This report details the Committee's review of the 2019-20 Defence Major Projects Report (MPR). The MPR is prepared annually by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) and the Department of Defence (Defence).
The intention of the MPR is to provide a greater level of assurance that the expenditure of taxpayer funds on Defence materiel acquisition projects is conducted as efficiently and effectively as possible, and to improve the transparency of Major Projects for the benefit of the Parliament and the Australian public. The MPR contains detailed data on Major Projects as well as the ANAO’s examination of project performance in terms of cost, schedule and capability, and additional analysis of Defence's project management practices and procedures.
This report covers the period in which the COVID-19 pandemic emerged and had its initial impacts on Defence projects. The Committee commends Defence for its efforts to support local Defence industry during this period, and to mitigate the pandemic's effects on materiel acquisition.
The report makes 5 recommendations that are intended to strengthen cooperation between the ANAO and Defence in the production of the MPR and to improve the MPR process as an oversight mechanism.
I would like to thank the ANAO and Defence for their assistance with this inquiry. I also thank Committee members for their cooperation and contributions to the production of this report.
Lucy Wicks MP