Chapter 1
The Voice for Animals (Independent Office of Animal Welfare) Bill 2015
was introduced into the Senate on 23 June 2015. On 25 June 2015, the Senate Selection
of Bills Committee referred the bill to the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs
and Transport Legislation Committee (the committee) for inquiry and report by
15 September 2015.[1]
On 18 August 2015 the Senate granted an extension of time for reporting
until 15 October 2015.
The reasons given for the Selection of Bill's referral included:
animal welfare is an important issue and one which is of concern
to a large number of Australians – across political divides;
animal welfare receives regular media coverage and the issues
raised are of concern to a number of large animal welfare networks; and
over recent years, the federal Animal Welfare Strategy (and its
independent advisory committee) and the Inspector General of Animal Welfare and
Live Animal Exports have been disbanded.[2]
Conduct of the inquiry
The committee's recently conducted inquiry into the Criminal Code
Amendment (Animal Protection) Bill 2015 received in excess of 800 submissions.[3]
Given the timeframe for this inquiry, and the number of inquiries the committee
is currently undertaking, the committee agreed not to advertise widely or
accept public submissions. The committee instead wrote inviting submissions
from a group of organisations. Uninvited submissions to the committee's inquiry
were not considered. Ten submissions were received, as shown at Appendix 1.
The committee held a public hearing in Canberra in Monday, 14 September
2015. A list of witnesses who appeared at the public hearing may be found at
Appendix 2.
The committee appreciates the time and effort of all those who provided
both written and oral submissions to this inquiry. Their work has assisted the
committee considerably in its inquiry.
A note on references
References in this report are to individual submissions as received by
the committee. References to the Hansard transcript throughout the report refer
to the proof transcript. Page numbers may vary between the proof and official
transcript. The Hansard transcript of the committee's hearing is available on
the Parliament's website at
Background to the bill[4]
The Voice for Animals (Independent Office of Animal Welfare) Bill 2015
(the bill) provides for the establishment of a Commonwealth statutory authority
which would assume responsibility for advising on the protection of animal
welfare in Commonwealth regulated activities.
The bill proposes to establish the Office of Animal Welfare (OAW)[5]
as an independent statutory authority, headed by a Chief Executive Officer
(CEO). The bill provides details in relation to the appointment, proposed
functions and terms and conditions of the CEO. It also provides for staff and
consultants and proposes the establishment of the Office of Animal Welfare
Advisory Committee (OAWAC) to advise the CEO and provides for reporting requirements.
It is proposed that the OAW would assist the CEO in his or her functions
which would include:
the review and monitoring of live export standards and the
Exporter Supply Chain Assurance Scheme;
reporting on animal welfare issues that impact the Commonwealth;
reporting on the work of animal welfare committees; and
reviewing animal welfare laws and policy that impact the
To support the OAW in the performance of its duties, it is proposed that
the CEO would also be assisted by the OAWAC, the membership of which would
include representatives from:
animal welfare organisations;
consumer groups;
scientists and ethicists specialising in animal welfare issues;
the Department of Agriculture; and
commercial producers (or purchasers) of animals or animal
Under the proposed legislation, the CEO would be required to provide
reports to the Minister for Agriculture. These reports – which may include
recommendations for reforms to animal welfare legislation and standards and
advice on issues such as the harmonisation of Commonwealth/state animal welfare
laws – would be required to be tabled in the Parliament.
The bill also proposes that the Minister for Agriculture would be
required to respond to any recommendations made in these reports and table
these responses in the Parliament.
Comment of the Senate Scrutiny of Bills Committee
The Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills has a standing
brief to consider all bills as to whether they trespass unduly on personal
rights and liberties, and related matters.
The Scrutiny of Bills Committee indicated that it had no comment to make
on this bill.[6]
Provisions of the bill[7]
Part 1 – Preliminary
Part 1 of the bill contains its preliminary clauses (1–4), including
detail in relation to the title and commencement of the bill. Clause 3 also
provides definitions for key terms contained in the Act.
Part 2 – Office of Animal Welfare
Part 2 of the bill includes Clauses 5–8 which primarily relate to the OAW.
These clauses provide for the establishment of the OAW, and that the OAW
consists of the CEO and staff. These clauses also outline the OAW's functions
and provide that the OAW has the privileges and immunities of the Crown in
right of the Commonwealth.
Part 3 – Chief Executive Officer,
staff and consultants
The main provisions of the bill, as detailed in the Explanatory
Memorandum, are contained in Parts 3 and 4 of the bill and are outlined below.
Clause 9 – Functions of the CEO provides that the CEO's functions
would include:
the Livestock Standards functions;
the Reporting functions; and
the Department Review functions.
The livestock standards functions would require the CEO to review and
monitor the Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock and the Exporter
Supply Chain Assurance System. In addition, the CEO would be required to
undertake inquiries and prepare reports about these matters.
Under the proposed new legislation, the CEO's Reporting functions would
require the CEO to:
make the OAW a Centre of Excellence for the collection and
dissemination of information about animal welfare issues that impact the
develop an Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (which would
provide a national framework to identify priorities, coordinate stakeholder
action and improve consistency across all animal use sectors);
undertake inquiries, commission research and prepare reports in
relation to issues such as animal welfare, animal export, the importation of
animals and animal products and the possible harmonisation of Commonwealth,
state and territory animal welfare laws; and
undertake inquiries and prepare reports in relation to the
activities and effectiveness of the Live Export Advisory Group and the Office
of Animal Welfare Advisory Committee.
Under the proposed Department Review functions, the CEO would also be
required to:
consider the activities of the Department that relate to
monitoring compliance with (and enforcement of) the Commonwealth's animal
welfare laws;
consider the effectiveness of the Department's implementation of
the Commonwealth's animal welfare policy; and
undertake inquiries and prepare reports in relation to the
Clause 10 – Minister may give directions to the CEO provides that
the Minister may direct the CEO about the performance of his or her functions
and that the CEO must comply with these instructions.
Clauses 11 – 13 provide rules about the appointment of the CEO,
the term of their appointment and arrangements for Acting CEOs.
Clauses 14 – 20 provide rules about the CEO's remuneration and allowances,
leave entitlements, outside employment, disclosure of interests, other terms
and conditions, resignation and termination of appointment.
Clauses 21 – 23 provide for the appointment of staff, persons to
assist the CEO and consultants.
Part 4 – Office of Animal Welfare
Advisory Committee
Clauses 24 – 28 provide for the establishment of the OAWAC to
advise the CEO in relation to his or her functions. It is proposed that the
membership of OAWAC would include the CEO and:
three members representing non-governmental animal welfare
one member representing consumer groups;
one member representing scientists specialising in animal welfare
one member representing ethicists specialising in animal welfare
one member representing the Department;
one member representing commercial producers, or commercial
purchasers, of animals or animal products; and
not more than two other persons, as the CEO considers
These clauses also outline how the OAWAC's procedures would be managed
and rules about the disclosure of interests of the Committee members.
Part 5 – Miscellaneous
Clauses 29 – 31 provide detail in relation to:
the production of an annual report and its tabling in the
the production of reports for the purpose of section 9; and
delegation of functions and powers by the CEO.
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