Select Committee on Medicare

Select Committee on Medicare

Second report
Medicare Plus: the future for Medicare ?

11 February 2004

© Commonwealth of Australia 2004

ISBN 0 642 71343 X

N.B. All files are in PDF format. To view or print the report, you will require the Acrobat PDF reader®, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe.

View the report as a single document - (PDF format) -

View the report as separate downloadable parts:


Membership of the Committee (PDF format) (Word format)

Executive Summary (PDF format) (Word format)

Chapter One: Introduction (PDF format) (Word format)
Background to the Inquiry
Conduct of the Inquiry
Structure of the report
Assistance with the Inquiry
Medicare Plus - Overview

Chapter Two: Safety nets  (PDF format) (Word format)
Overview of safety net proposal
The safety net in context
The need for a new safety net
Effectiveness of the government's proposal

Chapter Three: Billing arrangements (PDF format) (Word format)
Universality, bulk-billing and the Medicare system
Equity and the targeted groups as a measure of need
Effective reforms? Fixing the problems in bulk-billing

Chapter Four:  Workforce measures (PDF format) (Word format)
Reactions to the proposals
Overseas trained doctors
Expanding the role of nurses
Bonding of Medical School Graduates
Funding for rural GPs doing procedural work
Enhanced rebate for Non-VR GPs in areas of shortage

Chapter Five: Other issues (PDF format) (Word format)
HIC Online and direct lodgement of Medicare claims
Aged Care proposals
Improving access to primary health care
System reform

Government Senators'  Report (PDF format) (Word format)


Appendix 1 (PDF format) (Word format)
List of public Submissions, Tabled Documents, Supplementary Information and other Written Material Authorised for Publication by the Committee  

Appendix 2 (PDF format) (Word format)
Witnesses who appeared before the Committee at Public Hearings