The organisation of ace provision in the states and territories

BEYOND CINDERELLA: Towards a learning society

Chapter 4 continued

The organisation of ace provision in the states and territories


The main provider of ACE in Tasmania is the Institute of Adult Education. The Institute of Adult Education (IEA), together with the Institutes of TAFE, constitute the Training Division of the Department of Vocational Education and Training. The IEA is organised into three regions, each with a management structure headed by a regional principal. A central office provides strategic and operational leadership throughout the Institute. [1] In 1995 an Institute of Adult Education Council was established to advise the Minister and Secretary.

The IEA delivers over 90 per cent of ACE provision with most of the remainder delivered by Neighbourhood and Community Houses. The School for Seniors, University of the Third Age, The University of Tasmania also play a role in delivery ACE.

The main programs delivered by the Institute of Adult Education in Tasmania include:

ANTA growth funds have been used to provide accredited courses in adult literacy and numeracy, computing and training for ACE tutors.



[1] MCEETYA. Towards a Learning Society; Revised National Policy Adult and Community Education, Consultation Draft, January 1997, p 47

[2] Submission No 65, vol 5, p 196 (Tasmanian Government)