Tables and Figures

Tables and Figures

Figure 1 Australian Government school funding arrangements, 2009-2013
Table 1 AGSRC 1999-2012, dollars per student and per cent increase
Figure 2 Growth of Commonwealth expenditure on school funding
Table 2 Australian schools by state and sector, 2013
Figure 3 Average net recurrent income per student by source of income and sector, 2009
Table 3 Funding and percentage increase by jurisdiction
Figure 4 State/Territory spending on school education, 2006-07 to 2011-12
Table 4 Additionality funding – South Australia
Table 5 Tasmanian Government, 2011-12 projected savings, education
Figure 5 Per student funding (real 2010-11 dollars) and PISA mean scores, Australia
Table 6 Summary of arrangements under the National Plan for School Improvement
Figure 7 Schooling Resource Standard (SRS)
Figure 8 Capacity to contribute arrangements for non-government schools
Figure 9 Low Socio-Economic Status Loading
Figure 10 Indigenous Student Loading
Figure 11 School Size Loading
Figure 12 School Location Loading
Table 7 Australian Government school funding provided to Tasmania
Figure 13 Progression of ODA, NDIS and NPSI funding over forward estimates
Table 8 MYEFO breakdown of school funding
Figure 14 Demonstration of future 'savings' achieved by indexation of funding for schools and hospitals post 2017

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