Report on matters referred to the Environent and Communications References Committee in the 45th Parliament

23 July 2019

© Commonwealth of Australia 2019

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The Senate Environment and Communications References Committee met on 4 July 2019 and considered two references not disposed of at the end of the 45th Parliament. The committee resolved to recommend to the Senate that the following inquiries of the 45th Parliament be re-adopted with their terms of reference unchanged:

  • Inquiry into Australia's faunal extinction crisis, with a reporting date of 13 November 2019; and
  • Inquiry into the Impact of feral deer, pigs and goats in Australia, with a reporting date of 17 September 2019.

The committee also resolved to recommend to the Senate that, in respect of each of these matters, the committee have the power to consider and use the records of the Senate Environment and Communications References Committee appointed in the previous parliament.

Senator Janet Rice

4 July 2019

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526