Submissions received by the committee as at 19/06/2006

Inquiry into the provisions of the Migration Amendment (Designated Unauthorised Arrivals) Bill 2006

Submissions received by the committee as at 19/06/2006

Sub No.  
1 Mr Ben Leeman (PDF 11KB)
2 Mr G. Osboldstone (PDF 12KB)
3 Ms Frances Harvey (PDF 10KB)
4 Ms Daisie Barham (PDF 14KB)
5 Mr Dennis Ryle (PDF 11KB)
6 Mr Brendan C Joyce (PDF 12KB)
7 Ms Sue Cleveland (PDF 12KB)
8 Mr Robert Gunter (PDF 17KB)
9 Refugee Council of Australia (PDF 66KB)
10 Ms Dorothy Babb (PDF 14KB)
11 Mr Bruce Hogben (PDF 13KB)
12 Mr David Ellemor (PDF 12KB)
13 St Hilary's Anglican Church Kew (PDF 72KB)
14 Mr Richard Aspland (PDF 11KB)
15 Ms Kerry Gonzales (PDF 13KB)
16 Mr Sean McManus (PDF 24KB)
17 Mr Huw Luscombe (PDF 13KB)
18 Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office (PDF 39KB), Attachment A (PDF 27KB), Attachment B (PDF 26KB)
19 Ms Jenny Richardson (PDF 9KB)
20 Ms Rosalind Berry (PDF 16KB)
21 Ms Anna Foley (PDF 9KB)
22 Ms Rebecca Dickson (PDF 39KB)
23 Ms Liz Hughes (PDF 58KB)
24 Ms Di Jeffs (PDF 15KB)
25 Mr Mike and Mrs Nancy Murphy (PDF 13KB)
26 Dr Trish Carroll (PDF 12KB)
27 Ms Sue Christophersen, Dr William Christophersen, Dr Fleur Christophersen, Dr Richard Horton  (PDF 24KB)
28 M. Cesare (PDF 12KB)
29 Project SafeCom Inc. PDF 38KB
30 Ms Daniela Giorgi PDF 12KB
31 Liberty Victoria (PDF 142KB)
32 Quaker Peace and Legislation Committee (PDF 11KB), Attachment A (PDF 38KB)
33 Mr Peter Hurrey (PDF 14KB)
34 Ms Sally Putnam (PDF 28KB)
35 Ms Jean Jordan (PDF 12KB)
36 Mt Gambier Catholic Parish (PDF 11KB)
37 Mr Peter C. Friis (PDF 16KB)
38 Ms Kath Morton (PDF 12KB)
39 Ms Anita Coles (PDF 18KB)
40 Ms Rosamund Rose (PDF 11KB)
41 Lorien Vecellio (PDF 17KB)
42 Ms Kerrie Donaldson (PDF 11KB)
43 Ms Kate Greenwood (PDF 31KB)
44 Ms Nicola Hughes and Mr Ross Baird (PDF 22KB)
45 Mr David Hopkins (PDF 13KB)
46 Mick Jeffery and Fidrin Lusi (PDF 16KB)
47 Ms Michelle Thomas (PDF 13KB)
48 Mr John Greenwell (PDF 37KB)
49 United Nations Youth Association of Australia (PDF 113KB)
50 Ms Mary J de Merindol (PDF 12KB)
51 Dr Jen Harrison (PDF 34KB)
52 Ms Dianne Hiles (PDF 68KB)
53 Ms Elaine Smith (PDF 2939KB)
54 Ms Mary Lou and Ms Robin Friday (PDF 14KB)
55 Ms Denise Dalton (PDF 14KB)
56 Jesuit Refugee Service (Australia) (PDF 99KB)
57 Mr Matthew Thorpe and Mrs Joanne Thorpe (PDF 13KB)
58 Mr Geoffrey Edward Hacquoil and Mrs Winifred Ruth Hacquoil (PDF 15KB)
59 Ms Sue Hoffman (PDF 35KB)
60 Mr Angus Francis (PDF 227KB)
61 Ms Pamela Curr (PDF 23KB)
62 Mr Mark Ciaran Seddon (PDF 35KB)
63 Springvale Monash Legal Service Inc. (PDF 25KB)
64 Dr Jane McAdam (PDF 140KB)
65 Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (PDF 177KB)
66 Associate Professor Mary Crock (PDF 52KB)
66A Confidential
67 NSW Council for Civil Liberties (PDF 105KB)
68 Ms Diane Gosden (PDF 13KB)
69 Mr Richard Chauvel (PDF 12KB), Attachment A (PDF 57KB), Attachment B (PDF 189KB), Attachment C (PDF 275KB)
70 Ms Wendy Hebbard (PDF 13KB)
71 Ms Bette Devine (PDF 13KB)
72 Amnesty International Australia (PDF 116KB)
73 Human Rights Law Resource Centre Ltd (PDF 294KB)
74 Oxfam Australia (PDF 72KB)
75 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (PDF 100KB)
75A United Nations High Commissioner for Refugess (PDF 74KB)
76 Melbourne Catholic Migrant & Refugee Office (PDF 162KB)
77 Conference of Leaders of Religious Institutes (NSW) (PDF 69KB)
78 Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (PDF 486KB)
79 St Vincent de Paul Society (PDF 94KB)
80 Castan Centre for Human Rights Law (PDF 288KB)
80A Castan Centre for Human Rights Law (PDF 20KB)
81 A Just Australia (PDF 321KB)
82 Ms Linda Jaivin (PDF 16KB)
83 Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education (PDF 139KB)
84 Australia West Papua Association (Melbourne) (PDF 21KB)
85 Federation of Community Legal Centres (Vic) Inc (PDF 42KB)
86 Mr Ross Daniels (PDF 17KB)
87 Dr Klaus Neumann (PDF 127KB)
88 Legal Services Commission of South Australia (PDF 233KB)
89 National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) (PDF 76KB)
90 Law Institute of Victoria (PDF 208KB)
91 Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre Inc (PDF 60KB), Attachment A (PDF 150KB), Attachment B (PDF 231KB)
92 Anglicare (Sydney) (PDF 188KB)
93 Mr Philip Hudson (PDF 12KB)
94 Refugee and Immigration Legal Service Inc (QLD) (PDF 105KB)
95 ACT Refugee Action Committee (PDF 118KB), Attachment (PDF 339KB)
96 Dr Penelope Mathew (PDF 113KB)
96A Dr Penelope Mathew (PDF 12KB)
97 Legal Aid Queensland (PDF 20KB)
98 GetUp (PDF 53KB)
99 Centre for Multicultural Pastoral Care (PDF 99KB)
100 Asylum Seekers Centre (Inc) (PDF 126KB)
101 Immigration Advice and Rights Centre Inc. (PDF 115KB)
102 Public Interest Law Clearing House (Vic.) (PDF 35KB)
103 The Migration Institute of Australia Limited (MIA) (PDF 40KB)
103A The Migration Institute of Australia Limited (MIA) (PDF 34KB)
104 Refugee Advice and Casework Service (Australia) Inc. (PDF 84KB)
105 Mr David Hill (PDF 11KB)
106 Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (FECCA) (PDF 61KB)
107 Mr Roger Landbeck (PDF 159KB)
108 Mr Nicholas Poynder (PDF 87KB)
109 Public Interest Law Clearing House (Vic) Inc and the Victorian Bar (PDF 69KB)
110 Ms Halina Rubin (PDF 21KB), Attachment A (JPEG 46KB), Attachment B (JPEG 274KB)
111 ChilOut (PDF 590KB)
112 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (PDF 235KB)
112A Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (PDF 52KB)
113 Ms Helen Leeder (PDF 12KB)
114 Mr Herman Wainggai (PDF 39KB), Attachment A (DVD: copies are available from the Secretariat)
115 Ms Marion Le (PDF 129KB), Attachment A (PDF 35KB), Attachment B (PDF 741KB), Attachment C (PDF 1248KB), Attachment D (PDF 51KB), Attachment E (PDF 36KB), Attachment F (PDF 28KB), Attachment G (PDF 43KB), Attachment H (PDF 46KB)
115A Ms Marion Le (PDF 164KB)
116 ICJ Australia (PDF 832KB)
117 Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture Inc (Foundation House) (PDF 134KB)
118 Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (PDF 103KB)
118A Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (PDF 150KB)
118B Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (PDF 53KB)
118C Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (PDF 18KB)
118D Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (PDF 80KB), Attachment A (PDF 889KB), Attachment B (PDF 620KB), Attachment C (PDF 251KB), Attachment D (PDF 69KB), Attachment E (PDF 500KB), Attachment F (PDF 673KB), Attachment G (PDF 2032KB), Attachment H (PDF 2038KB), Attachment I (PDF 1861KB), Attachment J (PDF 67KB), Attachment K (PDF 875KB), Attachment L (PDF 464KB), Attachment M (PDF 109KB), Attachment N (PDF 178KB), Attachment O (PDF 223KB)
118E Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (PDF 156KB)
119 B.G. Hepworth LLB (PDF 57KB)
120 J.J.C. Smart AC and E.M. Smart (PDF 71KB)
121 Ms Frederika Steen (PDF 147KB)
122 Ms Marianne van Galen (PDF 64KB)
123 Ms Frances Harvey (PDF 10KB)
124 Australian Lawyers Alliance (PDF 106KB)
125 Ms Clover Moore MP (PDF 39KB)
126 Confidential
127 The Law Society of South Australia (PDF 93KB), Attachment A (PDF 233KB), Attachment B (PDF 195KB)
128 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) (PDF 93KB), Attachment A (PDF 104KB)
129 Mr Hassan Ghulam (PDF 18KB)
130 Ms Marilyn Shepherd (PDF 41KB), Attachment A (Graphic image: copy available from the Secretariat)
130A Ms Marilyn Shepherd (PDF 15KB)
131 Mr John Stanhope MLA (PDF 167KB)
132 Ms Natasha Hayes (PDF 56KB)
133 The Law Society of New South Wales (PDF 215KB)
134 Ms Barbara Ashby (PDF 66KB)
135 UnitingJustice Australia (PDF 73KB)
136 Mr Michael Brisco (PDF 44KB)
137 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (PDF 13KB)

For further information or to obtain hard copies, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3560
Fax: +61 2 6277 5794