Government Members' Minority Report - Senator David Johnston

Government Members' Minority Report - Senator David Johnston

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Background to the inquiry
Chapter 2 - Mr Chen Yonglin's request for political asylum
Initial contact with DIMIA
DIMIA's version
Identity check
Discrepancies between Mr Chen and DIMIA's accounts of 26 May
The Migration Act 1958
Action taken on 26 May AM after Mr Chen delivered hisrequest for political asylum
Contact with senior executives in Canberra and DFAT
Chapter 3 - The Minister's decision and Ministerial responses
Territorial asylum/subclass 800 Visa
Concerns regarding refusal of territorial asylum visa
Chapter 4 - The government's response to Mr Chen's request for political asylum
DFAT's response after the Minister declines Mr Chen's request
DIMIA's response after the Minister declines Mr Chen's request
31 May 2005 Meeting
   Did DFAT encourage Mr Chen to return to and contact the consulate
   Further contact with Chinese consulate
Government response to protection visa application
   Further Possible breaches - Foreign Minister and DFAT
Chapter 5 - Mr Chen's claims and support for them
Mr Chen's claims
   Persecution in China
   Spying in Australia
   Government response to allegations
   Harassment of Australian citizens
   Kidnapping allegations
Other issues raised with the committee
   Treatment of Chinese nationals applying for protection
   Questioning of Chinese nationals by Chinese officials

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