Appendix 5

Public interest immunity claim by the then Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians

Questions for which the then Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians claimed public interest immunity on 15 October 2020
Asked by
CHAIR: When did you first brief the cabinet on aged care?
Senator Colbeck: I'd have to take that on notice and get the dates of those particular meetings.
CHAIR: Was it after the royal commission's interim report in October last year?
Senator Colbeck: I'd have to check the dates.
Senator Gallagher
Committee Hansard, 21 August 2020,
pp. 12–13
Public interest immunity claim: 15 October 2020 (see Figure 5.1)
CHAIR: Did you brief the cabinet on the royal commission's interim report?
Senator Colbeck: I'd have to check the record on that.
Senator Gallagher
Committee Hansard, 21 August 2020, p. 13
Public interest immunity claim: 15 October 2020 (see Figure 5.1)
CHAIR: How many times, approximately, do you think you've briefed cabinet on aged-care matters?
Senator Colbeck: Again, I'll have to check the record. I'm not going to speculate or guess a number. I've addressed cabinet and ERC on many occasions with respect to aged care, particularly on the COVID-19 pandemic.
Senator Gallagher
Committee Hansard, 21 August 2020, p. 13
Public interest immunity claim: 15 October 2020 (see Figure 5.1)
CHAIR: … Can you inform the committee whether you briefed the cabinet between 10 July and 5 August?
Senator Colbeck: I don't believe that I attended a cabinet meeting in that period. I'll check the record for you.
Senator Gallagher
Committee Hansard, 21 August 2020, p. 13
Public interest immunity claim: 15 October 2020 (see Figure 5.1)
CHAIR: Minister, how many national cabinet meetings have you attended?
Senator Colbeck: I'll have to take that on notice.
Senator Gallagher
Committee Hansard, 21 August 2020, p. 14
Public interest immunity claim: 15 October 2020 (see Figure 5.1)

Figure :  Correspondence from the then Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians to the committee Chair, 15 October 2020.

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