FlagPost — Parliamentary Library Blog

What's new in Statistics . . . September

This month focuses on the following topics: social housing, affordable housing and recent overseas arrivals. Forthcoming releases If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.   Statistical reports Release date ABS Lending Indicators, July 2023 1 Sept ABS Retail Trade, July 2023 1 Sept ABS Mineral and Petroleum Exploration, June 2... Read more...

Sizing up national parliaments: where does Australia sit?

In Australia, the 151 members of the House of Representatives equates to 1 MP for approximately every 134,000 people of voting age (or as a ratio 1:134,000)*. While there is no ‘optimal’ size of a parliament (given physical space and budgetary constraints), some commentators have highlighted the inherent representational implications involved. Accordingly, this Flagpost article considers the historical context, assesses the potential impacts of changing the size of the parliament, and statistically situates the Australian parliament among international comparisons. Read more...

The Defence strategic review’s vision for the Australian Army

The recent Defence strategic review (DSR) highlights Australia’s deteriorating strategic circumstances and foreshadows the kind of Australian Defence Force (ADF) required to address future challenges. It recommends a shift from a balanced force – capable of responding to a variety of contingencies, but optimised for none – to a focused force designed to ‘address the nation’s most significant military risks’ (p. 54), which, as the DSR observes, is ‘the defence of Australia against potential threats arising from major power competition, including the prospect of conflict’ (p. 32). Read more...

Do Commonwealth carriage service offences apply to voluntary assisted dying?

Following the commencement of the Restoring Territory Rights Act 2022, all jurisdictions now have the power to enact voluntary assisted dying (VAD) schemes, with the majority having done so. However, it is currently unclear whether VAD, as authorised by a state/territory law, constitutes ‘suicide’ within the meaning of the carriage service offences contained in the Commonwealth Criminal Code. This has led to state governments advocating for the Criminal Code to be amended to clarify that the restrictions do not apply to VAD schemes, and legal action in the Federal Court of Australia seeking to clarify whether or not the carriage service offences apply to state VAD legislation. ... Read more...

What’s New in Statistics . . . August

This month focuses on the following topics: life expectancy, young people living with their parents and the latest statistics from Safe Work Australia. Forthcoming releases If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.   Statistical reports Release date ABS Building Approvals, June 2023 1 Aug ABS Lending indicators, June 2023 1 Aug JSA (a) Nowcast of ... Read more...

Parliamentary party status

Within the 32 political parties currently registered with the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC), 9 are represented in the Federal Parliament. Alongside the governing Australian Labor Party (ALP) and Opposition Liberal/Nationals Coalition, the Australian Greens are the only other party to achieve parliamentary party status. This Flagpost outlines what parliamentary party status is, its legislative underpinnings, and selected history of when party status has been gained, lost and challenged. What is parliamentary party status? The federal Parliament doesn’t regulate parliamentary party status, nor does it flow from AEC party registration, however it is linked to the definition of a m... Read more...

The Home Affairs Bill 2023 and other Bills passed in one day

The Home Affairs Bill 2023 and other Bills passed in one day

The rapid passage of the Home Affairs Bill 2023 on 15 June 2023 attracted public attention both for its speed and national security motivations. The Bill’s passage demonstrated how quickly the Parliament can legislate in cases where parliamentarians agree that urgency is required. Readily searchable data on time taken for the passage of Bills is only available for the 44th Parliament onwards. Of all the bills captured by this data, the Home Affairs Bill 2023 appears to have progressed from introduction to commencement in the shortest time. This Flagpost describes the passage of the Home Affairs Bill 2023 and compares it with other recent Bills that have been introduced and passed ... Read more...

Robodebt Royal Commission: Recommended legislative actions

The report of the Robodebt Royal Commission (the RC) was handed to the Governor-General on 7 July 2023. The report contains 57 recommendations, most of which can be implemented by the Executive branch of Government through administrative actions. Recommendations expected to require legislative changes are listed below under the relevant Commonwealth Act (where possible).  Read more...

When I grow up, I want to be … a politician

Around Australia hundreds of young people spend their school holidays debating Bills in state youth parliaments. This experience may spark ‘an interest in politics’, as former federal MP (and current state MP) Chris Chewther attests, and potentially a career in politics—former Government Minister Kate Ellis is reportedly a program alumni. However, a young person’s path to becoming a parliamentarian is often challenging. This Flagpost article discusses life-cycle constraints young Australians face in entering politics and what federal parliament is doing to represent them.  Read more...

Child Care Subsidy changes commencing July 2023

July 2023 will see the commencement of significant changes to Child Care Subsidy (CCS) including payment rate increases and expanded eligibility. The CCS is an Australian Government payment which assists families with the costs of child care. The payment is complex, with rates based on the type of child care used, the number of children in care, whether fees exceed rate caps, an income test, and an activity test. This FlagPost explains the key changes and how they will affect families using child care. Read more...


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