Appendix 1

Public hearing

Friday, 3 July 2020
Parliament House, Canberra ACT
Committee members in attendance: Senators Stoker, Carr, Henderson and McKim.
CAMPBELL, Ms Leonie, Deputy Director of Policy, Law Council of Australia
COTTERILL, Ms Emma, Senior Assistant Ombudsman, Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman
DE VEAU, Ms Pip, Group Manager and General Counsel, Legal Group, Department of Home Affairs
DICKINSON, Ms Hannah, Chair, Visa Cancellations Working Group
KEFFORD, Mr Andrew PSM, Acting Deputy Secretary, Immigration and Settlement Services, Department of Home Affairs
MANNE, Mr David, Executive Director, Principal Solicitor and Registered Migration Agent, Refugee Legal
MANTHORPE, Mr Michael PSM, Commonwealth Ombudsman, Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman
MAYBERY, Ms Tessa, Solicitor and Migration Agent, Refugee Legal
NANDAGOPAL, Ms Prabha, Senior Lawyer, Australian Human Rights Commission
OKHOVAT, Ms Sahar, Senior Policy Officer, Refugee Council of Australia
PERKINS, Ms Leah, Member, Migration Law Committee, Law Council of Australia
PFITZNER, Mr Paul, Acting Deputy Ombudsman, Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman
PILLAI, Dr Sangeetha, Senior Research Associate, Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law
POWER, Mr Paul, Chief Executive Officer, Refugee Council of Australia
PRINCE, Mr David, Member, Migration Law Committee, Law Council of Australia
REES, Mrs Claire, Acting Group Manager, Immigration Detention, Australian Border Force, Department of Home Affairs
SANTOW, Mr Edward, Human Rights Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission
VERMA, Ms Sanmati, Deputy Chair, Visa Cancellations Working Group
WILLARD, Mr Michael, First Assistant Secretary, Immigration and Community Protection Policy Division, Department of Home Affairs
WRIGHT, Ms Pauline, President, Law Council of Australia
WRIGLEY, Ms Katie, Senior Solicitor Immigration Law, Legal Aid NSW

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About this inquiry

The bill amends the Migration Act 1958 to allow the Minister to classify things, such as drugs and mobile phones, as ‘prohibited’ in relation to immigration detention facilities and detainees. The bill also includes a new statutory search power.

Past Public Hearings

03 Jul 2020: Canberra