List of recommendations

List of recommendations

Recommendation 1

2.31    The committee supports victims of domestic and family violence having access to appropriate leave provisions which assist them to maintain employment and financial security while attending necessary appointments such as court appearances and seeking legal advice. The Commonwealth Government should investigate ways to implement this across the private and public sector.

Recommendation 2

3.62    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government investigate ways to improve consultation with the domestic and family violence sector, particularly in relation to the evaluation of the National Plan and Action Plans and to inform the development of future Action Plans.

Recommendation 3

3.67    The committee recommends that the Prime Minister table an annual report to Parliament on progress in the effort to eliminate domestic and family violence, including listing all relevant funding decisions.

Recommendation 4

4.49    The committee recommends that the Australian Bureau of Statistics, along with Commonwealth, state and territory bodies involved in the development of the Personal Safety Survey consider the concerns raised during this inquiry about the adequacy of sampling sizes of particular subgroups within the community, such as women with a disability, women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, immigrant and refugee women, and Indigenous communities and endeavour to address these issues prior to the conduct of the next PSS.

Recommendation 5

5.59    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government lead and coordinate the work to facilitate data collection pursuant to the National Data Collection and Reporting Framework.

Recommendation 6

5.61    The committee recommends that the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and other relevant organisations, investigate the feasibility of developing systems and tools which would enable survey questions, delivery and data analysis developed pursuant to the National Data Collection and Reporting Framework to be modified and made available for organisations to use on a local level.

Recommendation 7

5.65    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government provide necessary secure funding to ANROWS until at least the end of the implementation of the National Plan in 2022 to provide for the continuation of its research work and to enable ANROWS to conduct longitudinal research.

Recommendation 8

6.67     The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government consider focusing on work that reinforces the value of school based education across all age groups on respectful relationships and responses to domestic and family violence.

Recommendation 9

6.68    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government, in light of the strong evidence pointing to the crucial need to prioritise primary prevention, take responsibility to lead and coordinate the delivery of these essential programs.

Recommendation 10

6.76    The committee recommends that governments ensure additional investment in primary prevention initiatives does not result in a reduction of funding for crisis services and that sufficient resources are available for any increased demand for services following specific campaigns.

Recommendation 11

7.52    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government ensures the work being undertaken by COAG to develop a set of national outcome standards for perpetrator interventions use standards which are robust and sufficiently specific to ensure perpetrators are held accountable for their actions and the standards are demonstrably effective in breaking the cycle of violence. This work should consider the particular needs of ATSI, CALD and LGBTI perpetrators as well as those in regional areas.

Recommendation 12

7.54    The committee recommends that the recent report by the Centre for Innovative Justice at RMIT be considered by the COAG Advisory Panel to assist COAG to identify other opportunities to hold perpetrators to account and change their behaviours.

Recommendation 13

8.47    The committee recommends the Commonwealth Government, through COAG, establishes and resources a subcommittee of First Ministers to enable jurisdictions to share the results of trials and to coordinate the development of best practice policy and service responses to domestic and family violence.

Recommendation 14

8.48    The committee recommends the Commonwealth Government, through COAG, take leadership in the facilitation of effective police responses to domestic and family violence, encouraging states to implement targeted training and programs.

Recommendation 15

8.54    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government recognise the need to provide appropriate services to male victims of domestic and family violence.

Recommendation 16

9.65    The committee recommends that the Evaluation Plan for the National Plan include a coordinated status report on the consideration of the recommendations in the 2010 report by the Australian and NSW Law Reform Commissions.

Recommendation 17

9.71    The committee recommends the Commonwealth Government through the Attorney-General's Department, coordinate the development of consistent training for and evaluation of family consultants who write family reports for the Family Court alongside the development of a national family bench book by June 2017.

Recommendation 18

9.72    The committee recommends the Commonwealth Government, through the Attorney-General's Department and COAG, facilitate the training of all judicial officers who preside over family violence matters, alongside the development of a national family bench book by June 2017.

Recommendation 19

9.75    The committee recommends that every effort is made by the Commonwealth Government to ensure that the critical work being undertaken by the COAG ministerial council to:

is completed in accordance with the timetable agreed by COAG in April 2015.

Recommendation 20

10.67  The committee recognises the importance of the provision and availability of supportive housing models to assist victims of domestic and family violence to find safety for themselves and their children. The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government should play a lead role in identifying programs that could be implemented across the country, and in ensuring that specialist and 'wrap around' support services have access to dedicated, secure funding.

Recommendation 21

10.68  The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government, through COAG, facilitate the evaluation of existing legal measures and support programs that facilitate the removal of perpetrators of domestic and family violence from the family home so that victims many remain safely at home.  If those legal measures are found to be successful, that the Commonwealth encourage all states to adopt nationally consistent 'ouster order' laws and support programs.

Recommendation 22

10.72  The committee recognises the long term effort required to address domestic and family violence and recommends that the current Commonwealth short-term funding arrangements should be extended to a multi-year approach to reduce the level of uncertainty for services and to allow for adequate future planning in the sector.

Recommendation 23

10.73  The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government take a lead role in the provision of affordable housing solutions in Australia to meet long-term needs for those made homeless by domestic and family violence and in order to address the backlog of victims who cannot access affordable housing which stakeholders have identified during the inquiry.

Recommendation 24

10.75  The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government consider the framework developed by the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) as part of the cross–jurisdictional work it is leading through COAG to ensure the development of an integrated and focused effort to reduce the role of alcohol as a contributing factor in cases of domestic violence.

Recommendation 25

10.77  The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government work with the states and territories to improve the availability of alcohol rehabilitation services, including culturally appropriate services for those living in regional and remote Indigenous communities.

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