four years from 2020-21
Grants to support a company established to strengthen the national education evidence base for school and early childhood educationFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 5) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01280]$25 million (Commonwealth government contribution)Over three years from 2020-21
Grants to The Smith FamilyFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00291]$38.2 millionOver four years from 2020-21
Grants to Working Women’s Centres
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Attorney-General’s Portfolio Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00826]

$0.2 million

In 2021-22 (interim funding)
Great Artesian Basin Lynn Brake Scholarship Grant ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00288]Annual grant of $20,000Over four years from 2021-22 subject to budget being approved for each financial year
Growing Australia’s Cyber Skills Program
Industry Research and Development (Growing Australia’s Cyber Skills Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L00536]$35.2 million Over four years from 2020-21
Holocaust Memorial WeekFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00291]$30,000In 2020-21
Home Care Transition FundFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Health Measures No. 6) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01587]$5.3 millionOver two years from 2020-21
Home Care Workforce Support Program
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Health Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00864]

$91.8 million

Over two years from 2021-22
Hotel Energy Uplift ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Hotel Energy Uplift Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L00095]$12 millionIn 2020-21
Hydrogen Export Hub ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Industry, Science, Energy and Resources Measures No. 2) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01573]$73.9 millionOver six years from 2019-20
Immediate Assistance FundFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00288]$10.1 millionOver three years from 2020-21
Indigenous Protected AreasFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 4) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01140]

$11.6 million

Over two years from 2021-22
Indigenous Rangers Coastal Clean‑Ups ProjectFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 2) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00574]Up to $14.8 million Over four years from 2020-21
Indigenous Rangers Biosecurity ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 2) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00574]$25.3 million Over three years from 2020-21
Indigenous Repatriation ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00287]$3.2 million Over four years from 2020-21
Individual Placement and SupportFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Social Services Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01142]

$70.1 million

Over four years from 2021-22
Innovation Fund for Online and Offshore Education Services
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 2) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00827]

$9.4 million

In 2021-22 
Joint Strike Fighter Industry Support Program—Sustainment GrantsFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Defence Measures No. 1) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01564]$4 millionOver four years from 2020-21
Lake Eyre Basin Justin Costelloe Scholarship Grant ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00288]Annual grant of $20,000Over four years from 2021-22 subject to budget being approved for each financial year
Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher EducationFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01147]

$4 million

Over four years from 2021-22, with subsequent ongoing funding of $1.0 million per year from 2025-26
Local Jobs—COVID-19 RecoveryFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01147]

$213.5 million

Over four years from 2021-22
Mid‑Career CheckpointFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01147]

$73.4 million

Over three years from 2021-22
Modern Manufacturing Initiative Program
Industry Research and Development (Modern Manufacturing Initiative Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L00539]$1.3 billion Over four years from 2020-21
Modern Workforce Management and Planning Practices ProjectFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00862]

Approximately $1.0 million

Over two years from 2021-22
Moon to Mars ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Moon to Mars Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L01558]$150 millionOver five years from 2020-21
Motor Vehicle Service and Repair Information Sharing—Online ResourcesFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Treasury Measures No. 3) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01575]$0.25 millionIn 2020-21
Murray‑Darling Basin Water Information PlatformFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 7) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01574]$5.4 millionOver four years from 2020-21
Murray-Darling Healthy Rivers ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00288]$24.5 millionOver two years from 2020-21
National Action Plan to Combat Modern SlaveryFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Home Affairs Measures No. 6) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01589]$10.6 millionOver five years from 2020-21
National Agricultural Innovation Agenda Program
Industry Research and Development (National Agricultural Innovation Agenda Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L00561]$1.3 million -
National Careers Institute—Digital PlatformFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 6) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01310]$9.4 millionOver five years from 2019-20
National Collecting Institutions Touring and Outreach ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00287]$4.0 million Over four years from 2020-21
National Forest Industries Plan—Online ResourcesFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 7) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01574]$0.5 millionIn 2020-21
National identity crime and cybercrime support serviceFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Home Affairs Measures No. 5) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01313]$6.1 millionOver four years from 2020-21
National Memorial for Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual AbuseFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Social Services Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00572]$6.7 millionOver four years from 2020-21
National Microcredentials MarketplaceFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 8) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01585]$4.3 millionOver three years from 2020-21
National Training System Commonwealth Own Purpose Expenditure ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 6) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01310]$107.1 millionOver three years from 2020-21
Natural Hazards and Disaster Resilience Research Centre Program
Industry Research and Development (Natural Hazards and Disaster Resilience Research Centre Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L00817]

$85 million

Northern Endeavour Temporary Operations ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Northern Endeavour Temporary Operations Program) Amendment Instrument 2020 [F2020L01611]$75.4 millionOver two years from 2019-20
Online toolkit to promote the financial capability of young AustraliansFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Treasury Measures No. 4) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01578]$10 millionOver two years from 2020-21
Outcomes Measurement Initiative—Navigation ToolFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Social Services Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01142]

$3.2 million

In 2021-22
Pacific Labour Mobility: Safeguarding Welfare of Workers (Community Connections)Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 8) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01585]$1 millionOver three years from 2020-21
PaTH Business Placement PartnershipsFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 6) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01310]$11.9 millionOver three years from 2019-20
Peri‑Urban Mobile ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Measures No. 4) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01141]

$16.4 million

Over three years from 2021-22
Port Kembla Gas Generator Investment Development Grant ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Port Kembla Gas Generator Investment Development Grant Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L01386]

$30 million

Portland Aluminium Smelter ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Portland Aluminium Smelter Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L00244]Up to $19.2 million per yearOver four years from 2021-22
Powering Communities ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Industry, Science, Energy and Resources Measures No. 2) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01573]$12 millionOver three years from 2020-21
Provision of safety net television servicesFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Measures No. 4) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01141]

$42.4 million

Over three years from 2021-22
Reef Builder—the coastal communities recovery projectFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 7) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01574]$20 millionIn 2020-21
Refinery Upgrades ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Refinery Upgrades Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L01258]

Funding will be provided through two rounds:

  • Desulfurisation grants: $250 million
  • Enabling Euro 6d Equivalent Fuels grants: $52 million, plus any unspent funds from the desulfurisation grants round

Regional Arts Fund
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Measures No. 3) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00828]

$19.7 million

Over four years from 2021-22
Regional Decentralisation Agenda—Securing Raw Materials ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Regional Decentralisation Agenda—Securing Raw Materials Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L00973]

$35 million

From 2021-22
Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 7) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01360]$17.4 millionOver two years from 2020-21 for the program, including $15.4 million for the program modification
Restoring native aquatic animals in the Murray‑Darling Basin and providing employment for Indigenous AustraliansFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 7) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01574]$10 millionOver four years from 2020-21
Seniors Connected—Village HubsFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Social Services Measures No. 4) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01314]$4.7 millionOver four years from 2020-21
South Asia Regional Training and Technical Assistance CentreFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Treasury Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00575]$2.5 millionOver five years from 2021-22
Stronger Places, Stronger People
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Social Services Measures No. 2) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00825]

$24 million

Over three years from 2021-22
Supply Chain Resilience InitiativeIndustry Research and Development (Supply Chain Resilience Initiative Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L01456]

$107.2 million

Over four years from 2020-21
Support for an Australian Fashion Certification Trade Mark ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Support for an Australian Fashion Certification Trade Mark Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L00692]

$0.95 million

Over two years from 2020-21
Support for Australia’s Thalidomide SurvivorsFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Health Measures No. 5) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01312]$44.9 millionOver four years from 2020-21
Support for Industry Service Organisations ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Support for Industry Service Organisations Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L00218]$2.1 millionIn 2020-2021
Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L01401]$39.025 millionIn 2020-21
Supporting Critical Transmission Infrastructure ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Supporting Critical Transmission Infrastructure Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L01312]

Not specified

Not specified 
Supporting Small Business to Go Digital Post-COVID-19 ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Supporting Small Business to Go Digital Post-COVID-19 Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L01413]$7.47 millionIn 2020–21
Technology Co‑Investment FundFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Industry, Science, Energy and Resources Measures No. 2) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01573]$20.1 millionOver six years from 2020-21
Temporary Refinery Production Payment ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Temporary Refinery Production Payment Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L00202]$83.5 millionIn 2020-2021
Tertiary Access Payment for Outer Regional and Remote School LeaversFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 8) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01585]$177.8 millionOver four years from 2020-21
Thermochemical Conversion Technology Trial Facility ProgramIndustry Research and Development (Thermochemical Conversion Technology Trial Facility Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L01425]$8 millionIn 2020-21
Tourism Aviation Network Support Program (TANS Program)Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Measures No. 2) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00409]The TANS Program is part of the $1.2 billion Tourism and Aviation’s Flight Path to Recovery package. 
Tracking Waste ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 6) Regulations 2020 [F2020L01309]$24.6 millionOver four years from 2020-21
Underwater Cultural Heritage ProgramFinancial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Agriculture, Water and the Environment Measures No. 2) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00574]$510,000 Per year through three-year service level agreements
Volunteer Management Activity
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Social Services Measures No. 2) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00825]

Up to $43.5 million

Over six years from 2020-21
Wellbeing and Support Program
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Veterans’ Affairs Measures No. 2) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00824]

$23.3 million

Over four years from 2021-22