Appendix 2

Public Hearings

Wednesday, 5 August 2020
Committee room 2S1
Parliament House
Michael West Media - via teleconference
Associate Professor Michael West, Founder
Centre for International Corporate Tax Accountability & Research (CICTAR) - via videoconference
Mr Jason Ward, Principal Analyst
Australian Taxation Office - via videoconference
Mr Jeremy Hirschhorn, Second Commissioner, Client Engagement
Ms Rebecca Saint, Acting Deputy Commissioner, Public Groups
Department of Finance - via teleconference
Dr Stein Helgeby, Deputy Secretary, Governance and Resource Management
Mr Rod Schreiber, Acting First Assistant Secretary, Productivity and Business Improvement Division, Governance & Resource Management
Mr Andrew Danks, Acting First Assistant Secretary, Procurement and Insurance Division, Commercial and Government Services
The Treasury
Mr Paul McCullough, Division Head, Corporate and International Tax Division, Revenue Group
Mr Greg Wood, Manager, Corporate and International Tax Division, Revenue Group

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About this inquiry

The bill proposes amendments to the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 to reform the Commonwealth Procurement Rules to place greater knowledge and transparency arrangements on government agencies entering into contracts with companies that are, or have related entities, domiciled in recognised tax havens. The bill would also introduce similar measures into the arrangements for the provision of grants by Commonwealth entities.

Past Public Hearings

05 Aug 2020: Canberra