Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference

On 24 March 2011 the Senate referred the following matter to the Select Committee on Australia's Food Processing Sector for inquiry and report.

(1) That a select committee, to be known as the Select Committee on Australia’s Food Processing Sector be established to inquire into, and report by 30 June 2012 on the following matters:

(a) the competitiveness and future viability of Australia’s food processing sector in global markets;

(b) the regulatory environment for Australia’s food processing and manufacturing companies including but not limited to:

(i) taxation,

(ii) research and development,

(iii) food labelling,

(iv) cross-jurisdictional regulations,

(v) bio-security, and

(vi) export arrangements;

(c) the impact of Australia’s competition regime and the food retail sector, on the food processing sector, including the effectiveness of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010;

(d) the effectiveness of anti-dumping rules;

(e) the costs of production inputs including raw materials, labour, energy and water;

(f) the effect of international anti-free trade measures;

(g) the access to efficient and quality infrastructure, investment capital and skilled labour and skills training; and

(h) any other related matter.

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