

Recommendation 1  45

The committee recommends that efforts be made to give the national benchmark tests more credibility and usefulness as teaching instruments.

Recommendation 2  64

The committee recommends that the Government consider ways of restructuring teacher training courses so as to encourage and require aspiring secondary teachers to commence their studies in arts, science and other relevant disciplines before undertaking specific studies in education by degree or diploma.

Recommendation 3  64

The committee recommends that schools and school systems take particular measures to improve teacher professional development in mathematics.

Recommendation 4  64

The committee recommends that the Minister take up with Universities Australia the need for administrative changes of a cross-disciplinary nature so as to allow schools and faculties of education to draw on expertise elsewhere in the university for the purposes of giving specialist tuition to trainee teachers in their teaching discipline.

Recommendation 5  64

The committee recommends that the Minister take up with Universities Australia the need to encourage a more rigorous and evidence-based approach to the preparation of trainee teachers in regard to literacy and mathematics method.

Recommendation 6  105

The committee therefore recommends the Government and MCEETYA work expeditiously toward the negotiation of a comparable Year 12 curriculum that will embrace the principle of common standards and expectations of achievement at designated levels of study, and agreed common standards of assessment, including a significant component of external examination.

Recommendation 7  122

That the Government takes steps to improve the remuneration of teachers so as to raise the profession's entry standards and retention rates by providing incentives.

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