On 25 June 2014, the Senate resolved to establish the Select Committee into Health to inquire into and report on health policy, administration and expenditure. The committee has already considered a number of topics within its terms of reference and its interim reports can be found on this webpage.
The committee presented its final report on 5 May 2016. The report can be found below:
Final report, Hospital funding cuts: the perfect storm (The demolition of Federal-State health relations 2014-2016)
Senior Clerk's OfficeDepartment of the SenatePO Box 6100Parliament HouseCanberra ACT 2600 Phone: +61 2 6277 3555seniorclerk.committees.sen@aph.gov.au
This Select Committee was established to inquire into and report on health policy, administration and expenditure.
29 Apr 2016: 27 Apr 2016: 23 Mar 2016: Campbelltown
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