Appendix 2

Public hearings and witnesses

Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Parliament House
Vinyl Council of Australia
Ms Sophi MacMillan, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Jan van de Graaff, Product Stewardship Manager
Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO)
Ms Brooke Donnelly, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Peter Brisbane, Government Partnership Manager
Surfrider Foundation Australia
Ms Susie Crick, Chair
Sea Shepherd Australia
Ms Marina Hansen, Marine Debris Campaign Coordinator
National Waste Recycling Industry Council (NWRIC)
Ms Rose Read, Chief Executive Officer
Australian Council of Recycling (ACOR)
Mr Pete Schmigel, Chief Executive Officer
Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association (WMRR)
Ms Gayle Sloan, Chief Executive Officer
WWF Australia
Ms Katinka Day, No Plastic in Nature Policy Manager
Plastic Free Foundation
Ms Rebecca Prince-Ruiz, Founder and Executive Director
Boomerang Alliance
Mr Jeff Angel, Executive Director
Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
Mr Jason Mundy, First Assistant Secretary, Environment Protection Division
Mr Matthew Ryan, Assistant Secretary, Waste Action Plan & Modernisation Branch
Ms Rachel Burgess, Assistant Secretary, Waste Policy & Reform Branch
Monday, 24 August 2020
Parliament House
Woolworths Group
Mr Adrian Cullen, Head of Sustainability
Mr Peter Bruce, Head of Woolworths 360
Mr Christopher Lane, Manager Government Relations - Sustainability

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About this inquiry

The Bill establishes a mandatory product stewardship scheme for manufacturers, importers and distributors of consumer packaging and certain single-use plastics; and prescribes targets, prohibitions, design requirements, labelling requirements, and financial contributions in relation to packaging and products identified under the scheme.

Past Public Hearings

24 Aug 2020: Canberra
29 Jul 2020: Canberra
19 Mar 2020: Postponed