
Not without your approval: a way forward for nuclear technology in Australia

On Friday, 13 December 2019, the Committee presented its report on the - Inquiry into the prerequisites for nuclear energy in Australia.

© Commonwealth of Australia 2019 

ISBN 978-1-76092-043-2 (Printed version)

ISBN 978-1-76092-044-9 (HTML version)

View report as a single document - (PDF 2,314KB)

View report in hypertext markup language - (HTML)


View the report as separate downloadable chapters/appendices:

Preliminary pages
Foreword, Committee Membership, Terms of reference, List of recommendations, List of abbreviations
(PDF 213KB)
Chapter 1: The Report
(PDF 743KB)
Labor dissenting report
(PDF 253KB)
Independent dissenting report (PDF 453KB)
Appendix A: Summary of evidence (PDF 920KB)
Appendix B: Submissions (PDF 139KB)
Appendix C: Exhibits (PDF 94KB)
Appendix D: Public hearings (PDF 116KB)

Committee Secretariat contact:

PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 4580

About this inquiry

The Standing Committee on Environment and Energy will inquire and report on the prerequisites for nuclear energy in Australia.

Past Public Hearings

24 Oct 2019: Canberra
23 Oct 2019: Canberra
22 Oct 2019: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Inquiry completed


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