Helping Australians Abroad A Review of the Australian Government's Consular Services


Recommendation 1:

The Committee recommends that DFAT continue to explore sharing arrangements with other countries to increase the reach, effectiveness and efficiency of Australia's consular services. (Paragraph 2.31)

Recommendation 2:

The Committee recommends that funding for consular activities at Austrade posts be separately identified. (Paragraph 3.21)

Recommendation 3:

The Committee recommends that funding be provided to continue to expand the Honorary Consul system. (Paragraph 3.40)

Recommendation 4:

The Committee therefore recommends that DFAT provide staff assistance for Honorary Consuls who have a heavy consular workload. (Paragraph 3.43)

Recommendation 5:

The Committee recommends that the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade examine options to enable locally engaged staff in Australian posts overseas to undertake notarial acts. (Paragraph 3.48)

Recommendation 6:

The Committee recommends that DFAT:

Recommendation 7:

The Committee recommends that the global limit of traveller's emergency loans be reviewed to have regard to the cost of living of each country in which it is issued. (Paragraph 5.79)

Recommendation 8:

The Committee therefore recommends that the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade institute measures to impound passports of travellers, to prevent the person from travelling overseas, while they owe a debt to the Commonwealth arising from a repatriation or medical evacuation, except in special circumstances. (Paragraph 5.96)

Recommendation 9:

The Committee also recommends that the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade put in place arrangements whereby, with the agreement of the recipient, the debt incurred through a repatriation or medical evacuation can be registered against existing Government entitlements or added to the recipient's future tax liability. (Paragraph 5.97)

Recommendation 10:

The Committee recommends that DFAT establish a free call service for callers to the Consular Branch from within Australia. (Paragraph 5.132)

Recommendation 11:

The Committee recommends that the Department should continue, with the travel industry, to highlight the need for adequate insurance cover for travellers. (Paragraph 5.139)

Recommendation 12:

Accordingly, the Committee recommends that DFAT should negotiate with State and Territory Governments and with the Coroners to make arrangements for grieving or distressed families in their respective States and Territories to have access to their counselling services. DFAT should also maintain a list of private counsellors to provide to families. (Paragraph 5.156)

Recommendation 13:

The Committee recommends that the Department should institute a formal counselling program of consular officers as soon as possible.

(Paragraph 5.159)

Recommendation 14:

The Committee recommends that, where necessary, the mission should continue the practice of obtaining legal opinion from local lawyers if it believes that an Australian has not been given due process, has been or may be subject to cruel punishment in international human rights terms or has been subject to discrimination on nationality grounds. (Paragraph 6.55)

Recommendation 15:

The Committee recommends that Australian posts overseas take steps to ensure that, as far as practicable, the lawyers included on lists provided to Australians in need of legal advice are reputable. Where applicable, the jurisdictions in which each lawyer can practice should be shown. (Paragraph 6.61)

Recommendation 16:

However, in the case of Australian victims of crime and those facing serious charges in overseas jurisdictions, the Committee recommends that DFAT provide them with translator and interpreter services. (Paragraph 6.65)

Recommendation 17:

The Committee recommends that in the case of the victims of crimes special consideration should be given to ensure that they have access to adequate legal representation, if required, in a foreign jurisdiction, that travelling and in country expenses be provided if these are not met by the foreign government and that funding for these services be provided under the Special Circumstances (Overseas) Scheme. (Paragraph 6.81)

Recommendation 18:

The Committee recommends that the Attorney-General seek the co-operation of the States and Territories to implement the arrangements necessary for the introduction of the international prisoner transfer scheme. (Paragraph 6.123)

Recommendation 19:

The Committee recommends that the Attorney-General's Department ensure that appropriate consular officers are advised when an Australian national is to be extradited to a foreign jurisdiction and that the person being extradited be informed of the assistance that may be provided by Australian consular officials to persons in gaol overseas. (Paragraph 6.134)

Recommendation 20:

The Committee recommends that, given Khmer Rouge General Paet's central role in the whole David Wilson hostage crisis including the death of the hostages, the Australian Government should take the strongest possible action at an international level should he be captured or defect and not be brought to trial for the death of the hostages. (Paragraph 7.132)

Recommendation 21:

The Committee therefore recommends that the provision of information to families, in such distressing circumstances, be a high priority for DFAT and any mission abroad. (Paragraph 7.141)

Recommendation 22:

The Committee recommends that, in any future hostage crisis or similar event, DFAT provide guidance to the media rather than ignore the media. The Department should also explain its media strategy to a hostage's family. (Paragraph 7.177)

Recommendation 23:

The Committee recommends also that Australia continue to urge regional countries to accede to The Hague Convention. (Paragraph 9.54.)

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