Prepared by Marilyn Harrington, Senior Researcher, Social Policy, Parliamentary Library Briefing, May 2013.

The teaching profession – inquiries and reports

Over the last 30 years there have been numerous inquiries, reports and policy statements relating to the teaching professions, including entrant selection, pre-service education, teacher education for specific fields of study, induction, professional development and evidence-based research—over 100 inquiries and reports from 1979 to 2006 have been identified.[1] Most of these were generated by federal and state governments and by parliamentary committees. The list is by no means exhaustive as it does not take into account some inquiries that were not specifically about teacher education but had significant recommendations regarding the teaching profession.[2] Since 2006, there have been more inquiries and reports related to the teaching profession, including a recent Productivity Commission inquiry into the schools workforce.[3]

These reports have recurring findings and recommendations and, as the findings from the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into the schools workforce illustrate, the issues which they repeatedly identified persist.[4] The following selection of recommendations from some of the key inquiries and reports at the federal level since 1980 shows some of the recurring themes that are relevant to the current inquiry. These include:


Key recommendations

Source document

National Inquiry into Teacher Education (1978–1980)

38 recommendations and
60 ‘positions’

National Inquiry into Teacher Education, Report of the National Inquiry into Teacher Education, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra (AGPS), 1980.

Joint Review of Teacher Education (1983–1986)

7 recommendations and
12 ‘matters for consideration’

Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission (CTEC) and Commonwealth Schools Commission (CSC), Improving teacher education: report of the Joint Review of Teacher Education, CTEC and CSC, 1986.

Teacher Education in Australia (1990)

20 recommendations

Pre-service education and training:

Australian Education Council Working Party, Teacher education in Australia: a report to the Australian Education Council by an AEC Working Party, Commissioned report, no. 6, National Board of Employment, Education and Training, Canberra, 1990.

Australia’s Teachers: An Agenda for the Next Decade (1990)

12 ‘key findings’

Schools Council, Australia’s teachers: an agenda for the next decade, AGPS, Canberra, 1990.

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training, The Literacy Challenge (1992)

10 recommendations (3 teacher-related recommendations)

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training, The literacy challenge: a report on strategies for early intervention for literacy and learning for Australian children, AGPS, Canberra, 1993.

Australian Language and Literacy Council, Teacher Education in English Language and Literacy (1995)

9 recommendations

Australian Language and Literacy Council, Teacher education in English language and literacy: preservice and inservice teacher education in both school and adult education contexts, in the fields of English literacy and English as a second language, National Board of Employment, Education and Training, Canberra, 1995.

Senate Employment, Education and Training References Committee, Inquiry into the Status of the Teaching Profession (1998)

19 recommendations

Senate Employment, Education and Training References Committee, A class act: Inquiry into the Status of the Teaching Profession, The Senate, Canberra, 2008.

Review of Teaching and Teacher Education (2002–2003).

Focus on science, technology and mathematics (STE) education.

54 ‘actions’ as part of an Agenda for Action

Committee for the Review of Teaching and Teacher Education, Department of Education, Science and Training, 2003.

National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy (2004–2005)

20 recommendations

National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy, Teaching reading: report and recommendations, Department of Education, Science and Training, 2005.

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Vocational Training, Inquiry into Teacher Education (2007)

12 recommendations

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Vocational Training, Top of the class: report on the inquiry into teacher education, House of Representatives, Canberra, 2007.

Senate Standing Committee on Employment, Workplace Relations and Education, Inquiry into Academic Standards of School Education (2007)

7 recommendations

Senate Standing Committee on Employment, Workplace Relations and Education, Quality of school education, The Senate, Canberra, 2007.

Productivity Commission, Schools Workforce Study (2012)

13 recommendations and
10 findings

Productivity Commission, Schools workforce, Research report, PC, Canberra, 2012.

Note: many of the recommendations have multiple parts and not all recommendations in some of the reports relate to the teaching profession.

This work has been prepared to support the work of the Australian Parliament using information available at the time of production. The views expressed do not reflect an official position of the Parliamentary Library.

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