Appendix 6 - Proposed amendment to proposed section 51X

Appendix 6 - Proposed amendment to proposed section 51X

Clause 51X, omit subclauses (3) and (4), substitute:

(3)          For the purposes of subsection (1) or (2), publication of the copy and report takes place in accordance with this subsection if, within 7 days after the order mentioned in subsection (1) or the last of the orders mentioned in subsection (2) ceases to be in force, the copy and report are:

  1. laid before each House of the Parliament; and
  2. published on the Department’s website; or
  3. otherwise publicly released.


(4)          If a House of the Parliament does not meet within the period mentioned in subsection (3), or meets within that period but not after the report is ready for publication, for the purposes of that subsection the copy and report are taken to be laid before that House if they are provided to the Presiding Officer of that House for circulation to the members of that House.

(4A)  For the purposes of subsection (4), if a House has been dissolved and the newly-elected House has not met when a copy and report are provided to the Presiding Officer, circulation to the persons who were members of that House immediately before the dissolution is taken to be circulation to the members of the House.

(4B)   To avoid doubt, the function of a Presiding Officer of receiving and circulating a copy and a report under subsection (4) is a function of the Presiding Officer for the purposes of the Parliamentary Presiding Officers Act 1965.

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