Public Hearings
Melbourne, Monday 18 May 2015
Committee Members in attendance: Senators Lines,
McKenzie, O'Neill, Rice
CAMPBELL, Mr Michael, Deputy Fair Work Ombudsman,
Operations, Fair Work Ombudsman
DUNN, Mr Ian, Head of Trade Relations, Woolworths Limited
HUANG, Ms Sherry, Previous Worker and Current Union
Organiser, National Union of Workers
JAMES, Ms Natalie, Fair Work Ombudsman, Fair Work Ombudsman
MARDIROSSIAN, Ms Armineh, Group Manager, Corporate
Responsibility, Community and Sustainability, Woolworths Limited
O'SHEA, Mr Tom, Executive Director, Policy, Media and
Communications, Fair Work Ombudsman
ROBERTSON, Mr George, Union Organiser, National Union of
Workers YAO, Ms Lin Pei (Winnie), Worker, National Union of Workers
Brisbane, 12 June 2015
Committee Members in attendance: Senators Lines,
McKenzie, O'Neill
BRUNJES, Mr Frederick, Shed Secretary, Australasian Meat
Industry Employees Union
EARLE, Mr Warren, Branch Organiser, Australasian Meat
Industry Employees Union
FAIRWEATHER, Mr David, Tastensee Farms
JOURNEAUX, Mr Matthew, Assistant Branch Secretary, Australasian
Meat Industry Employees Union
McLAUCHLAN, Mr Ian, Branch Organiser, Australasian Meat
Industry Employees Union
McLENNAN, Ms Ros, Assistant General Secretary, Queensland
Council of Unions
MOGG, Ms Donna, Commercial Services Manager, Growcom
MONAGHAN, Mr Ron, General Secretary, Queensland Council of
MORTON, Mrs Jane, Isolated Children's Parents' Association
WELLS, Mrs Laura, Tastensee Farms
Melbourne, 19 June 2015
Committee Members in attendance: Senators Lines,
McKenzie, Peris, Rice, Sinodinos
ALFERAZ, Mrs Dely, Registered Nurse, Australian Nursing and
Midwifery Federation
BLAKE, Mr Nicholas, Senior Industrial Officer, Australian
Nursing and Midwifery Federation
BOYD, Mr Matthew Gregory, Branch Organiser, Electrical Trades
BUTLER, Ms Annie, Assistant National Secretary, Australian
Nursing and Midwifery Federation
CONWAY, Mrs Ann, People and Performance Manager, Hazeldene's
Chicken Farm
FERRERAS, Mr Reni, Registered Nurse, Australian Nursing and
Midwifery Federation
GRIMA, Mrs Pauline, Industrial Relations Specialist,
Hazeldene's Chicken Farm
KERR, Ms Deborah, General Manager, Policy, Australian Pork
KERSHAW, Ms Ruth, Research Consultant, Victorian Branch,
Electrical Trades Union
MARES, Mr Peter, Private capacity
SCOTT, Mr Ian, Senior Lawyer, Job Watch
Sydney, 26 June 2015
Members in attendance: Senators Lines, McKenzie, O'Neill, Peris,
BRITNELL, Mrs Roma, Chair, Markets Trade and Value Chain
Policy Advisory Group, Australian Dairy Farmers Ltd.
CHANG, Miss Chiung-Yun, Private capacity
COURTNEY, Mr Grant, Branch Secretary, Newcastle and Northern
NSW Branch, Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union
CURTAIN, Mr Dave, Organiser, Construction, Forestry, Mining
and Energy Union DE CASTRO, Mr Edwin, Member, Construction, Forestry, Mining
and Energy Union
GAETA, Mr Guy, Private capacity
GEARY, Mr Luke, Managing Partner, Salvos Legal, The
Salvation Army
KEARNEY, Ms Gerardine, President, Australian Council of
Trade Unions
KWAN, Miss Chi Ying, Private capacity
LOEVE, Mr Benjamin, Private capacity
McKINNON, Ms Sarah, Manager Workplace Relations and Legal
Affairs, National Farmers' Federation
MOORE, Ms Heather, Advocacy Coordinator, The Freedom
Partnership to End Modern Slavery, The Salvation Army
ROACH, Mr Justin, Private capacity
SHIPSTONE, Mr Tim, Industrial Officer, Australian Council of
Trade Unions
TAM, Mr Hoi Ian, International Liaison Officer, Newcastle
and Northern NSW Branch, Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union
WONG, Mr Chun Yat, Private capacity
Perth, 10 July 2015
Committee Members in attendance: Senators Johnston,
Lines, Rice
HEFFERNAN, Mrs Felicity, Humanitarian Lawyer, Australian
Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans
KEATING, Mr Dean, Vice President, Cairde Sinn Fein Australia
ROBINSON, Mr Paul, Branch Secretary, Australian Rail, Tram
and Bus Industry Union of Employees, West Australian Branch
SMITH, Ms Jessica Caroline, Senior Solicitor, Employment Law
Centre of Western Australia (Inc)
VANKESSEL, Sister Lucy Susan, Coordinator, Australian
Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans
WHITTLE, Mr Owen, Assistant Secretary, UnionsWA
Adelaide, 14 July 2015
Committee Members in attendance: Senators Lines,
McKenzie, O'Neill, Rice, Sinodinos
ANDERSON, Miss Sharra, Branch Secretary, AMIEU South and
Western Australia Branch
BON, Ms Vicki, Government and Industry Relations Manager,
CAMPBELL, Mr Michael, Deputy Fair Work Ombudsman,
Operations, Fair Work Ombudsman
CURRIE, Ms Andrea, Policy and Brand Standards Manager, Coles
HOWE, Dr Joanna, Private capacity
JAMES, Ms Natalie, Fair Work Ombudsman, Fair Work Ombudsman
MITCHEL, Mr Greg, Member, AMIEU South and Western Australia
Branch O'SHEA, Mr Tom, Executive Director, Policy, Media and Communications,
Fair Work Ombudsman
SMEDLEY, Mr Brian, Chief Executive, South Australian Wine
Industry Association
Canberra, 17 July 2015
Committee Members in attendance: Senators Lines,
McKenzie, Rice
BERG, Dr Laurie, Member, Human Rights Council of Australia
CHAN, Ms Angela, National President, Migration Institute of
CHOWDHURY, Mrs Rita, Vice-Chair, Migration Law Committee,
Law Council of Australia
DUNN, Mr Matthew, Director, Policy, Law Council of Australia
FURNELL, Ms Peta, Acting Deputy Secretary, Department of
Education and Training
INNES, Ms Helen, Acting Group Manager, Economic Strategy
Group, Department of Employment
LAMBERT, Ms Jenny, Director, Employment, Education and
Training, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
MURRAY, Mr Bernard, Owner, Murray Free Range
MURRAY, Mrs Kerry, Owner, Murray Free Range
NAYLOR, Mr Andrew, Chairperson, Human Rights Council of
NOCKELS, Mr David, Commander, Immigration and Customs
Enforcement Branch, Investigations Division, Border Operations Group,
Australian Border Force
PARCELL, Mr Wayne, Director, Migration Institute of
PARKER, Ms Sandra, Acting Secretary, Department of
SHERRELL, Mr Henry, Policy Analyst, Migration Council of
WALLACE, Mrs Elizabeth Mary, Human Resources, Compliance and
Feed Purchasing, Windridge Farms
WILDEN, Mr David, Acting Deputy Secretary, Department of
Immigration and Border Protection
WILSHIRE, Ms Carla, Chief Executive Officer, Migration
Council of Australia
Melbourne, 24 September 2015
Committee Members in attendance: Senators Lines,
McKenzie, O'Neill, Peris, Rice
ALAWALA, Mr Pranay Krishna, Private capacity
CAMPBELL, Mr Michael, Deputy Fair Work Ombudsman, Fair Work
DALBO, Ms Natalie, General Manager Operations, 7-Eleven
Stores Pty Ltd
DWYER, Mr Gerard, National Secretary and Treasurer, Shop,
Distributive and Allied Employees Association
FRASER, Mr Michael, Private capacity
HARDY, Dr Tess, Private capacity
JAMES, Ms Natalie, Fair Work Ombudsman, Fair Work Ombudsman
O'SHEA, Mr Tom, Executive Director, Policy, Media and Communications,
Fair Work Ombudsman
PATIL, Mr Rahul, Private capacity
SANGAREDDYPETA, Mr Nikhil Kumar, Private Capacity
THAM, Associate Professor Joo-Cheong, Private capacity
ULLAT THODI, Mr Mohamed Rashid, Private capacity
WASEEM, Mr Ussama, Private capacity
WEBSTER, Ms Janine, Chief Counsel, Fair Work Ombudsman
WILMOT, Mr Warren, Chief Executive Officer, 7-Eleven Stores
Pty Ltd
WITHERS, Mr Russell, Chairman, 7-Eleven Stores Pty Ltd
Melbourne, 20 November 2015
Committee Members in attendance: Senators Lines, McKenzie,
O'Neill, Rice
COUSINS, Dr David Charles, Panel Member, Independent
Franchisee Review and Staff Claims Panel
DE BRITT, Mr Kym Anthony, General Manager, Franchise Council
of Australia
HENNESSY, Ms Siobhan Armagh, Partner, Deloitte
McKENNA, Miss Emmaline Rose, Private capacity
O'DONNEL, Mr Sean, Director and Franchising Legal
Professional, Franchise Council of Australia
ONLEY, Mr Grant Charles, Human Resources Manager, Baiada
Poultry Pty Ltd
PAUL, Mr Michael, Chairman and Franchisor, Franchise Council
of Australia
WILSON-BROWN, Mrs Traci Michele, Office Manager, Willing
Workers on Organic Farms Pty Ltd
Canberra, 5 February 2016
Members in attendance: Senators
Lines, McKenzie, O'Neill, Peris, Rice
BAILY, Mr Robert Francis, Chief Executive Officer, 7-Eleven
Stores Pty Ltd
CAMPBELL, Mr Michael, Deputy Fair Work Ombudsman,
Operations, Fair Work Ombudsman
COUSINS, Professor David, Fels Wage Fairness Panel
FELS, Professor Allan, Chair, Fels Wage Fairness Panel
HENNESSY, Ms Siobhan, Fels Wage Fairness Panel
JAMES, Ms Natalie, Fair Work Ombudsman, Fair Work Ombudsman
MAHAR, Mr Tony, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, National
Farmers' Federation
O'SHEA, Mr Tom, Executive Director, Policy, Media and Communications,
Fair Work Ombudsman
SMITH, Mr Michael John, Chairman, 7-Eleven Australia PL
WEBSTER, Ms Janine, Chief Counsel, Fair Work Ombudsman
WITHERS, Mr Russell George, Shareholder, 7-Eleven Stores Pty
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