Australia's Defence Cooperation with its Neighbours in the Asian-Pacific Region

Australia's Defence Cooperation with its Neighbours in the Asian-Pacific Region


ISBN 0 644 03720 2

© Commonwealth of Australia 1984

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View the report as a single document - (PDF format) - 10,969KB

View the report as separate downloadable parts:


Chapter 1 - Introduction - (PDF format)
Purpose of the Inquiry
Approach Taken
Organisation of the Report
Evidence Received

Chapter 2 - The Purpose of the Defence Co-Operation Program - (PDF format)
National Security Interest
Round out and Advance Bilateral Relationships in which Defence Links form a Part of Friendly and Co-operative Association with other Countries
Promote Political Stability and Economic Growth in the Region through Civil Aid Projects Under the Defence Co-operative Program
Foster Friendly Attitudes Towards Australia

Chapter 3 - Defence Forces of South East Asia - (PDF format)
Force Structure Requirements
Strategic Context
Insurgency Groups
Military Capabilites of Countries in South East Asia

Chapter 4 - Overview of Security in the South Pacific - (PDF format)
A Nuclear-free Zone in the South Pacific
Access to Regional Resources
Collective Self-Reliance

Chapter 5 - Defence Forces in the South Pacific - (PDF format)
Papua New Guinea
New Caledonia
Solomon Islands
South Pacific Countries

Chapter 6 - Defence Co-operation Program by Countries - (PDF format)
South East Asia
Papua New Guinea
South Pacific
Solomon Islands
Western Samoa
Other Countres (other than the South Pacific and ASEAN)

Chapter 7 - The Defence Co-operatin Program - Issues of Contention - (PDF format)
Purposes and Objectives
Regional Progress and Australia's Strategic Interests
The Defence Co-operation Program and Civil Projects
Aid and Trade
What type of Defence Assistance
Parliamentary Scrutiny of the Program
The Indian Ocean
General Conclusion

Appendixes - (PDF format)

Appendix 1 Defence Co-operation Program Assistance to ASEAN Countries
Appendix 2 Defence Co-operation Program Assistance to PNG and the South West Pacific
Appendix 3 Australian Advisers on Loan as at 31 March 1983
Appendix 4 Joint Statement by Prime Minister on the Defence Relationship between Papua New Guinea and Australia
Appendix 5 Trainees and Study Visitors to Australia under the Defence Co-operation Program, by Country
Appendix 6 Dissection of Defence Co-operation Program, by Country
Appendix 7 Individuals and Organisations who made Written Submission to the Committee
Appendix 8 Individuals and Organisations who Appeared before the Committee at Public Hearings