Chapter 1 - Introduction
Senate Selection of Bills Committee, Report No. 8 of 2015, dated
25 June 2015.
Senate Selection of Bills Committee, Report No. 8 of 2015,
Appendix 5, dated 25 June 2015.
The committee's report on the Criminal Code Amendment (Animal Protection)
Bill was tabled on 12 June 2015.
The following section of the report is based on information contained in
the Explanatory Memorandum, Voice for Animals (Independent Office of
Animal Welfare) Bill 2015, p. 1.
It is noted that throughout the inquiry the terms 'Independent Office of
Animal Welfare' (IOAW) and 'Office of Animal Welfare' (OAW) have been used
interchangeably, particularly by submitters.
Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills, Alert Digest,
No. 7 of 2015, 12 August 2015, p. 50.
The following section of the report is based on information contained in
the Explanatory Memorandum, Voice for Animals (Independent Office of
Animal Welfare) Bill 2015, pp 1–3 and Voice for Animals (Independent
Office of Animal Welfare) Bill 2015, pp 1–15.
Chapter 2 - Issues
See, for example, RSPCA Australia, Submission 3, Sentient: The
Veterinary Institute for Animal Ethics, Submission 5, Lawyers for
Animals, Submission 6 and World Animal Protection, Submission 10,
p. 3.
RSPCA Australia, Submission 3, p. 1.
RSPCA Australia, Submission 3, p. 1.
Mr Graeme McEwen, Barristers Animal Welfare Panel, Committee Hansard,
14 September 2015, p. 16.
PETA Australia, Submission 2, [p. 1].
PETA Australia, Submission 2, [p. 1].
As noted in the previous chapter, throughout the inquiry the terms
'Independent Office of Animal Welfare' (IOAW) and 'Office of Animal Welfare'
(OAW) have been used interchangeably, particularly by submitters. For the
purposes of this report, the term Office of Animal Welfare (OAW) will be used,
except when using direct quotes or when used to refer to the Office proposed by
the then Government in 2013.
Animal Liberation, Submission 4, pp 2 –3.
Animal Liberation, Submission 4, pp 2 –3.
Department of Agriculture, Submission 9, p. 1.
Department of Agriculture, Submission 9, p. 2.
Department of Agriculture, Submission 9, p. 2.
Mr Phillip Glyde, Department of Agriculture, Committee Hansard,
Monday, 14 September 2015, p. 22.
Mr Phillip Glyde, Department of Agriculture, Committee Hansard,
Monday, 14 September 2015, p. 22.
Mr Phillip Glyde, Department of Agriculture, Committee Hansard,
Monday, 14 September 2015, p. 22.
See, for example, Voiceless, Submission 8, p. 5, World Animal
Protection, Submission 10, pp 4–5 and Dr Rosemary Elliott, Sentient: the
Veterinary Institute for Animal Ethics, Committee Hansard, 14 September
2015, p. 6.
Animals Australia, Submission 7, p. 3.
Animals Australia, Submission 7, p. 3.
Sentient: the Veterinary Institute for Animal Ethics, Submission 5,
p. 1.
Sentient: the Veterinary Institute for Animal Ethics, Submission
5, p. 1.
Sentient: the Veterinary Institute for Animal Ethics, Submission 5,
pp 1–2.
Lawyers for Animals, Submission 6, p. 7.
See, for example, Voiceless, Submission 8, p. 9.
Mr Graeme McEwen, Barristers Animal Welfare Panel, Committee Hansard,
Monday, 14 September 2015, p. 16.
Mr Phillip Glyde, Department of Agriculture, Committee Hansard,
Monday, 14 September 2015, pp 20–21.
Sentient: the Veterinary Institute for Animal Ethics, Submission 5,
p. 3.
Sentient: the Veterinary Institute for Animal Ethics, Submission 5,
p. 3.
Voiceless, Submission 8, p. 10.
Dr Rosemary Elliott, Sentient: the Veterinary Institute for Animal Ethics,
Committee Hansard, 14 September 2015, p. 3.
Dr Rosemary Elliott, Sentient: the Veterinary
Institute for Animal Ethics, Committee Hansard, 14 September 2015, pp
PETA Australia, Submission 2, [p. 9].
PETA Australia, Submission 2, [p. 9].
Sentient: the Veterinary Institute for Animal Ethics, Submission 5,
p. 5.
Sentient: the Veterinary Institute for Animal Ethics, Submission 5,
p. 5.
World Animal Protection, Submission 10, p. 6.