Submissions received

Inquiry into the extent and economic impact of salinity

Submissions received

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Sub No.  
1 Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (PDF 28KB)
2 Hunter-Central Rivers Catchment Management Authority (PDF 1753KB)
3 Mr Rob Cordover (PDF 16KB)
4 Pastoralists and Graziers Association of Western Australia (PDF 40KB)
5 Grains Research and Development Corporation (PDF 524KB)
6 Northern Agricultural Catchments Council (PDF 21KB)
6A Northern Agricultural Catchments Council (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 68KB)
7 Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority (PDF 33KB)
8 Local Government Association of Queensland Inc (PDF 1801KB)
9 Central West Catchment Management Authority (PDF 41KB)
10 Mr Robert Vincin (PDF 266KB)
10A Mr Robert Vincin (PDF 42KB)
11 Conservation Council of Western Australia (PDF 103KB)
12 Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Authority (PDF 1065KB)
13 Australian Local Government Association (PDF 38KB)
14 ACT Government (PDF 864KB)
16 Greening Australia Ltd (PDF 32KB)
17 Centre for Salinity Assessment and Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, University of Sydney (PDF 26KB)
18 CRC for Plant-based Management of Dryland Salinity, University of Western Australia (PDF 390KB)
19 Australian Conservation Foundation (PDF 423KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 1045KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 28KB); Attachment 3 (PDF 215KB)
20 Government of South Australia (PDF 5773KB)
20A Government of South Australia (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 947KB)
20B Government of South Australia (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 275KB); Attachment 4 (PDF 1436KB); Attachments 1, 2, 3 & 5 available from the Secretariat in hard copy
21 Murray-Darling Basin Commission (PDF 6336KB)
22 NSW Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources (PDF 129KB)
23 Water for Australia (PDF 143KB)
23A Water for Australia (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 31154KB)
23B Water for Australia (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 2773KB); Attachment of cost estimates is available in hard copy only from the Secretariat
24 Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and Department of the Environment and Heritage (PDF 193KB); Attachment A (PDF 57KB); Attachment B (PDF 48KB); Attachment C (PDF 24KB); Attachment D (PDF 13KB);  Attachment E (PDF 49710KB); Attachment F (PDF 35KB); Attachment G (PDF 106KB); Attachment H (PDF 63KB); Attachment I (PDF 383KB)
24A Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and Department of the Environment and Heritage (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 2915KB)
25 Namoi Catchment Management Authority (PDF 1038KB)
25A Namoi Catchment Management Authority (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 711KB)
26 Land and Water Australia (PDF 189KB);  Attachment 1 (PDF 151KB);  Attachment 2 (PDF 289KB)
27 South Coast Regional Initiative Planning Team Inc, WA  (PDF 64KB)
28 Mr Rod Johnson, SA  (PDF 71KB)
29 NRM South (PDF 50KB)
30 Burnett Mary Regional Group for Natural Resource Management (PDF 918KB)
31 Vogelsang & Partners (PDF 642KB)
32 Ms Josie Jackson (PDF 103KB)
33 Mrs Susan Prosser (PDF 22KB)
33A Mrs Susan Prosser (PDF 1007KB); Attachments available in hard copy from Secretariat
34 Mr W (Bill) Hayward (PDF 1268KB)
34A Mr W (Bill) Hayward (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 480KB)
35 Mr Patrick Ross and Ms Pip Rasenberg (PDF 29KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 39KB)
35A Ms Pip Rasenberg - Report of Prof. David Mitchell (PDF 266KB)
36 Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (PDF 826KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 3949KB)
37 Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils Ltd (PDF 4558KB)
37A Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils Ltd (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 145KB)
38 Mr Frank Burden (PDF 620KB)
38A Mr Frank Burden (PDF 1605KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 90KB); Attachment 2 (PDF 2007KB)
39 North Central Catchment Management Authority (PDF 1341KB)
40 Saltland Pastures Association (PDF 304KB)
41 The Western Australian Farmers Federation (PDF 38KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 36KB)
42 Avon Catchment Council (PDF 21KB)
43 Coalition of Concerned Landholders (PDF 1635KB)
44 Mr John Dunne, Wheatbelt Catchment Alliance of Western Australia:
Pt 1 (PDF 166KB); Pt 2 (PDF 426KB); Pt 3 (PDF 273KB); Pt 4 (PDF 452KB)
45 River Murray Catchment Water Management Board (PDF 134KB)
46 Centre for Natural Resource Management, SA Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation (PDF 285KB)
47 Australian Building Codes Board (PDF 13362KB)
48 Dr Petrina Quinn, Central Riverina Landcare Network & Murrumbidgee Landcare Association (PDF 60KB)
49 Environmental Research & Information Consortium (PDF 76KB)
50 Lachlan Catchment Management Authority (PDF 540KB)

Correspondence Received

For further information or to obtain hard copies, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818