Report Part I: Incidents onboard HMAS Success between March and May 2009 and subsequent events

Report Part I: Incidents onboard HMAS Success between March and May 2009 and subsequent events

12 May 2011

© Commonwealth of Australia 2011
ISBN 978-1-74229-446-9

View the report as a single document - (PDF 872KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Spacer Image
Members of the committee (PDF 5KB)
Acronyms and abbreviations (PDF 6KB)
Chapter 1 - Inquiry into incidents that occurred on board HMAS Success (PDF 35KB)

Referral of inquiry and terms of reference
Conduct of inquiry
Appointment of a Commission of Inquiry
Committee's interim reports
Part One—HMAS Success Commission of Inquiry (the Gyles Report)
The Gyles Report and the committee's terms of reference
Scope of report

Chapter 2 - Allegations of unacceptable behaviour (PDF 123KB)

The equity and diversity issues at large on board HMAS Success giving rise to the E&D health check
Decision to send an E&D team
The role and function of the E&D team

Chapter 3 - The nature and veracity of complaints and reasons for landing the three senior sailors (PDF 90KB)

Nature of complaints
Veracity of complaints
The reasons and factual evidentiary basis for landing the sailors

Chapter 4 - The removal of three senior sailors from HMAS Success (PDF 68KB)

Procedural fairness
Removal of the sailors and commanding officer's address to ship's company

Chapter 5 - Reporting wrongdoing in the ADF (PDF 58KB)

The Gyles Report—findings
Longstanding concern—reporting of wrongdoing

Appendix 1 - Terms of reference (PDF 8KB)

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