Terms of Reference

Select Committee on Electricity Prices

Terms of Reference

  1. That a select committee, to be known as the Select Committee on Electricity Prices be established to inquire into and report on:  
    1. identification of the key causes of electricity price increases over recent years and those likely in the future;      
    2. legislative and regulatory arrangements and drivers in relation to network transmission and distribution investment decision making and the consequent  impacts on electricity bills, and on the long term interests of consumers;  
    3. options to reduce peak demand and improve the productivity of the national electricity system;  
    4. investigation of mechanisms that could assist households and business to reduce their energy costs, including:  
      1. the identification of practical low cost energy efficiency opportunities to assist low income earners reduce their electricity costs,  
      2. the opportunities for improved customer advocacy and representation arrangements bringing together current diffuse consumer representation  around the country,  
      3. the opportunities and possible mechanisms for the wider adoption of technologies to provide consumers with greater information to assist in  managing their energy use,  
      4. the adequacy of current consumer information, choice, and protection measures, including the benefits to consumers and industry of uniform  adoption of the National Energy Customer Framework,  
      5. the arrangements to support and assist low income and vulnerable consumers with electricity pricing, in particular relating to the role and extent  of  dividend redistribution from electricity infrastructure,  
      6. the arrangements for network businesses to assist their customers to save energy and reduce peak demand as a more cost effective alternative  to  network infrastructure spending, and  
      7. the improved reporting by electricity businesses of their performance in assisting customers to save energy and reduce bills; and  
    5. investigation of opportunities and barriers to the wider deployment of new and innovative technologies, including:  
      1. direct load control and pricing incentives,  
      2. storage technology,  
      3. energy efficiency, and  
      4. distributed clean and renewable energy generation.  
    6. any related matter.

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Select Committee on Electricity Prices
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:(02) 6277 3526
Fax:(02) 6277 5818
