

CHAPTER 1 - Introduction

[1]        House of Representatives, Votes and Proceedings, No. 134-19 September 2012, p. 1822.

[2]        Journals of the Senate, No. 114-20 September 2012, pp 3043-3044.

[3]        House of Representatives, Votes and Proceedings, No. 139-29 October 2012, p. 1905.

[4]        Journals of the Senate, No. 119-30 October 2012, p. 3191.

[5]        Explanatory Memorandum (EM), p. 1.

[6]        The Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Justice, House of Representatives Hansard, 19 September 2012, p. 11178. For similar comments, also see: the Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Justice, 'You don't have anything to fear if you don't have anything to hide', Daily Telegraph, 28 September 2012.

[7]        EM, p. 1.

[8]        EM, p. 1.

[9]        EM, p. 10.

[10]      Inquiry into Integrity Testing, November 2011, available at: (accessed 21 September 2012).

[11]      EM, p. 10.

[12]      EM, p. 45.

CHAPTER 2 - Key issues

[1]        Australian Crime Commission (ACC), Submission 2, p. 4; CrimTrac, Submission 3, p. 1; Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Submission 6, p. 4; Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI), Submission 7, p. 4; Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (Customs), Submission 10, pp 6 and 17.

[2]        Submission 7, p. 4.

[3]        Submission 8, p. 1. Also see Crime and Misconduct Commission Queensland, Submission 9, p. 1.

[4]        Submission 7, p. 7. Also see Liberty Victoria, which described a system of integrity testing as a reasonable mechanism: Submission 8, p. 1.

[5]        Submission 10, p. 7 and Submission 2, pp 1-2, respectively.

[6]        Submission 5, p. 5.

[7]        Submission 5, p. 6.

[8]        Committee Hansard, 1 November 2012, p. 5.

[9]        Ms Sarah Chidgey, Attorney-General's Department (AGD), Committee Hansard, 1 November 2012, p. 8.

[10]      Submission 5, p. 7.

[11]      Submission 5, p. 7.

[12]      Submission 11, p. 4.

[13]      Submission 11, p. 4.

[14]      Supplementary Submission 5, p. 1.

[15]      Supplementary Submission 5, p. 1.

[16]      Mr Jon Hunt-Sharman, AFPA, Committee Hansard, 1 November 2012, p. 7.

[17]      Ms Sarah Chidgey, AGD, Committee Hansard, 1 November 2012, p. 9.

[18]      Ms Sarah Chidgey, AGD, Committee Hansard, 1 November 2012, p. 9. Most integrity tests will involve a corruption issue: see Ms Sarah Chidgey, AGD, Committee Hansard, 1 November 2012, p. 10. For that reason, the senior officer concerned would already be known to the Integrity Commissioner due to notification requirements under the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006 (Cth): see Mr Michael Pezzullo, Customs, Committee Hansard, 1 November 2012, p. 10.

[19]      Submission 10, pp 13-14.

[20]      Submission 7, p. 8.

[21]      Submission 7, p. 9.

[22]      Committee Hansard, 1 November 2012, p. 3.

[23]      Submission 1, p. 6.

[24]      Submission 11, p. 5.

[25]      Submission 10, p. 12. ACLEI also confirmed that it will work with Customs to develop the professional reporting support network: Submission 7, p. 10.

[26]      Submission 11, pp 5-6.

[27]      Item 19 of Schedule 2 of the Bill.

[28]      Submission 7, p. 9.

[29]      Ms Rebecca Fawcett, Community and Public Sector Union, Committee Hansard, 1 November 2012, p. 2.

[30]      Committee Hansard, 1 November 2012, p. 2.

[31]      Submission 1, pp 6-7.

[32]      EM, p. 52. Also see the end note to proposed new section 15A of the Customs Administration Act 1985 (Cth).

[33]      Submission 11, p. 5. For similar comments, see Mr Michael Pezzullo, Customs, Committee Hansard, 1 November 2012, p. 10.

[34]      Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights (PJC-HR), Sixth Report of 2012: Bills introduced 9-11 October 2012; Legislative Instruments registered with the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments 20 September-16 October 2012, October 2012, Appendix 1, letter from the Minister for Home Affairs and Justice, the Hon Jason Clare MP dated 29 October 2012, p. 7.

[35]      Submission 10, pp 15-16. For similar comments, also see EM, pp 6-7.

[36]      The Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Justice, House of Representatives Hansard, 19 September 2012, p. 11181.

[37]      Submission 10, p. 15.

[38]      Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills (Scrutiny of Bills Committee), Thirteenth Report of 2012, 31 October 2012, letter from the Minister for Home Affairs and Justice, the Hon Jason Clare MP dated 29 October 2012, pp 2-3.

[39]      Scrutiny of Bills Committee, Thirteenth Report of 2012, 31 October 2012, letter from the Minister for Home Affairs and Justice, the Hon Jason Clare MP dated 29 October 2012, p. 3. Also see: EM, p. 51.

[40]      Answer to question on notice, received 7 November 2012, p. 3.

[41]      Submission 7, p. 9.

[42]      Submission 10, p. 9.

[43]      Submission 10, p. 14.

[44]      PJC-HR, Sixth Report of 2012: Bills introduced 9-11 October 2012; Legislative Instruments registered with the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments 20 September-16 October 2012, October 2012, Appendix 1, letter from the Minister for Home Affairs and Justice, the Hon Jason Clare MP dated 29 October 2012, pp 3-4.

[45]      Committee Hansard, 1 November 2012, p. 2.

[46]      Submission 1, p. 2.

[47]      Submission 1, p. 2.

[48]      Submission 1, p. 2.

[49]      Submission 1, pp 2-3.

[50]      Committee Hansard, 1 November 2012, p. 4.

[51]      Submission 11, p. 5. Also see PJC-HR, Sixth Report of 2012: Bills introduced 9-11 October 2012; Legislative Instruments registered with the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments 20 September-16 October 2012, October 2012, Appendix 1, letter from the Minister for Home Affairs and Justice, the Hon Jason Clare MP dated 29 October 2012, p. 4.

[52]      PJC-HR, Sixth Report of 2012: Bills introduced 9-11 October 2012; Legislative Instruments registered with the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments 20 September-16 October 2012, October 2012, Appendix 1, letter from the Minister for Home Affairs and Justice, the Hon Jason Clare MP dated 29 October 2012, pp 4-5.

[53]      Committee Hansard, 1 November 2012, p. 13.