


The Committee recognises the importance in conveying in the clearest and most forthright way the government’s disapproval of the nuclear tests but recommends greater circumspection when expressing such sentiments.


The Committee recommends that the Australian Government make clear its genuine commitment to global nuclear disarmament and that it clarify its position on nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament.


The Committee recommends that the government work toward creating a greater awareness both in Australia and overseas of the work being done by Australia in the area of nuclear disarmament.


The Committee recommends that the Australian government presents the Canberra Commission Report to the UN for adoption.


The Committee recommends the government re-establish military links with India and Pakistan as soon as possible and to consider building-up and strengthening exchange programs between military officers from Australia and from India and Pakistan.


The Committee recommends the Australian government provide on-going funding to study and research centres that focus on South Asia.


The Committee recommends the Australian government take measures to encourage information sharing and the building of social, cultural and educational links between Australia and South Asia by supporting cultural and educational exchange programs.


The Committee recommends that the Australian government take an active part in promoting the work of the IOR-ARC.


The Committee recommends that the Australian Government begin to restore normal relations with India and Pakistan, initially reversing measures that hamper communication with them.


The Committee recommends the Australian government make known to the Indian and Pakistani governments that it stands ready to join them in working toward a solution to the Kashmir dispute should they request such assistance.


The Committee recommends that the government devote funds for research and education programs designed to disseminate information on the use of nuclear weapons, the implications of a nuclear strike and the dangers associated with the production, storage and deployment of such devices.


The Committee recommends that the government support the call for practical steps, identified in the Canberra Commission Report, the New Agenda Coalition’s Declaration and the Communique by the Melbourne Group, be taken by India and Pakistan as appropriate to minimise the risk of serious conflict. These steps include:

taking nuclear forces off alert;

removing warheads from delivery vehicles;

ending deployment of non-strategic nuclear weapons;

ending nuclear testing;; and

reaching agreement on reciprocal no first use undertakings and of a non-use undertaking in relation to non-nuclear weapon states.


The Committee further recommends that the Australian government encourage India and Pakistan to agree to subject their nuclear weapons facilities to IAEA inspection and to find a way whereby they could work with the IAEA or other international bodies to put in place safeguards designed to prevent accidents or inadvertent nuclear strikes.


To prevent the transfer of nuclear weapons and technology, the Committee recommends that the Australian government bilaterally and through multilateral fora encourage India and Pakistan to make more formal their commitment toward safeguarding their nuclear weapons and technology. Furthermore that India and Pakistan engage in technical discussions aimed at improving their command and control system.


To help restore confidence in the non-proliferation regime and to reinforce the existing global norms against nuclear proliferation, the Committee recommends that the Australian government encourage and support international efforts to have India and Pakistan formally agree to place a moratorium on nuclear testing and development. The Committee further recommends that the Australian government join international efforts and work bilaterally with both countries to persuade them that it in their best interests to follow a policy of cooperative participation in the international community and encourage them to sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the NPT.


The Committee recommends the Australian government endorse the New Agenda Coalition Declaration dated 9 June 1998, which urged the nuclear weapons states to start immediately to make a commitment to the elimination of nuclear weapons. [1]


The Committee further recommends that Australia in multilateral fora such as the UN maintain a consistent position in urging the nuclear weapons states to keep moving down the road toward the elimination of nuclear weapons and to encourage other countries to join with Australia in supporting this position.


The Committee recommends that Australia increase its efforts to encourage the countries of South Asia to open their markets and borders to trade and to work co-operatively toward the economic development of the region.


The Committee recommends that the Australian government encourage India and Pakistan to reduce their military budget in order to devote resources to the social and economic development of their region.


As a means to help India become part of a community seeking to build an environment conducive to economic prosperity, the Committee recommends that the Australian government take a more active role to invigorate the IOR-ARC.

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