Submissions received by the Committee as at 7 June 2010

Inquiry into Plain Tobacco Packaging (Removing Branding from Cigarette Packs) Bill 2009

Submissions received by the Committee as at 7 June 2010

Sub No. Submitter  
1 Economiesuisse (PDF 1023KB)
2 Such MP, Hon Dr Bob (PDF 821KB)
3 Service Station Association Ltd (PDF 57KB)
4 Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy, International Chamber of Commerce (PDF 205KB)

5 Australian Medical Association (AMA) (PDF 38KB)
6 Free Choices Stores (PDF 1828KB)
7 The Tobacco Station Group (TSG) (PDF 36KB)

IGA National Board
Submission covering letter (PDF 57KB)

(PDF 164KB)

9 The Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia (PDF 136KB)
10 The Washington Legal Foundation (PDF 130KB)
11 Directorate Bilateral Cooperation, Ministry of Trade, Republic of Indonesia (PDF 8KB)
12 The Independent Retailers Organisation (PDF 93KB)
13 National Foreign Trade Council, Inc. (PDF 34KB)

Action on Smoking and Health UK
Attachment 1 (PDF 328KB)

(PDF 66KB)

15 American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) (PDF 76KB)

Australasian Association of Convenience Stores (AACS)
Attachment 1 (PDF 47KB) Attachment 2 (PDF 290KB)

(PDF 151KB)


Cancer Council Australia and National Heart Foundation of Australia
Attachment 1 (PDF 233KB) Attachment 2 (PDF 1101KB)
Attachment 3 (PDF 176KB)

(PDF 154KB)

18 Coles (PDF 7263KB)
19 APCO Service Stations Pty Ltd. (PDF 51KB)
20 International Trademark Association (INTA) (PDF 219KB)

Non-Smokers' Rights Association
Submission covering letter (PDF 867KB)

(PDF 468KB)

22 Property Rights Alliance (PDF 148KB)

Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada
Attachment 1 (PDF 1240KB) Attachment 2 (PDF 5978KB)

(PDF 112KB)

24 Action on Smoking and Health Australia (PDF 39KB)
25 Tasmanian Independent Retailers (PDF 2704KB)
26 AA Holdings Pty Ltd (PDF 116KB)
27 State Retailers Association of South Australia Inc (PDF 31KB)
28 Master Grocers Australia (PDF 285KB)
29 The Retail Confectionery and Mixed Business Association Inc (CAMBA) (PDF 17KB)
30 Non- Smokers' Movement of Australia Inc (PDF 14KB)
31 US-ASEAN Business Council (PDF 42KB)
32 National Association of Manufacturers (PDF 33KB)
33 U.S. Chamber of Commerce (PDF 197KB)
34 Amcor Limited (PDF 81KB)
35 Lawn, Dr Sharon (PDF 50KB)
36 National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia Pty Ltd (PDF 32KB)
37 Australian Newsagents' Federation Limited (PDF 48KB)
38 Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) (PDF 673KB)
39 Brooks Maher (PDF 49KB)

WA Tobacco Document Searching Program (WATDSP)Attachment 1 (PDF 215KB) Attachment 2 (PDF 556KB)
Attachment 3 (PDF 2284KB)

(PDF 76KB)

41 Stuart Alexander (PDF 358KB)
42 Central Coast Cancer Advocacy Network (PDF 279KB)
43 Federation of Parents and Citizens' Associations of New South Wales (PDF 308KB)
44 Democracy Institute (PDF 409KB)

Philip Morris Limited
Attachment 1 (PDF 119KB) Attachment 2 (PDF 38KB)
Attachment 3 (PDF 177KB) Attachment 4 (PDF 204KB)

(PDF 239KB)

46 Bennett, Adjunct Professor Alan (PDF 136KB)
47 Council of Small Business of Australia (PDF 143KB)
48 Imperial Tobacco Australia Limited (PDF 1607KB)
49 Royal Australasian College of Physicians (PDF 68KB)
50 Central Coast Council of Parents and Citizens' Associations (CCCP&C) (PDF 92KB)
51 British American Tobacco Australia Australasia (PDF 117KB)
52 Institute of Public Affairs (PDF 281KB)
53 Australian Retailers Association (PDF 175KB)
54 Clear the Air, Anti-Tobacco Committee (PDF 205KB)
55 Borland, Professor Ron
Attachment 1 (PDF 335KB) Attachment 2 (PDF 628KB)
(PDF 10KB)
56 Joint Submission by Mr Rod Spencer and Mr Richard Janeczko (PDF 43KB)
57 Harper's FoodWorks (PDF 292KB)
58 Drake Supermarkets (PDF 328KB)

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515
Fax: +61 2 6277 5829