Integrity of Australia's border arrangements

December 2020

© Commonwealth of Australia 2020
ISBN: 978-1-76093-172-8

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List of Recommendations

Chapter 1—Introduction

  Referral and conduct of the inquiry
  Context of the inquiry
  Other parliamentary inquiries
  Report structure

Chapter 2—Australia's border and border management systems

  The Australian border
  Australia's border agencies
  Australia's border management system and institutions

Chapter 3—Challenges in establishing and maintaining border integrity

  Border crime and corruption vulnerabilities
  Identifying corruption vulnerabilities
  Security Identification Cards
  Inconsistencies between domestic and international airport security arrangements
  Organisational expansion and change
  Social capital
  Vulnerabilities in regional trading partners

Chapter 4—Enhancing border integrity

  ACLEI jurisdiction and capabilities
  Intelligence-led corruption detection – National Criminal Intelligence System
  Mechanisms for addressing corruption vulnerabilities in agencies and shared work environments
  Research: Corruption and serious or organised crime

Additional comments by Labor members

  The need for an independent and powerful national anti-corruption commission
  Operation Angove

Appendix 1—Submissions

Appendix 2—Public hearings and witnesses


Appendix 3—Site visits


Appendix 4—Additional documents

  Answers to questions on notice
  Tabled Documents
  Additional information

Appendix 5— Report on the visit of the Joint Committee on the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity to New Zealand and Vanuatu, December 2019

  New Zealand: 9–11 December
  Delegation program

Committee Secretariat contact:

Senior Clerk's Office
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3555