26 March 2008 |
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) signed an
Intergovernmental Agreement for the creation of the national scheme from 1
July 2010 |
26 May 2008 |
National Registration and Accreditation Implementation
Project (NRAIP) team commenced |
28 July 2008 |
Consultation paper on partially regulated professions
issued with a call for submissions |
12 Aug. 2008 |
Consultations commenced on Bill A around the country |
12 Aug. 2008 |
Queensland state forum; 124 attended |
13 Aug. 2008 |
Consultation paper on issues to be covered in Bill A
issued with a call for submissions |
14 Aug. 2008 |
Victoria state forum; 126 attended |
22 Aug. 2008 |
Tasmania state forum; 62 attended |
28 Aug. 2008 |
South Australia state forum; 69 attended |
4 Sept. 2008 |
National forum; 126 attended |
4 Sept. 2008 |
Health ministers announced consultation arrangements for
Bill B |
5 Sept. 2008 |
Call for submissions on issues to be covered in Bill A
closed; 44 submissions were received |
6 Sept. 2008 |
Positions advertised on Australian Health Practitioner
Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Management Committee |
10 Sept. 2008 |
Northern Territory forum; 53 attended |
10 Sept. 2008 |
New South Wales state forum; 106 attended |
18 Sept. 2008 |
Consultation paper on proposed registration arrangements
issued with a call for submissions |
24 Sept. 2008 |
Western Australia state forum; 106 attended |
3 Oct. 2008 |
Australian Capital Territory forum; 48 attended |
8 May 2009 |
Health Ministers met in Melbourne and issued communiqué on
design of new National Registration and Accreditation Scheme |
16 May 2009 |
Advertisements appeared in national press for members of
new national boards |
16 May 2009 |
Advertisements appeared in national press for Australian
Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Chief Executive Officer |
18 May 2009 |
Second meeting of the AHPRA Management Committee |
12 June 2009 |
Health ministers released exposure draft of the Health
Practitioner Regulation National Law (Bill B), the second piece of
legislation for the national scheme |
12 June 2009 |
Call for submissions on draft legislation, with a closing
date of 17 July 2009; 17 submissions received as at close of business on
Friday, 10 July 2009 |
19 June 2009 |
National forum on Bill B held in Canberra; 122 attended |
22 June 2009 |
Third meeting of the AHPRA Management Committee |
24 June 2009 |
New South Wales state forum on Bill B; 120 attended |
26 June 2009 |
Northern Territory forum on Bill B; 56 attended |
29 June 2009 |
South Australian state forum on Bill B; 96 attended |
29 June 2009 |
Result of registration system tender announced; awarded to
Eclipse Pty Ltd |
30 June 2009 |
Australian Capital Territory forum on Bill B; 38 attended |
2 July 2009 |
Tasmanian state forum on Bill B; 65 attended |
6 July 2009 |
Western Australian state forum on Bill B; 90 attended |
7 July 2009 |
Victorian state forum on Bill B; 230 attended |
8 July 2009 |
Bill B briefing for medical colleges held in Melbourne; 13
attended |
10 July 2009 |
Queensland state forum on Bill B; 140 attended |
17 July 2009 |
Closing date for submissions on draft exposure of Bill B;
approximately 450-500 submissions were received[2] |
6 Aug. 2009 |
Proposed date for tabling of Senate Community Affairs
Committee report of the inquiry into the NRAS |