Submissions received by the Committee

Inquiry into Industry Skills Councils

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1ACT Department of Education and Training (Tertiary and International Education) (PDF 3948KB) 
2Name Withheld (PDF 38KB) 
3SkillsDMC (PDF 653KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1341KB) 
4Timber Queensland Limited (PDF 43KB) 
5Otway Community College (PDF 43KB) 
6Kimberly-Clark Millicent Mill (PDF 67KB) 
7Industry Skills Councils (PDF 269KB) 
8Mr Lloyd Driscoll PNA (PDF 136KB) 
9Name Withheld (PDF 30KB) 
10SCA Hygiene Australasia (PDF 24KB) 
11Carter Holt Harvey Woodproducts Australia Pty Ltd  (PDF 382KB) 
12Dr Robert Dalitz (PDF 41KB) 
13Tasmanian Forest Contractors Association  (PDF 23KB) 
14Primary Industries Training Advisory Council (NT) Inc (PDF 41KB) 
15Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council (PDF 2545KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1241KB) Attachment 2(PDF 189KB) Attachment 3(PDF 480KB) Attachment 4(PDF 914KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 68KB) 
16Government of Western Australia, Department of Education (PDF 369KB) 
17Forests and Forest Industry Council (PDF 76KB) 
18Timber Merchants Association (Victoria) (PDF 3943KB) 
19ForestWorks (PDF 645KB) 
21Forestry and Furnishing Products Division, CFMEU (PDF 43KB) 
22Timber and Building Materials Association (Aust.) Ltd (PDF 27KB) 
23Victorian Forest Contractors Association (PDF 53KB) 
24Forest Industry Council (PDF 60KB) 
25Australian Forest Contractors Association Ltd (PDF 42KB) 
26Forest Industries Federation (WA) Inc (PDF 2409KB) 
27Software Publications Pty Ltd (PDF 300KB) 
28Name Withheld (PDF 62KB) 
29Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council (PDF 196KB) Attachment 1(PDF 94KB) Attachment 2(PDF 319KB) 
30Transport and Logistics Industry Skills Council (PDF 104KB) 
31IBSA Education Sector Advisory Committee (PDF 795KB) 
32Department of Defence (PDF 290KB) 
33Forestry Tasmania (PDF 19KB) 
34Civil Contractors Federation (PDF 83KB) 
35VicForests  (PDF 55KB) 
36Construction Industry Training Advisory Board NSW (PDF 4013KB) 
37National Farmers' Federation (PDF 96KB) 
38Printing Industries Association of Australia (PDF 54KB) 
39C.Y. O'Connor College of TAFE (PDF 2781KB) 
40Service Skills Australia (PDF 1203KB) 
41Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council (PDF 116KB) 
42Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PDF 210KB) 
43The Institution of Surveyors NSW Inc  (PDF 132KB) 
44Australian Industry Group (PDF 50KB) 
45Building Industry Consultative Council Industry Advisory Body (PDF 153KB) 
46Appita (PDF 42KB) 
47Professions Australia (PDF 73KB) 
48TAFE Directors Australia (PDF 53KB) 
49Furnishing Industry Training Advisory Committee (PDF 30KB) 
50EE-Oz Training Standards (PDF 139KB) 
51NSW Aboriginal Land Council (PDF 179KB) Attachment 1(PDF 387KB) Attachment 2(PDF 703KB) Attachment 3(PDF 295KB) 
52Qantas Airways  (PDF 50KB) 
53Skills Tasmania (PDF 627KB) 
54Queensland Tourism Industry Council  (PDF 626KB) 
55Motor Trades Association of Australia (PDF 1736KB) 
56Queensland Automotive Skills Alliance  (PDF 412KB) 
57Australian Dental Association Inc. (PDF 1211KB) 
58Universities Australia (PDF 60KB) 
59NSWALC Northern Region Forum Technical Resource Unit (PDF 113KB) 
60NSW Public Sector Industry Training Advisory Body (PDF 253KB) 
61Equine Dental Association of Australia Inc. (PDF 2259KB) Attachment 1(Confidential) 
62Restaurant and Catering Australia (PDF 714KB) 
63Maritime Union of Australia (PDF 98KB) 
64Housing Industry Association (PDF 93KB) 
65Primary Industries Skills Council SA (Inc) (PDF 32KB) 
66Minerals Council of Australia (PDF 135KB) 
67TAFE NSW – North Coast Institute (PDF 59KB) 
68Australian Hotels Association (PDF 204KB) 
69Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) (PDF 64KB) 
70IBSA Cultural and Creative Industries Sector Advisory Committee (PDF 12KB) 
71Creative Industries Skills Council (PDF 560KB) 
72Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (PDF 163KB) 
73Professor Erica Smith (PDF 1501KB) 
74Mr Jeff Norton (PDF 112KB) 
75TAFE NSW - North Coast Institute (PDF 30KB) 
76Victorian Food Industry Training Board (PDF 108KB) 
77Recognition Australia  (PDF 266KB) 
78Government Skills Australia (PDF 134KB) 
79National Centre for Vocational Education Research (PDF 97KB) 
80Council of Rural Research and Development Corporations (PDF 255KB) 
81Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (PDF 284KB) 
82Air Conditioning and Mechanical Contractor's Association (PDF 249KB) 
83ACT Regional Building and Construction Industry Training Council (PDF 1790KB) 
84Manufacturing Skills Australia (PDF 791KB) 
85Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PDF 330KB) 
86Name Withheld (PDF 43KB) 
87Australian Institute of Management (PDF 1644KB) 
88National Quality Council  (PDF 309KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 291KB) 
89AgriFood Skills Australia  (PDF 287KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 86KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 129KB) 
90Name Withheld (PDF 50KB) 
91Australian Racing Board Limited (PDF 275KB) 
92Lindsay Park Racing (PDF 11102KB) 
93Racing Queensland Ltd (PDF 893KB) 
94NSW Department of Education and Training (PDF 947KB) 
95CEPU - Electrical, Energy and Services Division (PDF 188KB) 
96FutureStaff (PDF 45KB) Attachment 1(PDF 65KB) 
97Tasracing (PDF 457KB) 
98Australian Automotive Industry Association (PDF 4595KB) 
99Australian Computer Society (PDF 287KB) 
100Mr Roy Palmer (PDF 31KB) 
101National Transport Commission (PDF 852KB) 
102Australian Veterinary Association (PDF 54KB) 
103Victorian Assocation of Forest Industries (PDF 842KB) 
104Western Australian Government (PDF 2346KB) 
105Engineers Australia and Consult Australia  (PDF 83KB) 
106Construction Industry Training Board (PDF 986KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 600KB) 
107Australasian Association for Equine Dentistry Inc (PDF 69KB) Attachment 1(Confidential) Attachment 2(Confidential) Attachment 3(Confidential) Attachment 4(PDF 99KB) Attachment 5(Confidential) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 115KB) 
108Bus Industry Confederation (PDF 790KB) 
109Skills Australia (PDF 338KB) 
110Australian Institute of Management  (PDF 17KB) 
111Redlaunch (PDF 141KB) Attachment 1(PDF 137KB) Attachment 2(PDF 80KB) Attachment 3(PDF 1251KB) 
112Queensland Government  (PDF 8189KB) 
113FTH Skills Council (PDF 31KB) 
114Mr Ian Grant, TAFE SA (PDF 19KB) 
115National Electrical and Communications Association (PDF 61KB) 
116Council for Dance Educators Ltd (PDF 218KB) 
117Name Withheld (PDF 19KB) 
118Sustainable Energy Association of Australia (PDF 377KB) 
119Business Skills Victoria (PDF 10KB) 

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Committees
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3521
Fax:+61 2 6277 5706