4 May 2016
© Commonwealth of Australia 2016 ISBN 978-1-76010-401-6
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View the report as separate downloadable parts:
Conduct of the inquiry
Introduction Background and previous inquiries
Introduction Non-monetary defaults Penalty interest, default interest and fees Timeframes for customers including notice to roll over loans Irresponsible lending Power imbalance between customers and banks ASIC's examination of misconduct reports ASIC's examination of four cases Committee view: practices of banks
Introduction Internal dispute resolution Self-reported breaches related to IDR and other matters Issues raised by submitters about EDR schemes Financial Ombudsman Service Other issues raised by submitters
Introduction Self-regulation through codes of conduct FOSCode CCMC Credit and Investments Ombudsman Customer Owned Banking Code Compliance Committee ASIC National Consumer Credit Protection Act Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Farm debt mediation Commercial arbitration Summary of dispute resolution schemes and consumer protections Committee view
Introduction Issues raised by submitters Prudential requirements in relation to property valuations Views of banks and other bodies Peak bodies for valuers Access to valuations and instructions Recommendations of the post-GFC banking inquiry Committee view on the role of valuers
Issues raised by submitters Complaints received by ASIC regarding receivers Views of industry bodies and banks Post-GFC banking inquiry Receiver appointments Recent reforms Investigative accountants subsequently appointed as receivers
Bankwest Landmark
Committee SecretaryParliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial ServicesPO Box 6100Parliament HouseCanberra ACT 2600 Phone: +61 2 6277 3583corporations.joint@aph.gov.au
An inquiry into the impairment of customer loans.
04 Apr 2016: Sydney16 Feb 2016: Sydney02 Dec 2015: Canberra
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