Two sittings commencing on the one day
Length of sittings
Joint sittings
Joint meetings
Addresses to both Houses by foreign heads of state
Secret sittings and meetings
Suspension of sittings
Pursuant to standing orders
Pursuant to resolution of the House
Practice of the House
Preliminaries to meeting—the Daily Program
Meetings at hour other than pursuant to adjournment
Meeting when House has not adjourned the previous sitting
Business on Mondays
Motions to set or vary the order of business
Ordinary order of business
Government business
90 second statements
Question Time
Presentation of documents
Matter of public importance
Ministerial statements
Matters accorded precedence
Censure or no confidence motions and amendments
Matters of privilege
Motions of thanks or condolence
Motions for leave of absence to a Member
Announcements of ministerial arrangements
Swearing-in of Members and announcements of returns to writs
Other matters that can interrupt the ordinary order of business
Personal explanations
Acknowledgement and admission of distinguished visitors
Announcements and statements by the Speaker
Committee reports and documents
Matter of special interest
Suspension of standing orders
Points of order
Absence of a Minister
Standing orders provisions
Motion moved by a Minister
Automatic adjournment
Adjournment of the House
Adjournment of the House for special reasons
Standing orders provisions
Quorum at time of meeting
Quorum during sitting
Resumption of proceedings after count out
Determination of questions arising
Recording dissent
Vote recorded when no dissentient voice
Number of divisions
Entitlement of Members to vote
Divisions not proceeded with
Request for division withdrawn
Discretion of Chair
Procedure during divisions
Ringing of bells and locking of doors
Four or fewer Members on a side
Appointment of tellers
Members to be within area of Members’ seats to vote
Members not to move places during vote
Recording the vote
Requirement to vote a certain way
Points of order and Members’ remarks during a division
Successive divisions
Deferred divisions
Record of divisions
Division repeated
Proxy voting
Free votes
Proposals for change in division procedure
Electronic voting