

Chapter 2 - Science and emissions targets

[1]        IPCC 2007, Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis, p. 5.

[2]        IPCC 2007, Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis, p. 10. A more recent metastudy by Rosenzweig et al in the leading journal Nature, 15 May 2008, provides a range of further evidence of anthropogenic climate change.

[3]        Professor Robert Carter, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, pp 68 and 70.

[4]        Professor Will Steffen, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 83.

[5]        Professor Bob Carter, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 59.

[6]        Professor David Karoly, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 82.

[7]        Professor Will Steffen, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 82.

[8]        Dr Ian Allison and Dr Tony Press, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, pp 11–13.

[9]        Professor Stewart Franks, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 59 and Mr Ian McClintock, Submission 7, p. 2.

[10]      Professor David Karoly, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 90. The CSIRO comment 'there is less than 5% likelihood that the observed warming is due to natural causes alone'; The science of climate change.

[11]      Cited in Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme: Australia's Low Pollution Future, December 2008, (hereafter White Paper), pp 1-2.

[12]      IPCC 2007, Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability, p. 509.

[13]      Dr Alan Dupont & Dr Graeme Pearman, 'Heating up the planet: Climate change and security', Lowy Paper, no. 12, Lowy Institute for International Policy, 2006, cited in White Paper pp 1-2.

[14]      Professor Will Steffen, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 76. Similar views were put by Dr Graeme Pearman, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 75 and Professor Tim Flannery, Standing Committee on Economics Proof Committee Hansard, 27 March 2009, p. 100.

[15]      See for example Professor David Karoly, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, pp 81–82; Dr Tony Press, Chief Executive Officer, Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 10 and Dr James Risbey, a CSIRO scientist and researcher at the centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, speaking in a private capacity, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 64.

[16]      Dr Brett Parris, World Vision Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 110. The joint statement by the academies, led by the Royal Society, can be found in Science, 18 May 2001, p. 1261.

[17]      Dr Brett Parris, World Vision Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 110. The article, which can be found in The Lancet, 16 May 2009, p. 1693, says that 'effects of climate change on health will affect most populations in the next decades and put the lives and wellbeing of billions of people at increased risk'. Further evidence on medical implications is given by Doctors for the Environment, Submission 401.

[18]      Mr Peter Coates, Chairman of Xstrata and Chairman of the Minerals Council of Australia Standing Committee on Climate Change, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 22.

[19]      Mrs Heather Ridout, Chief Executive, Australian Industry Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 32.

[20]      Mr Anthony Concannon, Chairman, Energy Supply Association of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 42.

[21]      Mr Steve Hodgson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bauxite and Alumina, Rio Tinto Alcan, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 126. Similar sentiments were expressed by Mr Miles Prosser, Executive Director, Australian Aluminium Council, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 51.

[22]      Mr Mike Norton, President, and Mr Dale Park, Climate Change Spokesperson, Western Australian Farmers Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, pp 95 and 99. A similar view was put by Mr Nick Flittner, Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 19.

[23]      Mr Peter Cosier, Director, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 89.

[24]      Dr John Hunter, Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 3.

[25]      Dr John Hunter, Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 4.

[26]      Dr James Risbey, speaking in a private capacity, 23 April 2009, pp 58–59.

[27]      Dr Martin Riddle, Australian Antarctic Division, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, pp 7 and 9. Similar views were put by Dr Risbey, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 59 and Dr Matear, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, pp 61–62. Some scientists did not dispute this, but downplayed its significance: 'we are not talking about the end of the planet'; Professor Franks, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 71.

[28]      The Economics of Climate Change: the Stern Review, Cambridge University Press, 2007, p. 54. In its more technical analysis, the Stern team applied a discount of 0.1 per cent a year to the welfare of future generations, solely on the grounds that some global catastrophe (such as collision with an asteroid) may mean they do not exist.

[29]      Professor Albrecht, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, pp 70–71.

[30]      Reverend Tim Costello, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, pp. 79–80.

[31]      Ms Amanda McKenzie, Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, pp 34–35.

[32]      The Economics of Climate Change: the Stern Review, Cambridge University Press, 2007, p. xv.

[33]      The Garnaut Climate Change Review: Final Report, Cambridge University Press, 2008, (hereafter Garnaut Review), p. xxv. Further information on the modelling results in the Garnaut Review is given below, starting in paragraph 2.120.

[34]      This point is made in a recent literature survey by the OECD, which noted the uncertainties but argued action was justified 'even if the marginal cost of greenhouse gas emissions mitigation exceeds the marginal damage of one additional ton of carbon...because two features of the impacts of climate change tilt the balance in favour of action: their irreversibility, and the risk they are extreme'; S Jamet and J Corfee-Morlot, 'Assessing the impact of climate change: a literature review', OECD Economics working papers, no. 691, April 2009.

[35]      Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2009, (hereafter CPRS Bill), section 14(5)(c)(i).

[36]      CPRS Bill Commentary, p. 14.

[37]      Department of Climate Change, fact sheet, Strengthening Australia's 2020 carbon pollution target, p. 1. The Garnaut Review had also advocated a 5 per cent unconditional cut but recommended an offer of a 25 per cent cut in the context of an international agreement that added up to sufficient cuts to reach a CO2 concentration of 450 ppm.

[38]      Department of Climate Change Fact Sheet, Strengthening Australia's 2020 Carbon Pollution Target, p. 1.

[39]      Mr Blair Comley, Department of Climate Change, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 4.

[40]      Mr John Connor, Climate Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 27.

[41]      Dr Richard Denniss, Australia Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 42.

[42]      Professor Stephen Howes, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 58.

[43]      Dr Brett Parris, World Vision Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 111.

[44]      The Waxman-Markey bill has been approved (by 33–25) by the House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee, and is now under consideration by other committees.

[45]      The bill has passed a second reading vote and is now before a parliamentary committee.

[46]      Garnaut Review, p. 278.

[47]      A similar calculation in a report by Ecofys gives a 22–28 per cent reduction as Australia’s contribution; Dr Paul Twomey, Standing Committee on Economics Proof Committee Hansard, 27 March 2009, p. 116. This is also about a 25 per cent reduction from 2000 levels, as in Australia there was little net increase in emissions over 1990–2000.

[48]      Professor Ross Garnaut, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 46.

[49]      Mr Andrew Macintosh, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 84.

[50]      Dr Iain MacGill, Joint Director (Engineering), Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets, University of New South Wales, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 63.

[51]      Mr Michael O'Sullivan, Australian Council of Superannuation Investors, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 167.

[52]      Mr Erwin Jackson, Climate Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 77.

[53]      Dr Brett Parris, World Vision Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 111.

[54]      Dr Richard Denniss, Australia Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 18.

[55]      Dr Phill Pullinger, Environment Tasmania, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 95.

[56]      Mr Owen Pascoe, Australian Conservation Foundation, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 26.

[57]      Professor John Quiggin, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 17.

[58]      Professor David Karoly, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 77.

[59]      Mr Peter Cosier, Director, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 86.

[60]      Mr Andrew Macintosh, Associate Director, ANU Centre for Climate Law and Policy, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 74.

[61]      Mr John Hepburn, Greenpeace Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 20.

[62]      Mr Lawson, Friends of the Earth Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 23.

[63]      Ms Amanda McKenzie, Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 24.

[64]      McKinseys, An Australian Cost Curve for Greenhouse Gas Reduction, February 2008, Submission 764a, p. 6.

[65]      Reverend Tim Costello, Chief Executive, World Vision Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 79.

[66]      Dr Graeme Pearman, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 85.

[67]      Dr Brett Parris, World Vision Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 82.

[68]      Mrs Heather Ridout, Chief Executive, Australian Industry Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 33.

[69]      Mr Michael Hitchens, Australian Industry Greenhouse Network, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 21.

[70]      Mr Chris Phillips, Dairy Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 195.

[71]      Mr Chris Leon, Chair, Cement Industry Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 48.

[72]      Woodside Energy, Submission 375, p. 3.

[73]      Mr Steve Hodgson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bauxite and Alumina, Rio Tinto Alcan, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 127.

[74]      Mr Paul O'Malley, Chief Executive Officer, BlueScope Steel, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 13.

[75]      Ms Robyn Bain, Chief Executive Officer, Cement Industry Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 47.

[76]      Dr Liu Xiaoling, President, Primary Metals Pacific, Rio Tinto Alcan, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, pp 130 and 134.

[77]      Mr James Spedding, Secretary, Australian Landfill Owners Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 44.

[78]      Mrs Ros DeGaris, Chief Executive Officer, National Lime Association of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 19.

[79]      Mr Howard Bamsey, Deputy Secretary and Special Envoy, Department of Climate Change, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 88.

[80]      Dr Alan Moran, Institute of Public Affairs, cited in Senate Standing Committee on Economics, Exposure draft of the legislation to implement the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, April 2009, p. 128.

[81]      Professor Ross Garnaut, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 49.

[82]      Mr Don Henry, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 60.

[83]      Mr Don Henry, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 62.

[84]      Ms Trish Harrup, Greenpeace Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 70.

[85]      Professor Stephen Howes, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 43.

[86]      Professor Glenn Albrecht, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 71.

[87]      Mr Amar Breckenridge, Frontier Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 18.

[88]      Reverend Tim Costello, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 85.

[89]      James Garvey, Secretary of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, The Ethics of Climate Change, 2008, p. 108.

[90]      Professor John Quiggin, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, pp 19–20.

[91]      Dr Brett Parris, World Vision Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 86.

[92]      Minerals Council of Australia, Submission 425, p. 15.

[93]      Dr John Hunter, Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 8.

[94]      Ms Amanda McKenzie, Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 45.

[95]      Ms Fiona Wain, CEO, Environment Business Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 45.

[96]      Mrs Heather Ridout, Chief Executive, Australian Industry Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 32.

[97]      Mr Andrew Macintosh, Associate Director, ANU Centre for Climate Law and Policy, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 91.

[98]      Mr David Pearce, Executive Director, Centre for International Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 7.

[99]      Dr John Pezzey, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 60.

[100]    Dr Ray Wills, Chief Executive, Western Australia Sustainable Energy Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 45.

[101]    Mr Dave Oliver, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 4.

[102]    Dr Ray Wills, Chief Executive, Western Australia Sustainable Energy Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 46.

[103]    Mr Todd Stern, President Obama's climate change envoy, cited by Ms Harrup, Greenpeace Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 62.

[104]    Professor John Quiggin, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 29.

[105]    Treasury, Australia's Low Pollution Future: The Economics of Climate Change Mitigation, October 2008, p. iii. This report is hereafter referred to as Treasury (2008).

[106]    The three main computable general equilibrium models used were the Global Trade and Environment Model (GTEM) developed by ABARE, the G-cubed model developed by Professor Warwick McKibbin of the Australian National University and the Monash Multi‑Regional Forecasting (MMRF) model. They were supplemented by industry-specific models. The impacts on households were modelled using Treasury's Price Revenue Incidence Simulation Model (PRISMOD). Treasury (2008, pp 12–14).

[107]    Treasury (2008, p. ix).

[108]    Treasury (2008, p. xi).

[109]    Ms Meghan Quinn, Manager, Climate Change Modelling Division, Department of the Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 29.

[110]    Ms Meghan Quinn, Manager, Climate Change Modelling Division, Department of the Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 29.

[111]    Mr David Pearce, Centre for International Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 22.

[112]    Mr Geoff Carmody, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 31.

[113]    Mr David Pearce, Centre for International Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 6.

[114]    Mr David Pearce, Centre for International Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 7.

[115]    Mr Trevor St Baker, ERM Power, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 77.

[116]    Dr Brian Fisher, 'A peer review of the Treasury modelling of the economic impacts of reducing emissions', Concept Economics, 30 January 2009, p. 20.

[117]    The question of whether Australia risks 'acting alone' is discussed commencing paragraph 2.78.

[118]    Dr David Gruen, 'The economic costs of reducing greenhouse gas emissions: understanding the Treasury modelling', Treasury Economic Roundup, no. 4, 2008, p. 27.

[119]    Ms Meghan Quinn, Manager, Climate Change Modelling Division, Department of the Treasury, Select Committee on Fuel and Energy Hansard, 19 November 2008, p. 63.

[120]    Dr Brian Fisher, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 212.

[121]    Ms Meghan Quinn, Manager, Climate Change Modelling Division, Department of the Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 26.

[122]    Ms Meghan Quinn, Manager, Climate Change Modelling Division, Department of the Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 26.

[123]    Ms Meghan Quinn, Manager, Climate Change Modelling Division, Department of the Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 8.

[124]    Professor Ross Garnaut, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 45.

[125]    The IMF's April 2008 World Economic Outlook has projections to 2013 and the April 2009 issue out to 2014. In both cases the forecasts have settled down to around 4.8 per cent growth in the final projection years and this growth rate is assumed to continue to 2020 in the chart. The CO2 emissions exclude those due to land use change and forestry. The units used in the chart are billions of 1990 (international Geary-Khamis) dollars for GDP and millions of tonnes for CO2 emissions.

[126]    Mr David Pearce, Centre for International Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 15.

[127]    Ms Meghan Quinn, Manager, Climate Change Modelling Division, Department of the Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 13.

[128]    Ms Meghan Quinn, Manager, Climate Change Modelling Division, Department of the Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 18.

[129]    Mrs Heather Ridout, Chief Executive, Australian Industry Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, pp 33 and 43.

[130]    Dr Brian Fisher, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 217.

[131]    Dr Brian Fisher, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 218.

[132]    Mr David Pearce, Centre for International Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 15.

[133]    Mr Greg Evans, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 116.

[134]    Mr Andrew Canion, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 7.

[135]    Mr Tate, Lord Mayor of Newcastle, but appearing in a personal capacity,  Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, pp 89 and 96.

[136]    Ms Meghan Quinn, Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, pp 14–15.

[137]    Ms Meghan Quinn, Manager, Climate Change Modelling Division, Department of the Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 13.

[138]    Mr David Pearce, Centre for International Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 10.

[139]    Mr Danny Price, Frontier Economics, Proof Select Committee on Fuel and Energy Hansard, 2 April 2009, p. 14.

[140]    Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, The CPRS: Economic cost without environmental benefit, May 2009, p. 89.

[141]    Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, The CPRS: Economic cost without environmental benefit, May 2009, pp 90–100.

[142]    Mr Chris Phillips, Dairy Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 198.

[143]    Mr Michael Keogh, Executive Director, Australian Farm Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 110.

[144]    Ms Meghan Quinn, Manager, Climate Change Modelling Division, Department of the Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 31.

[145]    Ms Meghan Quinn, Manager, Climate Change Modelling Division, Department of the Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 107.

[146]    Mr Bryan Clark, Grain Growers Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 67.

[147]    Garnaut Review, p. 253.

[148]    Garnaut Review, p. 253.

[149]    Garnaut Review, pp 262–263.

[150]    Garnaut Review, p. 272.

[151]    Garnaut Review, p. 268.

[152]    Garnaut Review, p. 306.

[153]    Mr Phillip Glyde, Executive Director, ABARE, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, pp 112–113.

[154]    Mr Phillip Glyde, Executive Director, ABARE, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, pp 113–114. This modelling assumes no change in the climate.

[155]    Mr Michael Keogh, Executive Director, Australian Farm Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 111.

[156]    Mr Peter Cosier, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 72.

[157]    Dr Chris Mitchell, Executive Director, Corporate Development, CO2 Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 76.

[158]    Concept Economics, The Employment Effects in the Australian Minerals Industry from the Proposed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme in Australia, May 2009.

[159]    The results from these exercises are given in Chapter 4 of the Senate Standing Committee on Economics April 2009 report, Exposure draft of the legislation to implement the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.

Chapter 3

[1]        Pew Centre on Global Climate Change, 'Issue Overview: Cap and Trade versus carbon tax', (accessed 1 June 2009).

[2]        European Commission, 'Emission Trading Scheme', (accessed 1 June 2009).

[3], 'New Zealand creates cap and trade scheme', (accessed 1 June 2009).

[4]        The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, Discussion Draft Summary, p. 3.

[5]        See Mr Paul O'Malley, BlueScope Steel, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 13.

[6]        There are a few notable exceptions (see the discussion of alternative models below).

[7]        Professor Ross Garnaut, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 45.

[8]        Professor John Quiggin, Submission 289, p. 11.

[9]        Australian Industry Group, Submission 605, p 1.

[10]      Santos, Submission 459, p. 3.

[11]      See Dr Richard Denniss, 'Comparison of emissions trading in theory and the CPRS in practice', The Australia Institute, 2009, Forthcoming. Dr Richard Denniss, Senate Economics Committee Hansard, 25 March 2009, pp 76 and 78.

[12]      Mr Paul O'Malley, Chief Executive Officer, BlueScope Steel, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 13.

[13]      See Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, Green Paper, July 2008, p. 78.

[14]      Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading, Report, May 2007.

[15]      The House of Representative Economics Committee resolved to conduct the inquiry on 12 February 2009. On 20 February 2009, it resolved to discontinue the inquiry. The terms of reference directed the committee to inquire into the choice of emissions trading as the central policy to reduce Australia's carbon pollution.

[16]      See Garnaut Review, 2008, p. 196.

[17]      See Garnaut Review, 2008, pp. 196–197.

[18]      Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading, Report, May 2007, p. 168.

[19]      Mr Tim Kelly and Professor Barry Brook, Submission 552, pp 2–3.

[20]      Mr Tim Kelly and Professor Barry Brook, Submission 552, pp. 9–10.

[21]      Congressional Budget Office, 'Policy options for reducing CO2 emissions', February 2008, (accessed 5 May 2009).

[22]      Exxon Mobil, Submission 519, p. 5.

[23]      Professor Ross Garnaut, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 45.

[24]      Professor Ross Garnaut, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 45.

[25]      Professor Quiggin sees this as a 'relatively minor point', however. Cash compensation could be paid out of revenue from a carbon tax.

[26]      Professor John Quiggin, Submission 289, p. 10.

[27]      Professor John Quiggin, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2008, p. 16.

[28]      Dr John Pezzey, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 59. See also Submission 616, p. 6.

[29]      See Mr Geoff Carmody, 'Effective Climate Policy Change—the seven C's: Some design principles for evaluating greenhouse gas abatement policies', Policy Note 1, July 2008, p. ii.

[30]      Mr Geoff Carmody, 'Effective Climate Policy Change—the seven C's: Some design principles for evaluating greenhouse gas abatement policies', Policy Note 1, July 2008, p. ii.

[31]      Mr Geoff Carmody, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 28.

[32]      Mr Geoff Carmody, 'Effective Climate Policy Change—the seven C's: Some design principles for evaluating greenhouse gas abatement policies', Policy Note 1, July 2008, p. ii.

[33]      Mr Geoff Carmody, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, pp. 22–23. This view was challenged by other witnesses who saw a strong lead by Australia on climate change as offering a powerful incentive for other nations to follow. See Mr Erwin Jackson, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 75.

[34]      Mr Geoff Carmody, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 29.

[35]      Mr Geoff Carmody, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 23.

[36]      Mr Geoff Carmody, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 23.

[37]      Mr Geoff Carmody, 'Effective Climate Change Policy: The Seven C's: Implementing design principles for effective climate change policy', Policy Note No. 2, September 2008, p. i.

[38]      Mr Geoff Carmody, 'Effective Climate Change Policy: The Seven C's: Implementing design principles for effective climate change policy', Policy Note No. 2, September 2008, p. ii.

[39]      Mr Salim Mazouz, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 24.

[40]      Mr Geoff Carmody, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 30.

[41]      Mr Salim Mazouz, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 24.

[42]      For a critical analysis of this scheme, see Robert Passey, Iain MacGill and Hugh Outhred, 'The governance challenge for implementing effective market-based climate policies: A case study of the New South Wales Greenhouse Gas Reduction Scheme', Energy Policy, Vol. 36, 2008, pp. 3009–3018.

[43]      See Mr Danny Price, Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, Committee Hansard, 2 April 2009, p. 12.

[44]      Both the intensity-based and the baseline-and-credit scheme avoid churn. Revenue is recycled into a flat producer subsidy as opposed to the cap and trade scheme where there is a large transfer of funds into government coffers and then back out to consumers. See Frontier Economics, 'options for the design of emissions trading schemes in Australia', Submission to the Garnaut Climate Change Review, April 2008, p. 12.

[45]      Mr Matt Harris, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 16.

[46]      Frontier Economics does concede the possibility that lower price effects may impact on demand side abatement, which may therefore require other measures such as demand-side management rules. See Frontier Economics, 'Options for the design of emissions trading schemes in Australia', Submission to the Garnaut Climate Change Review, April 2008, p. ii. 

[47]      Mr Matt Harris, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 19.

[48]      Mr Amar Breckenridge, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 22.

[49]      Mr Salim Mazouz, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 59.

[50]      Dr Richard Denniss, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 59.

[51]      Garnaut Climate Change Review, 2008, p. 310.

[52]      McLennan Magasanik Associates are Australian consultants with expertise in energy, environmental and regulatory issues.

[53]      The Climate Institute, Submission 406, p. 21.

[54]      The Climate Institute, Submission 406, pp. 21–22.

[55]      Mr Ivan Cauley, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 80.

[56]      Mr John Laugher, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, pp. 51–52.

[57]      Mr Erwin Jackson, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 81.

[58]      Mr Erwin Jackson, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 81.

[59]      Professor Warwick McKibbin, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 31.

[60]      Mr Timothy Hanlin, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 28.

[61]      Mr Rynne, Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, Committee Hansard, 20 February 2009, p. 30.

[62]      Clive Hamilton and Frank Muller, 'Critique of the McKibbin-Wilcoxen hybrid emissions trading scheme', Australia Institute Research Paper, no 42, March 2007, p. 7.

[63]      Professor Ross Garnaut, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 54. He cites as evidence a conversation with senior Indonesian ministers.

[64]      Mr Timothy Hanlin, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 28.

[65]      Mr John Hepburn, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, pp. 58–59.

[66]      Garnaut Review, 2008, p. 308.

[67]      National Farmers' Federation, Submission 507, p. 8.

[68]      Productivity Commission, Submission 24, p. 39.

[69]      Productivity Commission, Submission 24, p. 36.

[70]      Energy Users Association of Australia, Submission 466, p. 14.

[71]      Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland, Submission 728, p. 6.

[72]      Plastic and Chemicals Industries Association, Submission 729, p. 12.

[73]      Australian Industry Greenhouse Network, Submission 364, pp. 17–18.

[74]      National Farmers' Federation, Submission 507, p. 5.

[75]      Mr John Connor, Climate Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 38.

[76]      Mr Robert Lengyel, Submission 708, p. 1.

[77]      Mr Paul Winn, Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 58.

[78]      Mr John Hepburn, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 70.

[79]      Mr Owen Pascoe, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 63.

Chapter 4 - The effectiveness of the CPRS as an emissions trading scheme

[1]        Definitions of the sectors are given in White Paper, pp. 6–2 and 6–3.

[2]        Department of Climate Change, Fact Sheet, December 2008,, viewed 12 June 2009.

[3]        The Hon. Kevin Rudd, 'Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme: Support in managing the impact of the Global Recession', Media Release, 4 May 2009.

[4]        See Mr Blair Comley, Deputy Secretary, Department of Climate Change, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 85.

[5]        Professor Ross Garnaut, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 52.

[6]        Professor Ross Garnaut, Proof Economics Legislation Committee Hansard, 22 May 2009, p 18.

[7]        Professor Ross Garnaut, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 48.

[8]        Professor Ross Garnaut, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 45.

[9]        Mr Erwin Jackson, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 76.

[10]      Dr Peter Burn, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 40.

[11]      Mr Mitch Hooke, Minerals Council of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 29.

[12]      Mr Mitch Hooke, Minerals Council of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 22.

[13]      Mr Trevor St Baker, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 77.

[14]      Dr Richard Denniss, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, pp 28–29.

[15]      Dr Richard Denniss, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 42.

[16]      Mr Andrew Canion, Senior Advisor, Industry Policy, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 3.

[17]      Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading, Report, May 2007.

[18]      Australian Government, 'Helping all Australians do their bit on climate change', Media Release, 4 May 2009.

[19]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 80.

[20]      Mr Tim Nelson, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 12.

[21]      Mr Niegel Grazia, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 68.

[22]      Ms Clare Savage, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, pp 31–32.

[23]      Ms Sharan Burrow,  Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 2.

[24]      Dr Regina Betz, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 64.

[25]      Dr Iain MacGill, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 64.

[26]      Ms Fiona Wain, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 46.

[27]      Dr Graeme Pearman, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 96.

[28]      The Hon. Tom Roper, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 58.

[29]      Ms Sharan Burrow, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 10.

[30]      White Paper, p. F-4

[31]      White Paper, p. 12-1.

[32]      Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, Interim Report: The CPRS: Economic cost without environmental benefit, May 2009, pp 151-152.

[33]      Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, Interim Report: The CPRS: Economic cost without environmental benefit, May 2009, p 151. The statement was originally made by Ms Nicky Cusworth from the Western Australia Department of Treasury and Finance.

[34]      Mr Andrew Canion, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 4.

[35]      Mr Frank Topham, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 81.

[36]      Mr Timothy McAuliffe, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 25.

[37]      Mr Bradley Teys, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 11.

[38]      Ms Meghan Quinn, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 86.

[39]      Professor Stephen Howes, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p 51.

[40]      Dr David Pearce, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 8.

[41]      White Paper, p. 12-1.

[42]      The operation of 'baseline-and-credit' systems is described and critiqued in Chapter 3.

[43]      White Paper, p. lxxv.

[44]      White Paper, p. 12-45.

[45]      The reduction is 1.3 per cent, not percentage points. So the rate in the second year is          60*(1–0.13)=59.2 per cent, not 60–1.3=58.7 per cent. This also means the rate will never reach zero.

[46]      Mr Steve Hodgson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bauxite and Alumina, Rio Tinto Alcan, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 127.

[47]      It then reduces linearly until it reaches zero in 2030;; 'Questions and answers'.

[48]      Dr Martin Parkinson, Senate Standing Committee on Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 18 March 2009, p. 17.

[49]      Prime Minister, Treasurer and Minister for Climate Change and Water, Media release, 4 May 2009, p. 4.

[50]      Mr Robert Cole, Woodside Energy, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 61.

[51]      Mr Frank Topham, Caltex Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 81.

[52]      Mr Mitch Hooke, Chief Executive Officer, Minerals Council of Australia, Proof Legislation Committee on Economics Hansard (Inquiry into the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2009 and other related bills) , 29 May 2009, p. 34.

[53]      Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 9.

[54]      Mr Salim Mazouz, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, pp 44-45.

[55]      Dr Iain MacGill, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 67.

[56]      Submission FL1, p 1.

[57]      See for example Ms Lindy McMahon, Submission 89, p. 1; Mieke Elzer, Submission 191, p. 1; and Mr Doug McIver, Submission 551, pp 1–2.

[58]      Ms Elaine Prior, Citi Investment Research, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 83.

[59]      Mr Nathan Fabian, Chief Executive Officer, Investor Group on Climate Change, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 61.

[60]      Ms Belinda Robinson, Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 65.

[61]      Mr Ralph Hillman, Executive Director, Australian Coal Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 79.

[62]      Dr Richard Denniss, Director, the Australia Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 51.

[63]      Dr Martin Parkinson, Secretary, Department of Climate Change, Senate Standing Committee on Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 18 March 2009, p. 26. 

[64]      Ms Amanda McCluskey, Senate Standing Committee on Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 25 March 2009, p. 48.

[65]      Australian Workers Union, Senate Standing Committee on Economics Submission 27, p. 3.

[66]      White Paper, p. 12-46.

[67]      Mr Burt Beasley, Acting Executive Director, Australian Coal Association, quoted in Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, Interim Report: The CPRS: Economic cost without environmental benefit, May 2009, p. 140.

[68]      Mr Ralph Hillman, Executive Director, Australian Coal Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 181.

[69]      Mr Ralph Hillman, Proof Committee Hansard, 25 March 2009, p. 182.

[70]      White Paper, p. 12-46.

[71]      Mr Tony Concannon, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 78.

[72]      Ms Clare Savage, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 31.

[73]      Mr Tony Concannon, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 46.

[74]      Mr Trevor St Baker, ERM Power, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 77.

[75]      CPRS Bill Commentary, pp 133-4.

[76]      Professor John Quiggin, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 17.

[77]      Professor Ross Garnaut, cited in 'Oiling the squeaks', Sydney Morning Herald, 19 December 2008, p. 25.

[78]      Households are major emitters, responsible through their energy and fuel use for around 25 per cent of emissions covered by the CPRS. Commercial services and government sectors are responsible for a further 10 per cent as a result of their electricity use.

[79]      See Senate Economics Committee, Exposure draft of the legislation to introduce the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, April 2009, p. 73.

[80]      Form letter, Submission 5, see 

[81]      Jo Mead, Submission 88.

[82]      Ms Caitlin McGee, Submission 66.

[83]      Jim and Clare Rourke, Submission 170.

[84]      Ms Fiona Brady, Submission 65.

[85]      Mr Michael Hassett, Submission 117.

[86]      Mr Don Henry, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 64.

[87]      Government of South Australia, Submission 521, pp 3–4.

[88]      ACT Government, Submission 462, p. 1.

[89]      Dr Frank Jotzo, Submission 414, p. 4.

[90]      Australian Industries Group, Submission 90, p. 5.

[91]      Mr David Pearce, Proof Committee Hansard, 25 March 2009, p. 92. 

[92]      Mr Timothy Hanlin, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 19.

[93]      Dr Richard Dennis, 'Fixing the floor in the ETS: The role of energy efficiency in reducing Australia's emissions', Research Paper No. 59, The Australia Institute, November 2008, p. 10.

[94]      Dr Regina Betz, Proof Senate Economics Committee Hansard, 27 March 2009, p. 118. Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets, 'The possible role of an Additional Action Reserve (AAR) in the CPRS to facilitate additional voluntary and policy efforts to reduce emissions', Concept Note, p. 1.

[95]      Mr Blair Comley, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 12.

[96]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 80.

[97]      CPRS Bill Explanatory Memorandum, p. 80.

[98]      CPRS Bill Explanatory Memorandum, p. 81.

[99]      Once the initial capital cost has been repaid, the business keeps the ongoing cost savings from its investment.

[100]    The Hon. Kevin Rudd, 'Helping all Australians do their bit on climate change', Media Release, 4 May 2009.

[101]    Dr Richard Denniss, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 41.

[102]    Dr Richard Denniss, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p 55–56.

[103]    Mr Russell Marsh, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, pp 66–67.

[104]    Mr Salim Mazouz, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 56.

[105]    Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, Interim Report: The CPRS: Economic cost without environmental benefit, May 2009, p. 76.

[106]    Mr James Spedding, Secretary, Australian Landfill Owners Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 44.

[107]    Australian Industry Group, Media release, 14 May 2009; Australian Financial Review, 15 May 2009, p. 4.

[108]    Mr Andrew Canion, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 16.

[109]    Mr Shane Cremin, Griffin Energy, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 57.

[110]    This view was put in submissions on the Green Paper by, for example, BP Australia and environmental groups; White Paper, pp 8–33, 34.

[111]    Dr Regina Betz, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 66.

[112]    Dr Regina Betz, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 66.

[113]    Garnaut Review, p. 350.

[114]    White Paper, Executive Summary, p.3.

[115]    White Paper, p. 17-2; Treasury (2008, p. xv).

[116]    White Paper, Executive Summary, p. 4.

[117]    Ms Heather Ridout, Australian Industry Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April p. 22.

[118]    Mr Tony Westmore, ACOSS, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009 p. 129.

[119]    Professor Warrick McKibbin, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009 p. 35.

[120]    Professor John Quiggin, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009 p. 21.

[121]    Prof John Quiggin, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009 pp 21-22.

[122]    Mr Tony Westmore, ACOSS, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009 p. 128.

[123]    Mr Tony Westmore, ACOSS, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009 p. 130.

[124]    White Paper, Executive Summary, p. 4.

[125]    Mr Frank Topham, Caltex Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 78.

[126]    Mr Blair Comley, Department of Climate Change, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009 p. 90.

[127]    Mr Bradley Teys, Teys Bros., Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 5.

[128]    Mr Joe Marushack, President, ConocoPhillips, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 100.

[129]    Mr Steve Hodgson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bauxite and Alumina, Rio Tinto Alcan, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 126.

[130]    Mr Geoff Plummer, Chief executive Officer, OneSteel, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 14.

[131]    Mr Ralph Hillman, Australian Coal Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 180.

[132]    Mr Chris Leon, Chair, Cement Industry Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 52.

[133]    Mr Tony Westmore, Australian Council of Social Service, Senate Standing Committee on Economics Proof Committee Hansard, 23 March 2009, p. 24.

[134]    Mr Dave Oliver, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 7.

[135]    Mr Danny Price, Frontier Economics, Proof Fuel and Energy Select Committee Hansard, 2 April 2009, p. 18.

[136]    Mr Andrew Canion, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 2.

[137]    Mr Daniel Price, Frontier Economics, Proof Select Committee on Fuel and Energy Hansard, 2 April 2009, p. 19.

[138]    Professor Frank Jotzo, Submission 414, p. 5.

[139]    Professor Frank Jotzo, Submission 414, p. 5.

[140]    Professor Warwick McKibbin, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 32.

[141]    Professor Warwick McKibbin, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 38.

[142]    CPRS Bill Commentary, p. 14.

[143]    The Hon. Kevin Rudd, Media Release, New measures for the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, 4 May 2009.

[144]    Professor Frank Jotzo, Submission 414: Attachment B, p. 12.

[145]    Dr Richard Denniss, Proof Committee Hansard, 25 March 2009, pp 75–76.

[146]    Mr Owen Pascoe, ACF, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 63.

[147]    Mr Andrew Canion, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 14.

Chapter 5 - Complementary measures

[1]        Mr Phillip Sutton, Climate Emergency Network, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 38.

[2]        Productivity Commission, Submission 24 Attachment A, p. xiv.

[3]        This aspect of the CPRS has been the subject of considerable criticism; see Chapter 4.

[4]        Productivity Commission, Submission 24 Attachment A, p. xiv.

[5]        Australian Industry Group, Submission 605, p. 4.

[6]        Productivity Commission, Submission 24 Attachment A, p. x.

[7]        Dr Karl Mallon, Climate Risk Pty Ltd, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 29.

[8]        White Paper, p. 19-1.

[9]        White Paper, p. 19-2.

[10]      White Paper, p. 19-3.

[11]      See examples of industry views on contradictory and burdensome effect of existing regulation in Chapter 3.

[12]      Department of Climate Change, Climate Change Budget Overview 2009-10, May 20009, p. 3.

[13]      White Paper, p. 15-3.

[14]      Council of Australian Governments, Meeting Communiqué, 30 April 2009,, viewed 4 May 2009, p. 7.

[15]      See for example Energy Efficiency Council, Submission 625, Green Building Council, Submission 761, Australian Institute of Architects, Submission 420, Szencorp, Submission 732.

[16]      See for example Mr John Hepburn, Greenpeace, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 38.

[17]      Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council, Submission 318, p. 2.

[18]      Australian Institute of Architects, Submission 420.

[19]      Ms Romilly Madew, Chief Executive, Green Building Council, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 49.

[20]      Housing Industry Association, Submission to Standing Committee on Economics Inquiry into the exposure draft of the legislation to implement the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Submission 37), p. 2.

[21]      Mr Frank Topham, Manager, Government Affairs and Media, Caltex Ltd Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 79.

[22]      Ms Fiona Wain, Chief Executive Officer, Environment Business Australia Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 47.

[23]      Energetics, Submission 629, p. 6.

[24]      Dr Paul Simshauser, Chief Economist and Group Head, Corporate Affairs, AGL Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 8.

[25]      Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries, Submission 725, p. 4.

[26]      Bus Industry Confederation, Submission 493, p. 1.

[27]      Bus Industry Confederation, Submission 493, p. 1.

[28]      Mr Owen Pascoe, Climate Change Campaigner, Australian Conservation Foundation, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 39.

[29]      Australasian Railway Association, Submission 365, p. 1.

[30]      Australian Rail Track Corporation, Submission 413, p. 6.

[31]      Australasian Railway Association, Submission 365, p.5.

[32]      Grain Growers Association, Submission 355, p. 7.

[33]      Professor Andrew Blakers, Director of the ARC Centre for Solar Energy Systems (Australian National University) Submission 271, p. 4

[34]      Professor Andrew Blakers, Director of the ARC Centre for Solar Energy Systems (Australian National University) Submission 271, p. 2.

[35]      Proof Committee Hansard, p. 101.

[36]      Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 158.

[37]      Parliamentary Library, Research Paper, 'The Potential for renewable energy to provide baseload power in Australia', No. 9 of 2008-09, September 2008, p. 13.

[38]      Parliamentary Library, Research Paper, 'The Potential for renewable energy to provide baseload power in Australia', No. 9 of 2008-09, September 2008, p. 13.

[39]      Dr David Brockway, CSIRO, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 103.

[40]      Mr Andrew Richards, Executive Manager, Government and Corporate Affairs, Pacific Hydro Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 158

[41]      Ms Susan Jeanes, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Geothermal Energy Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 145.

[42]      Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, pp 157-158.

[43]      Parliamentary Library, Research Paper, 'The Potential for renewable energy to provide baseload power in Australia', p. 11.

[44]      Parliamentary Library, Research Paper, 'The Potential for renewable energy to provide baseload power in Australia', p. 12.

[45]      Dr Ray Wills, Chief Executive, Western Australian Sustainable Energy Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 55.

[46]      Mr Ali Baghaei, Chief Executive Officer, Oceanlinx, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009.

[47]      Renewable Fuels Australia, Submission 16, p. 1.

[48]      Grain Growers Association, Submission 355, p. 7.

[49]      Senate Select Committee on Fuel and Energy, Interim Report: 'The CPRS: economic cost without environmental benefit', May 2009, Recommendation 16.

[50]      Methane (CH4) is defined under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008 (Reg2.02) as having a global warming potential (BWP) of 21, or 21 times greater than that of CO2. The GWPs in the NGER Regulations are based on IPCC figures.

[51]      White Paper, p. 15-8.

[52]      Mr Max Spedding, Secretary, Australian Landfill Owners Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 48.

[53]      Mr David Hamill, Envirogen Pty Ltd, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, pp 44-45.

[54]      Mr Seamus French, Chief Executive Officer, Anglo Coal, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 115.

[55]      Energy Developments, Submission 511.

[56]      Parliamentary Library, Research Paper, 'The potential for renewable energy to provide baseload power in Australia', p. 4.

[57]      Mr Michael Costello, Managing Director, ActewAGL, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 161.

[58]      Mr Trevor St Baker, Executive Director, ERM Power, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 79.

[59]      Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, Submission 510, p. 2

[60]      Energy Networks Association, Submission 307,  Attachment A, p. 8.

[61]      Dr Karl Mallon, Climate Risk Pty Ltd, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 39.

[62]      Sustainable Energy Policy Queensland, Submission 760, p. 6.

[63]      Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator, Fact Sheet 'MRET: the Basics',, viewed 30 April 2009.

[64]      Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator, 'Determining Liable Grids, Liable Purchases of Electricity and REC Liabilities, and Discharging Liabilities,', viewed 30 April 2009.

[65]      White Paper, p. 19-4.

[66]      Department of Climate Change Website,, viewed 30 April 2009.

[67]      Canberra Times, 'Households "foot the bill" for industries', 30 April 2009.

[68]      Department of Climate Change factsheet, 'Renewable Energy Target Scheme Design',, viewed 6 May 2009, p. 3.

[69]      Productivity Commission, Submission 24 Attachment A, p. xvii.

[70]      Energy Users Association of Australia, Submission 466, pp 12-13.

[71]      Professor Ross Garnaut, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 55.

[72]      Roaring 40s, Submission 512, p. 2.

[73]      Mr Erwin Jackson, Director Research and Policy, Climate Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 73.

[74]      Dr Paul Simshauser, AGL, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 7.

[75]      Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 33.

[76]      Ms Meghan Quinn, Manager, Climate Change Modelling Unit, Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, pp 101-102

[77]      Ms Meghan Quinn, Treasury, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 11.

[78]      Mr Michael Hitchens, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Industry Greenhouse Network , Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 33.

[79]      Mr Steve Hodgson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bauxite and Alumina, Rio Tinto Alcan, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 126. This estimate was provided before the COAG announcement relating to exemptions.

[80]      National Lime Association of Australia, Submission 468, p. 5.

[81]      Mr Miles Prosser, Executive Director, Australian Aluminium Council, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 57.

[82]      Mr Tim McAuliffe, Manager, Environment and Sustainable Development, Alcoa of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, pp 26-27.

[83]      See for example the Australian Conservation Foundation, quoted in Sydney Morning Herald, 'Big Polluters win exemption from renewable energy', 30 April 2009; Climate Institute, quoted in Canberra Times, 'Households "foot the bill" for industries,' 30 April 2009.

[84]      COAG Working Group on Climate Change and Water, Discussion Paper, 'Treatment of electricity-intensive, trade-exposed industries under the expanded national Renewable Energy Target Scheme,' December 2008, p. 8.

[85]      Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 15.

[86]      Mr Michael Costello, Managing Director, ActewAGL, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, pp. 168-169.

[87]      Wind Energy & Solar Polar Power website,, viewed 12 June 2009.

[88]      Dr Ray Wills, Western Australian Sustainable Energy Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 54.

[89]      Mr Barry Hendy, Business Development Manager, Solar Systems Pty Ltd, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 150.

[90]      Mr Russell Marsh, Policy Manager, Clean Energy Council, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 66.

[91]      Conservation Council of South Australia, Submission 517.

[92]      Conservation Council of Western Australia, Submission 432.

[93]      Mr John Hepburn, Coordinator, Climate and Energy Campaign, Greenpeace, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 38.

[94]      Clean Energy For Eternity, Submission 724.

[95]      Energy Suppliers Association of Australia, Submission 424, p. 15.

[96]      Mr Michael Costello, Managing Director, ActewAGL, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 149.

[97]      Mr Michael Costello, Managing Director, ActewAGL, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 159.

[98]      Professor Andrew Blakers, Australian National University, Submission 271, p. 2.

[99]      Energy Users Association of Australia, Submission 466, p. 14.

[100]    Professor Ross Garnaut, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, pp 49-50.

[101]    Mr Bryan Clark, Industry Development Manager, Grain Growers Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 79.

[102]    Mr Mike Norton, President, Western Australian Farmers Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 99.

[103]    Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 24.

[104]    Institute of Public Affairs, Submission 9, p. 7.

[105]    Dr Brian Fisher, Concept Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 219.

[106]    MBD, Submission 1, p. 3.

[107]    Perdaman Chemicals and Fertilisers Pty Ltd, in camera evidence, 1 May 2009.

[108]    Dr John Brockway, CSIRO Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 96.

[109]    Dr John Brockway, CSIRO Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 99.

[110]    Dr John Brockway, CSIRO Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 99.

[111]    Dr John Brockway, CSIRO Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 98.

[112]    Dr John Brockway, CSIRO Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 98.

[113]    Dr John Brockway, CSIRO Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 99.

[114]    Dr John Brockway, CSIRO Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 100.

[115]    Dr John Brockway, CSIRO, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, pp 100-1.

[116]    Mr James Cameron, Climate Change Capital (UK), Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 3.

[117]    Mr Brent Gunther, Managing Director, InterGen, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 86.

[118]    Mr Brent Gunther, Managing Director, InterGen, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 86.

[119]    Mr Tony Concannon, Director, International Power Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 86.

[120]    Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 86.

 Chapter 6 - Agriculture and land use

[1]        Dr Heather Keith, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 70.

[2]        Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, pp 77-78.

[3]        The issue of targets is discussed in Chapter 2.

[4]        Mr John Connor, Chief Executive Officer, Climate Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 28.

[5]        Mr Owen Pascoe, Climate Change Campaigner, Australian Conservation Foundation, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 39.

[6]        Mr Allan Hansard, Chief Executive Officer, National Association of Forestry Industries Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 75.

[7]        White Paper, p. 6-43.

[8]        The question of the inclusion of agriculture is discussed below, from paragraph 6.[40].

[9]        Mr Bryan Clark, Grain Growers Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 88.

[10]      Dr Christine Jones, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, pp 88-89.

[11]      Mr Ben Fargher, Chief Executive Officer, National Farmers' Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 5.

[12]      Mr Ben Fargher, Chief Executive Officer National Farmers' Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 4.

[13]      Mr Nick Flittner, Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association,  Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 23.

[14]      Mr Phillip Glyde, Executive Director, ABARE Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 125.

[15]      Mr Phillip Glyde, Executive Director, ABARE, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 126.

[16]      Mr Mick Keogh, Executive Director, Australian Farm Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 104.

[17]      Mr Mick Keogh, Executive Director, Australian Farm Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, pp 104-5.

[18]      Mr David Pearce, Centre for International Economics, Answer to question on notice, 16 April 2009.

[19]      Mr Nick Flittner, Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 20. See also Mr Charles McElhone, National Farmers' Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 9.

[20]      Note that the work did not take into account the impacts and associated costs of climate change: Mr Philip Glyde, Executive Director, ABARE, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 113.

[21]      Mr Philip Glyde, Executive Director, ABARE, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 113.

[22]      Mr Mick Keogh, Executive Director, Australian Farm Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 106.

[23]      ABARE, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 123.

[24]      ABARE, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 120.

[25]      Mr Philip Glyde, Executive Director, ABARE, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 115.

[26]      The study gives a range of estimates of the impact on the economic value of farm production, depending on whether agriculture is included in the CPRS and what assumption is made regarding the extent of pass-through from processors to farmers; Tulloh et al, 'Effects of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme on the economic value of farm production', ABARE Issues Insights, June 2009.

[27]      Mr Mick Keogh, Executive Director, Australian Farm Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 105.

[28]      Mr Mick Keogh, Executive Director, Australian Farm Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 105.

[29]      Dr Helal Ahammad, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 117.

[30]      Submission 330, p. 4.

[31]      Submission 330, p. 9.

[32]      Submission 330, p. 9.

[33]      Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 11, citing the Australian Meat Industry Council; see also Mr Mick Keogh, Australian Farm Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 107.

[34]      Mr Brad Teys, Chief Executive Officer, Teys Bros Pty Limited, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 3.

[35]      Mr Brad Teys, Chief Executive Officer, Teys Bros, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 84.

[36]      Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 85.

[37]      Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 12.

[38]      Mr Elvis Amair, Technical Services Manager, Bega Cheese Ltd, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 89.

[39]      Mr Brad Teys, Teys Bros, Proof Committee Hansard, 28 April 2009, p. 2.

[40]      Mr Chris Phillips, General Manager, Trade and Strategy, Dairy Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, pp 199-201.

[41]      White Paper, p. 6-44. The committee notes that even if agriculture is included in the scheme from 2015 soil carbon (which is not included under the Kyoto Protocol) will not be part of agricultural emissions: see Dr Judith Ajani, Submission 340, p. 1.

[42]      Mr Andrew Grant, Chief Executive Officer, CO2 Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 91.

[43]      Mr Ben Fargher, Chief Executive Officer, National Farmers' Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 3.

[44]      Mr Ben Fargher, Chief Executive Officer, National Farmers' Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 3.

[45]      Mr Andrew Grant, Chief Executive Officer, CO2 Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 91.

[46]      Dr Judith Ajani, Economist, Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 81.

[47]      Mr Bryan Clark, Industry Development Manager, Grain Growers Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 82.

[48]      Mr Bryan Clark, Industry Development Manager, Grain Growers Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 92.

[49]      Mr Nick Flittner, Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 20.

[50]      Mr Mick Keogh, Executive Director, Australian Farm Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 113.

[51]      Ms Tara Taubenschlag, Grains Council of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 88.

[52]      Mr Charles McElhone, NFF, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 16.

[53]      Submission 340, p. 1.

[54]      Ms Tara Taubenschlag, Communications Adviser, Grains Council of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 70.

[55]      Mr Andrew Grant, CO2 Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 92.

[56]      Mr Nick Flittner, Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 20.

[57]      Mr Ben Fargher, Chief Executive Officer, National Farmers' Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 3.

[58]      Mr Mike Norton, President, Western Australian Farmers Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 95.

[59]      Mr Dale Park, Western Australian Farmers Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 105

[60]      Mr Peter Cosier, Director, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, pp 68-69.

[61]      Mr Peter Cosier, Director, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 78.

[62]      Mr Andrew Grant, CO2 Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 68-69.

[63]      Mr Peter Cosier, Director, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 99.

[64]      Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 74.

[65]      Mr Peter Cosier, Director, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 78.

[66]      At least until the possible inclusion of agriculture in 2015: see below.

[67]      Mr Allan Hansard, Chief Executive Officer, National Association of Forestry Industries, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 63.

[68]      Mr Allan Hansard, Chief Executive Officer, National Association of Forestry Industries Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 63.

[69]      Mr Allan Hansard, Chief Executive Officer, National Association of Forestry Industries, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 63.

[70]      Mr Allan Hansard, Chief Executive Officer, National Association of Forestry Industries, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 81.

[71]      Mr Mick Keogh, Executive Director, Australian Farm Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 112.

[72]      Dr Judith Ajani, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 71.

[73]      Dr Judith Ajani, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, pp 90-91.

[74]      Mr Nick Flittner, Manager, Drought and Climate Change, Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 20.

[75]      Mr Paul Winn, Forest Climate Policy Expert, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 62.

[76]      Submission 409, Attachment 1, p. 3.

[77]      Mr Paul Winn, Forest Climate Policy Expert, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 62.

[78]      Dr Chris Mitchell, Executive Director, CO2 Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, pp 84-85.

[79]      Dr Hans Drielsma, Forestry Tasmania, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 70.

[80]      Mr Andrew Grant, Chief Executive Officer, CO2 Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 77.

[81]      Mr Peter Cosier, Director, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 78.

[82]      Mr Peter Cosier, Director, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 98.

[83]      Mr Peter Cosier, Director, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 99.

[84]      Mr John Hepburn, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 58.

[85]      Mr Rob de Fégely, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 30.

[86]      Mr Rob de Fégely, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 31.

[87]      Mr Rob de Fégely, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, pp 31-32.

[88]      Mr Rob de Fégely, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 33.

[89]      Mr Rob de Fégely, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 32-33.

[90]      Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 40.

[91]      Mr Andrew Grant, CO2 Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 77.

[92]      Dr Christopher Mitchell, Executive Director, Corporate Development, CO2 Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, pp 84-85.

[93]      White Paper, p. 6-61.

[94]      Mr Peter Cosier, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 79.

[95]      Dr Michael Raupach, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, pp 100-101.

[96]      Professor Will Steffen, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 101.

[97]      Dr Heather Keith, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 70.

[98]      Dr Michael Raupach, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, pp 100-101.

[99]      Owen Pascoe, Australian Conservation Foundation, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 39.

[100]    Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 84.

[101]    Submission 340, pp 1-2.

[102]    Dr Hans Drielsma, Executive General Manager, Forestry Tasmania, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 68.

[103]    Dr Hans Drielsma, Executive General Manager, Forestry Tasmania Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 68.

[104]    Dr Hans Drielsma, Executive General Manager, Forestry Tasmania proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 69.

[105]    Mr Allan Hansard, Chief Executive Officer, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 63.

[106]    Mr Allan Hansard, Chief Executive Officer, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 63.

[107]    'Australia’s contribution to a global agreement on climate change', Speech to the Lowy Institute for International Policy, by the Minister for Climate Change, Senator the Hon. Penny Wong, 20 April 2009, p. 8.

[108]    Mr Paul Winn, Forest Climate Policy Expert, Greenpeace Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 60.

[109]    Mr Paul Winn, Forest Climate Policy Expert, Greenpeace Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, p. 61.

[110]    Dr Heather Keith, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 84.

[111]    Mr Peter Cosier, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists,, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 82.

[112]    Mr Peter Cosier, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, pp 77-78.

[113]    Mr Charles McElhone, National Farmers' Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 16.

[114]    Professor Syd Shea, Director of Science, Rainbow Bee Eater Pty Ltd, Submission 765, p. 3.

[115]    Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 15.

[116]    Mr Frank Strie, BEST Energies Australia,

[117]    Submission 765, p. 3.

[118]    Mr Frank Strie, BEST Energies Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, p. 87.

[119]    Submission 765, pp 4-5.

[120]    Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 130.

[121]    Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 73. See also Submission 765.

[122]    Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 74-75.

[123]    Mr Ian Carruthers, Department of Climate Change, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 2.

[124]    Mr Ian Carruthers, Department of Climate Change, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 2.

[125]    Mr Ian Carruthers, Department of Climate Change, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 6.

[126]    Mr Dale Park, Western Australian Farmers Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 April 2009, p. 103.

[127]    Dr Michael Raupach, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 102.

[128]    Dr Judith Ajani, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 90.

[129]    Dr Judith Ajani, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 90.

[130]    Mr Mick Keogh, Executive Director, Australian Farm Institute, Proof Committee Hansard, 21 April 2009, pp 112-4.

[131]    Mr Charles McElhone, National Farmers' Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 20 May 2009, p. 81.

[132]    Dr Chris Mitchell, Executive Director, CO2 Group, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 85.

[133]    Mr Ben Fargher, National Farmers' Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 15.

[134]    Mr Charles McElhone, National Farmers' Federation, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 16.

[135]    Mr Peter Cosier, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, Proof Committee Hansard, 16 April 2009, p. 82.

[136]    Mr Ian Carruthers, Department of Climate Change, Proof Committee Hansard, 1 May 2009, p. 6.

[137]    Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 100.

[138]    Mr Andrew Macintosh, Associate Director, ANU Centre for Climate Law and Policy, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 101.

[139]    Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 101.

[140]    Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 103.

[141]    Mr Andrew Macintosh, Associate Director, ANU Centre for Climate Law and Policy, Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 103.

[142]    Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 104.

[143]    Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 104.

[144]    Proof Committee Hansard, 15 April 2009, p. 104.


[1]        UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, Climate Related Transboundary Pests and Diseases, February 2008, page 2

[2]        United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Greenhouse Gas Inventory Data - Detailed data by Party,

[3]        'Why should we suffer over carbon emissions, asks India', The Age, 27 May 2009

[4]        Dr Heinz Schandl, Senior Science Leader, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Senate Economics Committee Hansard, 25 March 2009, pp. 24–25.

[5]        Dr Heinz Schandl, Senior Science Leader, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Senate Economics Committee Hansard, 25 March 2009, p, 33.

[6]        The Employment Effect on the Australian Minerals Industry from the Proposed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme in Australia;  Report prepared for the Minerals Council of Australia by Concept Economics, 21st May 2009; p.4.

[7]        23,510 Jobs Lost in the Minerals Industry Under Emissions Scheme; Minerals Council of Australia media release, 22nd May 2009

[8]        Minerals Council report; op cit p.13 (emphasis added)

[9]        Proof Committee Hansard, 29 May 2009, pp. 50-51

[10]      Mr Tony Westmore, Senate Standing Committee on Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 March 2009, p. 24

[11]      Dr Ottaviano, Carnegie Corporation, Senate Standing Committee on Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 March 2009, p. 33

[12]      Mr Danny Price, Proof Fuel and Energy Select Committee Hansard, 2 April 2009, p. 18

[13]      Mr Dave Oliver, Proof Committee Hansard, 22 April 2009, p. 7

[14]      Dr Heinz Schandl, Senate Standing Committee on Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 25 March 2009, p.33

[15]      Mr James Cameron, Proof Committee Hansard, 30 April 2009, p. 5

[16]      Science and Parliament: Engaging in Changing Climate; Comments from the Chief Scientist to participants in the 2009 Science Meets Parliament, Speech at the Great Hall, 17 March 2009.

[17]      Hatfield-Dodds, S. G. Turner, H. Schandl and T. Doss; Growing the Green Collar Economy: Skills and labour challenges in reducing our greenhouse emissions and national environmental footprint. Report to the Dusseldorp Skills Forum, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Canberra, June 2008

[18]      Peter Burn, Senate Standing Committee on Economics, Proof Committee Hansard 29 May 2009, 15

[19]      Peter Burn, Senate Standing Committee on Economics, Proof Committee Hansard 29 May 2009, 17

[20]      John Connor, Senate Standing Committee on Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 29 May 2009, 53

[21]      Australian Bankers Association, submission 411 to the Senate Select Committee on Climate Change, page 4

[22]      Peter Burn, Senate Select Committee on Climate Policy, Proof Committee Hansard 20 May 2009, 74

[23] Background document prepared by the Department of Climate Change, updated 2 June 2009

[24] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  Accessed on 7 and 27 May 2009

[25] Pew Centre, Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries, 2003.  Available online at: Accessed on 7 July 2008

[26] IEA Climate Change Policies and Measures Database.  Available at:  Accessed on 7 July 2008.

[27] WRI CAIT.  Available online at: Accessed on 7 and 27 May 2009

[28] Canada’ 2007 Greenhouse Gas Inventory, Accessed on 2 June 2009

[29] Former Canadian Environment Minister, under the current Harper Government noted Canada  "would not send tax payers money overseas to buy credits."   Source: Rona Ambrose speech to Canadian Parliament 11 May 2006

[30] Environment Canada web site "Turning the Corner: Regulatory Framework for Greenhouse Gas Emissions" (March 2008). Available at:  Accessed on 7 July 2008

[31] Calgary Herald (May 7, 2009) "Prentice promises details of emissions policy." Available online at: Accessed 12 May 2009

[32] Alberta Government, "Climate Change and Emissions Management Act (2007)." Available online at:  Accessed on 7 July 2008.

[33] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  Accessed on 7 May 2009.

[34] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  Accessed on 7 May 2009

[35] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  Accessed on 7 and 27 May 2009

[36] European Commission web site, "Renewable Energy Fact Sheet" (January 2008), EC Directorate-General for Energy and Transport. Available at:  Accessed on 7 July 2008.

[37] French Law: Planning Act N° 2005-781 (13 July 2005).

[38] European Commission web site, "Renewable Energy Fact Sheet" (January 2008), EC Directorate-General for Energy and Transport. Available at:  Accessed on 7 July 2008.

[39] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  Accessed on 7 April and 27 May 2009

[40] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  Accessed on 7 and 27 May 2009

[41] German Watch. Available at:  Accessed on 7 July 2008

[42] German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (2008) Available at:  Accessed on 7 July 2008

[43] German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, "Federal Cabinet Adopts CCS Act". Available online at: . Accessed on 15 May 2009

[44] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  Accessed on 7 and 27 May 2008.

[45] Institute of Global Environment and Society. "Asian Perspectives on Climate Regime Beyond 2012, Institute of Global Environment and Society" (2007). Available at:  Accessed on 7 July 2008.

[46] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  Accessed on 7 April and 27 May 2009

[47] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  Accessed on 7 April and 27 May 2009

[48] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  .  Accessed on 7 April and 27 May 2009.

[49] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:   .  Accessed on 27 May 2009

[50] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  Accessed on 7 July 2008

[51] Point Carbon web site: "Japan cabinet formalises strengthened Kyoto programme". Available at: Accessed on 7 July 2008

[52] Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, .  Accessed on 27 March 2009

[53] Reuters, 24 March 2009, "Japan election may bring tougher climate policies".  Available online at: .  Accessed on 27 March 2009

[54] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  Accessed on 7 April and 27 May 2009

[55] Point Carbon (2 September 2008), "Korea Issues Emissions Trading Bill" Accessed on 2 September 2008

[56] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  Accessed on 27 May 2009

[57] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  Accessed on 7 April and 27 May 2009

[58] IEA Climate Change Policies and Measures Database.  Available online at:  Accessed on 7 July 2008

[59] Point Carbon (5 June 2008), "Russia should play full role in post-2012 talks: senior MP."  Available online at: (subscription required).  Accessed on 7 July 2008

[60] Point Carbon (5 June 2008), "Russia should play full role in post-2012 talks: senior MP."  Available online at: (subscription required).  Accessed on 7 July 2008

[61] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  Accessed on 7 April 2009

[62] South African Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) "A National Climate Change Response Strategy for South Africa", September 2004.  Available at:  Last accessed 27 March 2009

[63] South African Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT), "2009 Climate Change Summit Statement".  Available at: Accessed on 9 March 2009

[64] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  Accessed on 7 July 2008

[65] DECC web site: Accessed on 15 May 2009

[66] HM Treasury website: .  Last accessed on 18 May 2009

[67] DECC web site: . Accessed on 15 May 2009

[68] DEFRA web site: . Accessed on 15 May 2009

[69] DEFRA web site: Accessed on 15 May 2009

[70] DECC web site: Accessed on 15 May 2009

[71] WRI CAIT.  Available online at:  Accessed on 7 April and 27 May 2008

[72] Western Climate Initiative web site, "Design Recommendations on Elements of the Cap and Trade Program" (September 2008). Available at: Accessed on 27 March 2009

[73] Regional Greenhouse Gas Imitative web site, "Design Elements for Regional Allowance Auctions under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative" (March 2008). Available at: Accessed on 7 July 2008

[74] Midwestern Greenhouse Gas Accord web site, "Governors Sign Energy Security and Climate Stewardship Platform" (November 2007). Available at: Accessed on 7 July 2008

[75] California Environmental Protection Agency web site, "Climate Change Draft Scoping Plan" (June 2008). Available at: Accessed on 7 July 2008

Minority report by the Australian Greens

[1]        Dr James Risbey, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 April 2009, pp 58-9.

[2]        Mr Tony Westmore, Senate Standing Committee on Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 March 2009, p. 24.

[3]        Dr Ottaviano, Carnegie Corporation, Senate Standing Committee on Economics, Proof Committee Hansard, 23 March 2009, p. 33.

[4]        Mr Danny Price, Proof Fuel and Energy Select Committee Hansard, 2 April 2009, p. 18.

Minority Report by Senator Nick Xenophon

[1] Garnaut, R., The Garnaut Climate Change Review: Final Report, (2008) Commonwealth of Australia, pp 287-290

[3] Parliamentary Library Vital Issues Seminar, "Carbon tax and emissions trading", 17 March  2009,  audio available at: